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The Truth About Time-Travelling Mystery Videos

How YouTubers Distort Facts And Deliver Trash Content

By PanteraPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Cover image on Pixabay (link at the bottom)

The moment YouTube removed the downvotes counter, all hell broke loose.

Low-effort videos that distort logic and reality appear to reach 10 million views, while YouTubers provide disinformation as proof of their lame arguments.

Low effort and skill and no research is the norm now.

Yes, a lot of content is absolute garbage, but perhaps because the narrator has a great voice or blue eyes captivate the audience, nobody cares about quality.

YouTube will promote garbage as long as the writers it selected to boost will be consistent in delivering new content.

Disinformation, inaccuracy, and irrational viewpoints are fine, as long as they align with the mainstream opinion. It just has to be YouTube-compliant, nothing radical, nothing out of the ordinary. A smooth voice and no other standards is all you need to begin a career as a YouTuber today.

I’ve had enough of YouTuber’s BS for a decade, and it only keeps getting worse.

This one is about Weird World, a lazy video creator with 616K subscribers who regards his audience as naive sheep.



I just finished watching what is possibly the worst video I’ve ever watched on YouTube by all metrics I can think of, but always in comparison to the number of views, this pile of crap has amassed.

This video miraculously received 10 million views, and frankly, I felt glad only 33k people liked it, as it was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had on YouTube.

I have to call out this video as it is, because YouTube encourages this crap instead of some incredible storytellers and content creators that get lost in the mainstream mud that YouTube promotes.

This video contains zero research, no logic, weak arguments, and a terrible approach by the content creator, who thinks his followers and viewers are sheep he can manipulate at will.

This guy just cut and pasted parts of other videos paraphrased other YouTubers and added even more inconsistencies he never cared to validate.

So, after this introduction, please engage with this video and judge it without considering my introduction.

Cause here it comes, the absolute garbage on YouTube.

10 Possible EVIDENCE OF TIME TRAVEL Throughout History, by Weird World

(Warning: The video displays a severe case of low intelligence. Click play:)

Paused immediately after the first few seconds:

“We’ve always questioned if killing baby Hitler would have changed the course of history for the better….” (Weird World)

Seriously, stop saying how you would go back in time to kill “baby” Hitler.

What is wrong with people? Even if you possessed god-like powers to travel in time, you DON’T HAVE to kill ANYONE, especially not a baby.

Are you mentally unstable to not realize the falsehood in this statement?

No infant is in a position to be evil. There are ten billion possibilities not to turn into a monstrous warmongering bloodthirsty dictator. Which psychopath thinks this is a normal thought to have?

Clearly, Weird World thinks so.

Anyway, moving on to the series of crap this useless content creator brought upon the internet, and how he announces this video with “possible real (???) evidence of time travel”….

Number 10: Woman Speaking On Mobile Phone

It is a habit for time travelers to travel to 1938 and talk on their mobile phones with other time travelers after their shift at the factory is over. And this on plain sight while nobody around them notices anything unusual is the fun part!

So, this is supposed to be a mobile communications device, and that woman is just talking to someone on the other end.

Alright, let’s assume this is the case here.

There are twenty people around her, walking next to her. Wouldn’t they notice her?

I remember the first users of mobile devices. They were the talk of the town. One guy was talking on his mobile device, and everyone around was pointing at him.

In any public place in the 90s, someone talking on his mobile used to attract the attention of anyone around.

I stop here and don’t care about Dupont or cell phone technology or how towers operate. Anyone watching this video without the opinion of the content creator wouldn’t notice anything unusual.

The fact that the video “doesn’t explain what she was holding up her face” as Weird World says, does not suggest this is a mobile phone. It could be a potato for all I care.

Number Nine: Time Traveller At a Football Game

Until this part, I didn’t have major objections to this content, and felt it might be watchable. How wrong was I!

With this part, the series of facepalms begin.

I strongly advise watching this video while in a peaceful state, as Weird World is seriously trying to prove his audience is incapable of critical thinking.

I watched all these videos before and researched them years ago, only to find out there is always an explanation (which the YouTubers fail to mention).

Still, NOBODY ever claimed this was a time traveler, since this is the most absurd perspective anyone can ever articulate.

A ghost? Maybe that’s how you can create a video with this story.

However, my brother in Christ Weird World, how does this shadow appears to be a freaking time traveler?

Does it point to the result of the match?

What makes you think this fiend came back from the future to haunt Uruguay’s football fans?

Seriously, Weird World, what were you thinking when you narrated this script?

That’s either a bird, or a bat, or a ghost running to the toilet. Who cares? There’s not even the slightest clue to suggest this was a time traveler.

Number Eight : The Mohawk Haircut


“The Mohawk haircut didn’t appear until the 1939 movie Drums Along The Mohawk, so my surprise that this photograph of this man with a mohawk haircut is from 1905” (Weird World)

That’s what he said!

I swear I missed it the first time I watched this clip. But the content creator goes on with more unbelievable quotes:

“This haircut only gained popularity in the 1970s, so how on earth did a man from 1905 choose such a futuristic hairline” (Weird World)

Of course, a time traveler would keep their mohawk upon visiting the past, as you know, time travelers are attention-seekers.

And, by default, they all wear a Mohawk.

Our guy, Weird World, didn’t even care to look up Wikipedia and find out this haircut first appeared thousands of years ago.

But that’s not all. He cites a 1935 film, but that same film (“Drums Along The Mohawk”) presented a story occurring in 1776 America!

Source: Wikipedia

While the Mohawks didn’t use the exact same hairstyle, they still shared a tradition that came to be known as the Mohawk hairstyle.

Moreover, it was a traditional haircut in many places around the world for millennia:

The hairstyle has been in existence in many parts of the world for millennia (Wikipedia)

It was common in parts of Europe like Scandinavia and Ukraine Cossaics.

Well, I guess it’s too much to ask for Weird World to google and not ask naive questions.

Number Seven: Time Travelling Hipster


Other YouTubers presented content based on this photograph with a convincing approach years before Weird World.

Let us rewind, though, and read again how Weird World explains this incident:

“Sunglasses weren’t around at that time….” (Weird World)

my comment

Here’s a 1930 model with side shields:


All the reasonable questions regarding the look, haircut, fashion, and camera this person holds are solvable.

The shirt logo belonged to Montreal Maroons, a hockey team in the 1940s.

Sunglasses existed in the forties. The haircut is not even anything special.

Weird World is making things up. Seems he just wanted to wrap up the video and move on to the next one. YouTube is paying him for garbage, so why bother with quality?

Number Six: Woman Talking On A Mobile Phone (A Second One)

Here, again it’s yet another video that proves nothing.

The woman seems like she is holding something and talking to someone. So, many YouTubers suggest she was a time traveler talking to a mobile phone publicly during a Charlie Chaplin movie recording.

Meanwhile, it appears that this was a Siemens hearing improvement device developed in the 1920s.

How can time travelers use mobile technology in the past anyway? Do they set up hundreds of cell phone towers around the cities they visit?

Moreover, I wonder why all these time travelers don’t use BlueTooth earbuds.

Number Five: Swiss Watch Found In Tomb

It appears that some folks discovered this miniature watch inside a Ming Dynasty Tomb in 2008.

From the video:

“It appears to show a time frozen at 10:06 and SWISS engraved on the back. Could this be a sign of future time travel?” (Weird World)

Why it has to be time travel? How can you make such a leap of faith, ignoring the hundreds of steps required to reach there? What kind of reasoning is this?

Swiss watches exist since the 14th century. Trade between Europe and China with the Silk Road was active until mid 15th century. Using safe trade routes merchants transported valuable goods.

Certainly, there could be Swiss watches too. Although, we haven’t seen images with the word “Swiss” engraved on the one in question. It also appears we can’t trace the date Swiss watchmakers produced the first ring watches. So the truth is somewhere there, but in all seriousness, the narrator seems disinterested in any facts.

Anyway, this is probably a hoax, as many scientists suggest. If it isn’t a hoax, these archeologists did a lousy job with their announcements and generated mass confusion.

This incident still appears unexplained as to how this ring got there.

Number Four: The 1800s Astronaut (or "How to destroy your credibility as a content creator")

Without considering that this astronaut sculpture was APPARENTLY a later addition, Weird World follows the path rest hoax promoters into hiding the facts.

The astronaut sculpture was added in 1992 during renovations at the Salamanca temple. So, there’s nothing mysterious here besides perhaps the church clerics who accepted this design.

There’s only deceptive content creators that reproduce false information here, but no mystery.

However, even if everything was as Weird World suggests how does this prove time travelers exist?

It would, most likely, mean aliens with short arms and round faces visited us in the 18th century.

“how on earth did they curve this spaceman with this suit looking exactly like today’s austronauts (Weird World wanders)”


Number 3: Ancient Man-Made Object

We are running out of titles with this one. Perhaps screw in a rock was not going to be bizarre enough.

This supposedly “mysterious prehistoric hi-tech artifact” gives us no indication time travel exists. These are random images circulating the web without clear explanation or reports by credible scientists.

How does it prove that time travel exists? Time travelers travelled 300 million years in the past and their Deloryan lost a screw?

It seems odd, but we only see one side of this rock, which makes everyone thing this is odd. It could be fossil of a now extint creature like these:


Or it could be a hoax like all those we’ve encountered for centuries by some people that only want to be popular.

During the video, the narrator keeps emphasizing words that look incompatible with logic. In this case, he does that with the word screw, previously did the same with the word mobile, like he is in some sort of a breakthrough.

With this emphasis, he only irritates his rational audience even more.

Number 2: Mysterious Time Traveler

There are no images, videos, or evidence of this story, as the story is fictional, and we can find everything on the internet.

Here Weird World tells us about an event in 1950 at Times Square, New York.

A man wearing 1800s clothing was hit and killed by a taxi while standing confused at an intersection.

The story goes on to tell us how:

“officials at a mall searched his body and found some copper coins, an 1876 letter, business cards with the name Rudolf Fenz, and other old documents” (Weird World)

Supposedly, this Rudolf Fenz had disappeared in 1876.

So, Weird World questions if that man that died at the Times Square intersection was a time traveler from the 19th century.

Well, here’s what happens with this story and how you can find out as I did:

  • i) Google Rudolf Fenz
  • ii) Click on the first link which should be Wikipedia (this link)
  • iii) Read the first line.

“Had Fenz traveled into the future by accident” (Weird World)

It takes less than 20 seconds to find out what happened.

Number 1: The Cape Scott Story


This is your number one? This photo is not even a top 50 in this category.

What about John Titor?

Did you even know this internet legend inspired one of the top anime series ever (Stein’s Gate)?

You did not even do the minimum research.

How much time did you spend researching time-travelers’ Weird World? No more than an hour. You just got ten random stories from other content creators, and that was it. You just copy-pasted and added your clueless opinion on the top.

Is this a joke? How do you consider yourself a mystery content creator or whatever you want to call yourself?

Have you given your best shot with this video clip?

Some content creators are striving to bring content with up-to-date information, visit and revisit links, check for references, do all the digging, and try to present solid answers with their work, and get nothing in return.

Yet your piece of crap gets 10 million views?

Talk about demotivation for any other content creator.

So many amazing content creators don’t get 1% of the chances you got, and you produce this crap?

To make things worse, here’s how Weird World presents this one:

“ That one man clearly looks out of place. This mysterious time-traveler (!!!) has longish hair and is wearing a grungy t-shirt and looks more like a Nirvana fan from the 1990s…” (Weird World)

Closing Thoughts

Did you know Stephen Hawking threw a party for time-travelers in 2009, but nobody showed up? That was because he sent the invitations the following day, proving time travel is not possible.

“I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible,” Hawking said.

“I sat there a long time, but no one came.”


YouTube preserves video creators like Weird World by removing the downvotes, as I’m pretty sure the downvotes number is higher than 100k.

Let us waste our time with low-quality, low-effort video clips just because that guy has a smooth voice.

Time travel is probably not possible. Sure, Einstein predicted wormholes, but Boltzmann also predicted brains spontaneously spawn from the void.

Rick and Morty barely touch the concept of time travel for a good reason.

Time travel is more like a reductio ad absurdum argument, even by Einstein’s standards, but it serves well Hollywood to consumerize the concept in science fiction.

None of this matters, though, after watching this crappy video clip by Weird World.

It all turns into a mass delusion since we do not need to research the topic, we don’t have to use logical arguments, but we can trust Weird World’s smooth voice and make that giant leap of faith into the abyss.

Calling this video "ridiculous" would be the understatement of the century.

Also Read

Originally Published at Medium (with my Ex Cathedra profile)

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