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The Top 10 Most Un-Christian Things Christians Do

I'm calling out all of Right Wing Conservative "Christians." Come to my TedTalk.

By Hope MartinPublished 4 months ago 26 min read
Created by Starry AI

It's time to offend some people. I say this with amusement and admittedly, a little spicey hint of GLEE. Because I'll be honest- as a Christian and God-loving southern woman surrounded by "Christians" in East Tennessee- my favorite hobby is ripping new holes and perspectives into people who do not meet MY standards of what a "good" Christian is.

I'm an honest person. And I'll be the first to admit - it doesn't make me popular. Funny enough the people who hate me most are the type of Christians I'm calling out today. But by the grace of God if I can help transform at least one "Not quite" Christian into a "real" Christian then I guess it's my calling to offend people.

Why is that my favorite hobby?

Because I am SICK AND TIRED of Bible-thumping Christians, giving me and my people (the REAL Christians) a bad name. I am so sick of "Christians" being the reason why my daughters are NOT SAFE in their own damn country.

I am sick and tired of "conservative Christians" being the reason why mine, my daughters, my family, my friends - Christian or not - have basic HUMAN RIGHTS being taken AWAY AND VIOLATED- like some sort of messed up manifestation of spiritual RAPE.

And I am sure as hell tired of fighting the stereotype and stigmas that you terrible pretend-to-be-a-good-person-of-God wannabes are making when I'm trying to explain to an Atheist why God is awesome.

News flash, you jerks- God isn't the real issue for MANY Atheists - it's the people who worship God leaving a bad taste in their mouths for the most part. My atheist fiancé? He's intolerable. But he makes some concrete points: if Christian's only motivation for being good people is to get into Heaven - doesn't an ulterior motive negate the "good" part? And if God is so great why are Christians such assholes?

I don't know babe- and I hate that you're not wrong… if I'm gonna get my man to drink my Jesus Kool-Aid one day, I need y'all to "Christians" to stop poisoning it.

Being abrasive is my superpower.

So if you're still here- and hanging on and READY to fight me - let's get into this argument full throttle.' Any non-Christians reading this - you're about to get a peek into the Christian Civil War that has been waging since rich people decided to use God as a weapon against other humans.

Full disclosure - just because I'm a Christian speaking to other Christians doesn't mean I'm gonna be nice. Fake Christians have caused enough damage that I no longer coddle your feelings or your ignorance. Nor do I respect your opinions that put any kind of negative light on my God. Expect cursing - and a lot of disdain for ignorance and people who have the arrogance to call themselves "Christians,' while abusing the name of God.

1. Using God to justify being a crappy person.

The great thing about being human is you have certain innate biological rights the moment you are born. You don't need permission to breathe, you don't need permission to be loved or loved, you don't need to be permitted to exist. Thanks to conservative Christians, in America, once you're in the womb, you no longer have a choice! Your mom is not allowed to abort you, and when you grow up you're not allowed to kill yourself. Welcome to life.

So this being said, you don't need an excuse to be a shitty person my friends! You have the RIGHT to have a horrible and hateful outlook on other human beings. You don't have to use the big guy upstairs as your excuse. Because even though other humans will frown at you and you will continue to be incredibly unpopular if you want to be a crappy person… it's you're born right.

If you do not like gays, if you don't like blacks, if you don't like that some people don't identify as a gender- if you think abortion is bad and you think it's better a woman DIES being forced to carry a life-threatening pregnancy, and if you think tattoos mean someone's going to hell- for the love of God (haha, get it?) stuff a rock hard phallus in your mouth to prevent yourself from uttering the stupidity that says God hates everyone different than you.

Because I'm gonna remind you, that your pastor (if you even go to church ) talks about how God is ALL-encompassing with his LOVE AND FORGIVENESS.

Now - pardon my language in this next paragraph, because it REQUIRES passionate sentence enhancers that aren't polite:

Who the ACTUAL FUCK do you think you are, putting closed-minded HATRED and BIGOTRY anywhere NEAR MY PERFECT GOD? Take a cactus - And shove it somewhere dark and moist. How DARE you?

You don't need my permission to be a shitty person and a shitty Christian. But the least you could do is RESPECT God enough to just admit that you suck- your opinions suck and you're a person who hates groups of people who are different than you. You do not need to bring God into it.

You do not need to say: "God hates gays, homosexuality is a sin, so we cannot allow them to get married."

What you NEED to say is: " I hate gays. I'm also terrified of them because I'm so self-absorbed and conceited that I think all gays want ME specifically. I'm also REALLY stupid, and I don't understand that being gay isn't a contagious disease, so I avoid them on the street. Based on passages in a fictional book that have no clear meaning and is something that can be interpreted differently by everyone in the world, I have managed to allow people to brainwash me into thinking homosexuality is the worst sin on earth. So, therefore, based on my ignorance and hatefulness, I don't think gays deserve to have love, or a family, or anything. So we should ban gay marriage."

If you want to ban abortion, do not bring God into it. Because if God was on your level, he wouldn't allow miscarriages. Instead of saying "Baby murder and God - ban abortion!" You should say: "I am ignorant, I do not listen to science, I would rather live in a big delusional fantasy where all abortion is simply baby murder so that I am justified in my stupidity, and I only care about life before life, and I don't give a shit what happens to that woman or child after the baby is born, but it doesn't matter. I hate women, and the more women that die from dangerous pregnancies the better. BAN ABORTION."

Maybe you were raised "old school" and your hatred is taught - so maybe you can unteach yourself that bull and start working on yourself instead of worrying about how Tom next door is getting ready to propose to Frank upstairs.

Because if y'all were LISTENING when it was said, and if y'all weren't a bunch of brainwashed mucus sphincters - you would see clearly that our God of love and forgiveness doesn't give a flying rats butthole who Tom is in love with.

Love is love, and unless you're the one being loved without consent mind your own business and just pray for them if you think they're going to hell. Honestly, that's the ONLY thing a "good" Christian can do without being a dark and moist fungus.

2. Devaluing other people's struggles and pain using the phrase: "God won't put you through anything you can't handle."

My biggest regret in life is NOT punching every, I MEAN EVERY, fellow Christian IN THE FACE after uttering the words: "God wouldn't put you through anything you can't handle."

I should have punched them. And then said in a smart-ass, condescending tone: "God doesn't allow you to be hit with anything you can't handle OR DESERVE, right?"

I want EVERY Christian reading this who has said these words to ANYONE in their life - to KICK or SLAP themselves 3 times for EVERY time you've let this horse shit come out of your unempathetic mouth.

*hic* "But Kasey…Why is saying this so horrible? I believe this! This is what I wAs TaUgHt iN cHuRch!" *hic*

If someone is confiding in you their pain, their struggle, their stresses… and you say: "God won't give you anything you can't handle," it's the cop-out cowardly way of saying: "Stop bitching about your life. I don't care. I don't want to hear it. No one cares. Just go pray, maybe God will care."

Let me just put it to you this way:

"I have cancer…"

"God won't let you face anything you can't handle."

And then they DIE.

How are you gonna feel when they die in a month and their child has been left an orphan? Are you gonna say that shit to their parentless 5-year-old kid too, you condescending fuck?

If you don't care about other people's struggles, then just be more like me: an open and honest asshole, and say so. Do not tell people that God will not let them go through anything they cannot handle - Because that is honestly just WAY more offensive than saying: "Listen I'm sorry you're struggling but here's a Quarter, call someone who cares."

Also, for you people who have been brainwashed and you genuinely don't understand where I am coming from… I'm gonna tell you something: GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR STRUGGLE. And you saying this phrase just show us your true colors: pink, purple, and sometimes shit-stained.

I do not care what your preacher says. He's wrong. She's wrong. They are just WRONG. That is their way of helping their flock without taking any REAL responsibility for being there for you. That is their cop-out way of saying: Life is hard, but not for me, because I'm using your donations to the church to pay my bills. Because I'm allowed to do that and I don't have to pay taxes on the money you pay me. And I'm not invested in ya'll enough to personally actually be a good friend to you in the struggle. But I am gonna get you to believe that you'll be okay. Because God won't let you go through anything you can't handle. Yeah! that's a great sermon!

It is OK to find strength in God for yourself during your struggles, but do not devalue other people's pain, problems, or feelings just because you have the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon, and you are easily brainwashed by preachers who don't take real responsibility for your physical or spiritual life or health.

God didn't give that person cancer. It just happens.

God didn't make your mom die, it just happens.

God did not order that tree to fall on the car and impale the child.

God did not tell drunk fuckhead to get in his car and drive - Just to kill someone.

He did not tell that man to drug and violently rape that child or woman- or any other rapist to do what rapists do.

God did not make the bank foreclose on your house after you were out of work because of an injury.

Because that's what… like… the OPPOSITE of what God stands for right?

Saying this indicates that God is directly responsible for people's pains.

Which… indicates that God doesn't care for or protect us at all… which… oh wait. We're bringing It full circle - stay with me, people!

NOW AT THIS POINT OF THE CONVERSATION… the ATHEISTS are saying: "Exactly. If God lets this happen and makes it happen why the HELL would I worship him? I don't want a god that's gonna give me shit - regardless if I can handle it or not."

And GOOD Christians like me - who don't use illogical fantasy or closed-minded made-up convictions as a convincing factor why God might be real … We can't argue. They're right. And if that's how it's happening… why are WE worshipping him?

The conversation score is now:

Atheist: 1 |||| Religion: 0

Once again, Christians giving away reasons why God would NOT be awesome. Good job, dirtbags. There goes another person who coulda found SOMETHING to believe in - chased away by the very flock we're trying to educate them about.

Things that make me go: "Hmm…"

God doesn't INVOLVE himself with our struggles. He doesn't have a chaos coordinator up in Heaven saying: "Oh, oh yep. It's time for Caroline's scheduled tragedy. Oh man, it's a doozy. It's going to change life for her and her whole family. Oh, don't worry it was approved by God. He says she can handle it."

If this phrase tries to pop out your mouth- keep your lips clamped shut together. Silence is a much better friend, and much more sensitive. Otherwise, just go ahead and be honest - just flat out admit you don't care about the person or their problems.

3. Acting like you KNOW things about God. News flash. You don't.

There is nothing more sinful, more disgusting, more arrogant, and assumptious than a Christian who makes statements about God that sound like concrete, factual knowledge.

I don't care if it's a preacher. I don't care if it's a prophet. A psychic. A witch. The POPE himself. Humans - not a single one has a clue what the end truth is.

Unless you are Mr. or Mrs. God and your nights are spent being sexually rammed by God and then falling asleep in a sinful pleasure coma next to God, and then making their asses breakfast before they go to work, I have a bit of SHOCKING news for you: you don't know SHIT about God. (Sorry for the blasphemy, God. Sometimes people don't absorb what you say unless it's just awful. Why did you make us this way?)

You don't know if saying "He" about God is correct. I think God is Asexual with dominant feminine/female traits - because if men were God's favorite, why would women be the ones who can make life? We don't need men anymore if we want to make the world better. Artificial sperm is a go.

Think about that you 70-year-old woman-hating conservative-abortion-banning fucks (sometimes sentence enhancers just need to be used).

And the best part is: if you argue with me I can go back to my main point: YOU DON'T KNOW EITHER! HAH! Your bible is a moot point because it's a book of biblical FAIRY TALES, your preacher is just a human, and you?

I'm sorry, who are you again? Oh, you're not an emissary from heaven whose already earned their wings and got to meet God face to face? Yeah, okay, you don't know either. Period. End of conversation.

It's called FAITH. Not facts. It's called belief, not science. As someone who believes in God but understands that for my argument to be convincing if I'm going to be arguing with an intellectual person who wants to know why I believe in God, I have to KNOW what I'm talking about. And I KNOW that NOBODY, including myself, knows a single thing. And that is my strongest argument against them. "I don't KNOW. I believe. And it's nice. It's peaceful."

We could ALL be delusional. Satan could be the real God. Or maybe Allah IS the original God. Or maybe there is no God - only Buddha and Odin who are the best of pen-pals.

We don't know Kaka. So before you tell someone that they are an "abomination," or that they are going to hell, or that they can't be forgiven because of the way they were born - remember you're an ignorant turd just like the rest of us.

And for you extra hateful zealots- being queer isn't contagious like a disease. You were born with the outlook of a fecal-covered phallus, and they were born with the ability to love others beyond what your closed mind can conceive. And fun "fact" that is just my opinion - people like that are most likely closer to God than you will EVER be, pond-scum.

You know NOTHING. Learn your place act appropriately and get off that holy Dias you've put yourself on.

4. Using religion as a political argument.

Religion in a government works in a country that is run by its religious leaders. It's for countries who are still archaic - but it works for them. Tiny island countries. Religion in government works when the country only has ONE religion. And everyone agrees on this one religion. If your country meets these requirements, by all means, have your internet-appointed decon as president.

But… religion as a government or part of the government is everything OPPOSITE of what America is. And when people are choosing to tell a woman she is legally banned from life-saving abortions based on what 70-year-old senile dementia-ridden zealot cultists say is BAD BAD country management.

…Remarkable proof of the universal spirit of religious intolerance, inherent in every sect, disclaimed by all while feeble, and practiced by all when in power. Our laws have applied the only antidote to this vice, protecting our religious as they do our civil rights by putting all on equal footing" (1818 letter to Mordecai Noah from Thomas Jefferson).

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg -  Written by Thomas Jefferson on Notes on Virgina

The concept of separation of church and state - was to protect Americans from being subjugated by religion. Religion is divisive. More people have been oppressed, tortured, murdered, raped or forced in the name of God - than there has been for the sake of money. It was to protect them from being forced to take on a religion.

Hundreds of years later, we need to also recognize that there is another side to this coin: with so many religions in America, our leaders are poor quality indeed, to take the concept of ONE religion, and make laws on it that affect hundreds of thousands/millions of people.

The separation of church and state is a PROTECTION FROM RELIGION. And it is IN THE CONSTITUTION.

So if ya'll be using God in your political talks - you need to go do some research and find something better. Because God has NOTHING to do with what our corrupt, greedy leaders are doing to manage this country. And your insisting God belongs in politics makes you sound STUPID. Flat out, low IQ, need to go back to school IGNORANT. Nobody takes you seriously if you are using God as a political argument.

You are being laughed at. And you deserve it. Politics and the management and protection of MILLIONS of people should NOT be based on a FICTION NOVEL. It should be based on science, doctors, evidence, and NON-religious arguments on morality.

Because let's be real. Banning birth control has NOTHING to do with ANYONE being a good Christian and everything to do with snuffing out women's AND MEN'S rights and being able to control us.

5. Shoving Bible phrases down people's throats like the Bible is a rule book of life - instead of a big fictional book of metaphors on how to not be a douchebag.

Seriously. When people use Bible quotes to defend or justify a shitty opinion all I want to do is tell them that they MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE BIBLE.

And before we start on this Bible NONSENSE… I'm going to firmly remind you that the Bible is NOT a factual history textbook. It IS a big book of metaphors on how to not be an asshole. And it was written by someone who believed in God. And they used God as the main protagonist in the most famous fiction book of all time.


It was REWRITTEN by asshole kings who thought that just because they got lucky and were born into being a rich and entitled dickwad that they were "chosen by God." At least that's what they CLAIMED- to TERRIFY, TORTURE, and SUBDUE entire CIVILIZATIONS into obeying them and bending the knee. Oh and don't forget the NUMEROUS chapters of truth that "powerful" Protestants and Catholics said: oh that contradicts how we want our brainwashed slave sheep to think… we're gonna just burn this chapter and pray people forget about it."

Good job y'all. Y'all allowed their human greed and evil to ooze into our faith and religions. And now, ya'll are blaming GOD for it.

Swell job, sheep. Y'all are EXACTLY what those skags wanted you to be: ignorant, uneducated, obedient, and easily manipulated.

Your Bible and EVERY organized religion can go do something ELSE with themselves because the Pope is just an old guy who will die from cancer like the rest of us sinners. And just cuz the FIRST old guy who took a vow of poverty while wearing enough gold to feed a whole village of people for a month SAID a thing- doesn't mean it's true.

Your preachers, Decons, pastors, prophets, and cardinals are all just humans who are manipulating you for your money and your obedience. And that Bible is their favorite weapon - because ya know.. "it was written by God." Lol. THIS IS 2024. Religion does not have to be a CULT anymore for crying out loud.

So if you are going to use the Bible as a RULEBOOK - I expect you to damn well be LIVING to your expectations AND know by heart all of the FORGOTTEN chapters of that book too. And if you're not, you can expect me to hurt your hypocritical ignorant feelings.

I'm not saying the Bible is bad. I'm saying using a quote from the Bible to tell someone they are going to hell is bad. And THAT is the fine line y'all be crossing EVERY DAMN DAY.

Now that you have been exposed to non-culty words of truth - I hope your brain is saying: "wow that makes sense…" because if it's not, just leave this article. Don't bother reading anymore - you're too far gone and there is no saving you. Even God themself probably could not get you to listen to the truth even if They were telling you while beating you with a fish.

6. Using God as a weapon of any sort that inflicts negativity and harm to any other person PERIOD.

Do I HAVE to rant about this one?

*sigh* Fine. Fine. I understand that this is a "green crayola" situation.

Using God as a reason or way to hurt anyone at all, in any way at all, is BAD.

Demoralizing, devaluing, prejudice, bigotry, abuse, subjugation, or harm in any way, at all, in general, is frowned upon. If you do these things intentionally, you're a monster of a human being. Use God while doing it, you're a religious cultist zealot psychopath on top of it.

By the way, conservative religious cultist zealots, banning abortions and birth control and objectifying women's bodies and ONLY caring about the fetus while in the womb no matter what kind of horrible life it'll have beyond and saying because "abortion is murder and murder is sin -" IS YES YES YES USING GOD TO HURT PEOPLE.

7. Telling people they will "go to hell" if they do not become a brainwashed sheep just like them.

If I had a dime for every preacher and "Christian" I've seen or heard another human being that they are going to hell, I would be about as well off as the Kardashians.

I don't CARE what your preacher says, the pope can kiss my ass while he's at it too - NOT A SINGLE one of us clueless, ignorant human beings have the RIGHT to presume we know a damn thing about God's plan for another LIVING SOUL.

Not even the Pope has the RIGHT to utter such BLASPHEMOUS BULLSHIT. The ONLY being who has the RIGHT or POWER to damn a whole EXISTENCE AND SOUL to an ETERNITY OF TORTURE AND PUNISHMENT.

I don't have the right to tell you that you're the one going to hell if you don't stop telling people that - but I have a feeling, deep in my soul, that goes electric wavy when I turn it on- that says you piss off the BIG BOSS when you try to do their job for them. And you should just STOP.

If you do not agree with someone's choices or their faith/religion - HUSH the hell up and mind your business and silently pray for them if you must. Not that anyone needs OR wants you to pray for them out of closed-minded ignorance.

Unless they are actively harming someone - there is no need to educate them about how their life choices are more wrong than yours.

Don't be THAT "Christian," the one EVERYONE including other Christians, dislike with a raging passion. Keep your nose ON your face, and your tongue restrained from wagging in disrespect or hatred or arrogance.

8. Being blasé about being a shitty person - because you can just pray for forgiveness and that's the whole reason Jesus died.

I know more Christians who intentionally sin carelessly, and think nothing less of the bad things they do, because Christians are taught as a collective: It doesn't matter what kind of asshole you are, God LOVES ya! You can sin over, and over, and over, and ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS SAY SORRY! And you will STILL get to go to heaven

The story: Mary, virgin, baby, Jesus, wise men, apostles, Roman murder, death, the forgiveness zombie rises- boom everyone in the world is forgiven. The moral: Now, all you gotta do is you ask every night for God to forgive you, and he will! Even if you kill and rape people, ruin people's lives, steal from them. ANYTHING.

Remember rabid zealots: factual history and the Bible are NOT the same- please also reference OLDER religions than Christianity - such as Egyptian Greek and Paganism and you'll see that the Jesus' story is… pretty plagiarized over the space of time in history. I'm pretty sure, if you intentionally sin and hurt people and are a crappy person - there's only so much even a God can forgive. You know?

I ain't saying God's not real, and I'm not saying that some poor guy wasn't tortured and brutally murdered as a martyr… I'm just saying I believe in God - not religions or religious leaders who steal concepts to force conversions or unleash a murderous force of a million soldiers to murder and rape every human who refuses to convert. Make sense?

Christians have not bothered to apologize for world domination and oceans of blood and corpses based on what is probably the biggest fairy tale in the world. Those religious leaders said: "Hey! Army! Go out and rape every woman who refuses to convert, kill their children in front of them, and dismember their husbands. Anyone who does not bend the knee to me, the religious ruler shall be subjugated, imprisoned, starved, murdered, and tortured until we have dominated the entire world."

And their army went out, and did the raping, and the killing, and the enslavement, and all that good stuff. But, Jesus died for them - and even though the BIBLE says that there are these… commandment things.. and the FIRST one says: Thou shall not Kill - they went out and made a sea of evil all in God's name. So they were forgiven, and it was FINE.

Is there any other person in the world, that believes in God and loves him, thinking that this is seriously MESSED UP? Our God is COVERED in blood - because some gaudy dude decided that he needed to kill everyone in the world who was different, and worshipping religions way older than Christianity.

Also... Isn't the KKK a religious group that lynches and murders people who aren't white… in the name of God? Group of ignorant psychopaths who need an excuse to murder. That is all I see them as. But, to each other, they are like… THE Christians to be. Right?

And… don't get me started on the Christians who will fight with other Christians.

"Oh, you believe in God! That's great! What church are you in? What's you're denomination?"

"I am Pentecostal."

"Oh… well… you're going to hell since you're the WRONG kind of God-lover. Sorry."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Yeah. You pray wrong. Your religion is wrong. You're going to hell."

"But I love God."

"Oh yeah, but God doesn't love you because you're not the same religion as me."

Seriously, those of you who are like this, go nail yourselves to a cross. Leave others be. What does it matter so long as they believe in God and love him? Why the hell do we have like 50 different Christian religions? We are ALL literally saying the same thing: "God is good." And yet Christians want to argue over who worships him correctly?


You know… we wouldn't look so bad to non-religious people if we at least respected each other.

I have seen Christians act so shamefully that I was too embarrassed to admit I was from the same spiritual pond as them. And they don't even care. They walk around in their life, being shitty people. Hurting people with words, or actions, taking shortcuts, and then laughing about it all - why? Well because I go to church on Sunday and I know I'll still get to go to heaven just because I believe!

…do any of you get my point yet? It's a bit hard for me to articulate. I'm all over the place here.

9. Deacons and pastors use their status to manipulate/brainwash their flock for their own greedy/political/twisted reasons.

I know, I know. How dare I question Holyman, (or woman) who has been certified (by the Internet mostly nowadays) as a person who can translate the "word of God."

Get. Real.

These people read this elaborately worded fictional book that is so vague with its message that it is deemed up for interpretation.

You could put seven preachers, pastures, and deacons in the same room and tell them all to come up with a sermon on the same damn quote, and they would all be talking about different things!

There's another reason why I don't Bible thump.

Do you know when I lost faith in the churches? Right around the time that the little orange Cheeto named Trump ran for, and somehow won the presidency. It was during the election. And I went to church one day, hoping to just get a pure innocent dose of Jesus.

Now I know I've been ragging on Catholicism a lot, so here's a change of pace. This was a southern Baptist Church that I went to and that preacher dared to use God and a passage from the Bible - I wish I remembered which one - as an excuse to talk to his church about why they should vote for Trump.

And that my darling, brainwashed, Kool-Aid-drinking sheep is why Trump won. Because there were whole states of preachers, telling whole churches of ignorant people who can't form a coherent individual thought for themselves to vote for Trump.

OK obviously, this is probably not why he won and we're not gonna get into a political debate here. The point is, is I went to church, hoping to hear about God, and instead, I heard a man use God as the opportunity to tell us that we should vote for his favored politician.

This was after I had given up another Southern Baptist Church because that preacher dared to start talking about gay people and how they're going to hell. I just happened to be somebody who disagrees very vehemently and passionately about that and I didn't go to church to hear your closed minded hateful bigotry-filled ass talk about how some of the kindest people I love are probably gonna go to hell because they love somebody of the same gender. I don't want to go to church and hear about who you THINK God hates.

I want to go to church and hear something inspirational, damn it.

I don't think I have ever met a "holy person" who hasn't let me down. And I'm related to a few of them. 🤫😂

I will never trust a church. I will never trust a preacher. And I will certainly never let a religious leader or speaker ever define what I feel God wants for me. The path of corruption and religious leaders has gone on since the beginning of religion in general. We all fail to take into account sometimes that the same people who are talking to us about love and forgiveness are also replications and shadowed images of the past religious leaders who slaughtered hundreds of thousands if not millions of people just for the sake of power. And they are echoing their sins. Mostly verbally, but hey…

10. Not being smart enough to realize when you are drinking your church's Kool-Aid and allowing it to morph you into a very sin-filled hypocritical monster of someone who is a CRAPPY Christian.

You'll never be a good Christian in my opinion, if you're ulterior motives are because your church tells you to do good deeds or your religion says you can't get into heaven without doing community service, or if you do good deeds just so you can go to church and brag to your church popular girls about the good deed you did… You didn't do a good deed. You're not a good person. You're not a good Christian either. God wants us to be good because of our own free will.

We should be good because we want to be good. Not because we're scared of not 'getting into heaven.' The only thing that God commands is we go to him willingly. That's why he gave us free will.

So if you're gonna be a Christian, then be a Christian. But stop drinking the religious Kool-Aid because all religion is doing is tearing Christianity apart. Maybe it worked before when the world wasn't so large. Maybe it was OK back then when we were ignorant and closer to being monkeys than people, but the archaism must stop. It is time that Christians start being more "woke."

Free will is important to God. The only thing God commands in his indoctrination is that we come to him willingly. The whole concept of being saved is for us, to save ourselves from uncertainty by allowing God into our hearts, not God forcing his way in. He's rescuing us all - but only if we want him to.

Amazing how the concept of consent was completely missed by 90% of all Christians in the history of Forever.

Remember this and maybe, just maybe, the next time you get angry at an atheist or someone who is intentionally trying to rile you up by disrespecting God… You'll make more godly choices, and bring yourself closer to God by being the better person. By being the better Christian.

One more pro tip: converting someone to God should feel and sound like a welcome home - not subjugation by tyranny.

For those of you who get hotheaded, when arguing with atheists about how God is real, just remember the age-old, saying; you get more flies with honey than vinegar.

Coming to God should be gentle. It should be willing. The one thing that all religious leaders in the world forget when they are using God as a justification to harm people is that God doesn't want anybody who is forced to him. Correction, he wants them, but he only wants their love. They're willing to love you and cannot force someone to believe in anything. You cannot force someone to love something, and you cannot force people to accept a concept that they have not yet found a reason to believe in. The most powerful stories are of people who found God on their own in their darkness - not those who were forced into it by being screamed at.

Indoctrination doesn't have to be forceful. It doesn't have to be intimidation by fear. It doesn't have to be in the midst of a verbal war online either. If you're trying to direct someone toward God, then you need to do it the way God meant when he said: "All those who are willing are welcome here."

Helping someone find, God should be like gently leading a lost child from the dark into the light. Verbal abuse, and intimidation by telling them they're going to hell - none of that is driving them toward God. And why would it? You're not doing God or other Christians a favor. So if you do not have the patience to handle other human beings the way God handles us when he is teaching us and forgiving us- then you do not need to be the one who spreads the good word.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk!

Okay. If you made it this far- CONGRATS! That was a BIG read. And some of you are probably foaming at the mouth to verbally abuse me. Or high-five me.

So… what are you waiting for? Cmon. Hit me! 😂

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About the Creator

Hope Martin

I am a published author of a book called Memoirs of the In-Between. I am doing a rewrite of it, as it needed some polishing. I am a mom, a cook, a homesteader, and a second-generation shaman.

Find me on Medium also!


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  • Chloe2 months ago

    hi. great to meet you. o7. (that means saluting.) so i will do my best to answer this in the best fashion that i, a pastor's kid at the age of over-13-but-i-won't-tell-you. first of all. I did NOT read this entire article all the way through because I am thoroughly convinced that it is utterly wrong to curse other people out, especially other Christians. In fact, I, unlike most of the world, believe that cursing/swearing/saying such words is completely wrong. Now. Please. Hush. Up. I won't quote the Bible on you because I have some issues and I don't know everything that happens in the Bible in chronological order like my fantastic father does. But I will say some things that I know are IN the Bible. Such as the fact that the LORD has ordered us, His people, to be holy, or to try to be holy at least and emulate His Son. So, in the process of being holy, we do not curse. That's why I did not read this entire article. Because I don't swear, and I don't indulge myself in stories that involve extensive swearing. But I did read this a few months ago, and a few months ago I was a wimp, so now I am going to not be a wimp and actually address some of the things that I remember, and they may not be in order because who cares? 1) You are correct. We are not supposed to hate people. The LORD ordered us to not hate others, otherwise we have committed murder in our hearts. But telling people that they're DOING SOMETHING WRONG is NOT HATING. Explaining to someone that abortion, homosexuality, and other horrible things are WRONG is NOT HATRED. Yes, there are some who claim to be Christians who do hate other people, but that is between them and the LORD. We are not ones to judge. God will judge when He comes again in glory. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm doing this, because I know for sure that the opinion of an Anglican teenager is not going to change your mind about your incredibly strongly stated beliefs that greatly insulted me and my family. But I'll say this anyway, because I have always been a wimp and have never been able to successfully stand up for myself before. Homosexuality is WRONG. OBVIOUSLY, that does not mean that people part of the LGBTQ community are inherently evil. OBVIOUSLY. Unless they are doing so while thinking that God approves of their actions, they are not evil. Preachers like the man in the church that you went to once on that one Sunday morning are not saying that homosexuals are evil. Homosexuals are people, obviously, just like all of us. Every human is a person. But it is impossible to change your gender. By trying to change your gender, you are overthrowing God's creation and saying that somehow, He made you wrong. You are saying that God made a mistake in creating you. That He didn't make your body right. And that you want to make yourself something different from what His creation destined for you to be. It's WRONG. And I hate it, because one of my own cousins decided that she wanted to become a boy one day and now she isolates herself from us all. Homosexuals aren't "evil people." But what they are doing is wrong. You can do something wrong by accident and not be evil. But they ARE sinners. God made man for woman and woman for man, not woman for woman or man for man. I'm gonna get into the nitty-gritty on this, because you challenged me to a fight, and this is the first time that I'm ever gonna be in this situation, and hopefully it will prepare me for going to a Baptist school next year. Man and woman are capable of a connection that no one else can have. Woman and woman cannot have it, nor can man and man. The love of marriage is ONLY meant for A man and A woman to be together, and they can have a relationship and connection in that marriage that the same genders are physically incapable of having. And also, women are the only people who can have children, so... that's a thing. Some people even call themselves Christians while being in a homosexual relationship or identifying as anything other than a male or female. They may say that God has affirmed their relationship, but such a thing is impossible. They may also say that God is doing a "new thing," which is ALSO impossible. God doesn't do "new things." He doesn't change. He NEVER changes, and He has never changed the rules of nature on us. And that's the thing, too. LGBTQ isn't just wrong "because God says so." It's wrong because the laws of nature say so. You cannot physically become something or someone else just because you FEEL like it. You are incapable of being born into the wrong body. And don't even get me started on abortion. I know. I KNOW what you're going to say. It's what every feminist says. "What about this INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC SITUATION??? What about THAT?" But if you are genuinely and purposefully murdering a human of God's intentional creation (because everything happens for a reason), then it is WRONG. It is always wrong. "But what it if the baby is born with a disease?? What if it won't even live that long?? What if the mother might die??" I sincerely dislike these kinds of questions. They ask for incredible specifics. But it is always wrong. Abortion is ALWAYS wrong. From conception, the human being has a soul and was given a body by God, and is ALIVE. If you are purposefully choosing to murder and abort a child that is God's own loving creation without even giving it the chance to be Baptized and be saved, then it is wrong, and that's that. The actual threats to bomb pro-life facilities by pro-abortion people during Roe v. Wade was the worst thing that I have ever seen. It's terrible. It's just horrid. And yes, we should respect people of other religions. But some people are what's called "DIRECT," like my father, and they like to tell blatant sinners straight. aaaanyway.... i hope this somehow helps with your perspective, and i hope you don't hate me. i don't hate you, either, btw- i only emphasized the things that must be emphasized, because i can't seem to find italics in this comment section. i hope you have a nice life, Mrs. Martin. ciao 07

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