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Best April Fool's day pranks

best 13 pranks to pull during April Fool's day

By Deasun T. SmythPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Best April Fool's day pranks
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Ahh... April Fool’s Day, the best day to pull pranks on someone. Below is a list of some clever and funny jokes, pranks, and mean-spirited funnies. But please remember April Fool’s day is not used to support awful pranks and other damaging content, celebrate responsibly… and remember after 12pm if you pull a prank, you’re the fool!

One April Fool’s day my older brother decided that ‘practical’ pranks were too boring, so he went to our kitchen, and got ziplock bags and filled them with flour and water mix, he looked at us and said ‘ran!” He began chasing us outside. My three other younger brothers and me ran all around our front and backyard. My brothers were hit in the face by the mix, and I was the last one on my brothers list to catch. I ran, he was faster. I zigged, he zagged. I punched him right in the face, and he smeared the mixture right into mine. Though I was deeply annoyed at him its wasn’t until later did I realize that it’s just water and flour. And deep down I actually had a good time. Sometimes me and my brothers do practical jokes that our parents aren’t entirely pleased with. Like no saran wrap around the toilet. When we first wanted to do this prank I asked my dad for some saran wrap, seemingly reading my mind he quickly said “No!” He asked me, “would you like to clean up the mess?” Other jokes that are popular is to say “our neighbour is here and wants you to help him with something. But he’s all the way down at the barn and you have to put on all of your snow gear and such”.

BEST PRANKS: (Remember, always make sure that your pranks are harmless and won't cause any real damage or harm to anyone).

1 Replace the sugar in the sugar bowl with salt. It doesn’t harm anyone too much, just remember to switch it back before your mother wants sugar in her coffee!

2 Present to your parents an empty bottle of varnish and tell them you varnished the Chihuahua! (Or any other pet)

3 Tell your parent that “not to worry I’ll make the breakfast tomorrow”. Wake up early and actually make breakfast, then hide it. Wait until your parent wakes up, and look like you have just woke up. Your parent will ask you were the breakfast is, and pretend you don’t have any idea about what your parent is talking about. Your parent will think you’re going to be late for school, and rush around trying to get ready. Just make sure you present the breakfast before your parent tries to make some!

4 Set all of the clocks in your house behind by one hour, so that everyone thinks they’re an hour late for school, work, etc.

5 Put a fake spider or insect in your brothers cereal.

6 Give everyone caramel apples, but instead of apples, put onions inside.

7 Switch the language settings on every device in your home to a foreign language they don't know. Just remember how to put it back to English!

8 Put a piece of clear tape over the sensor on your friend’s computer mouse so it doesn't work properly.

9 Get some Oreos, and replace the cream filling with toothpaste.

10 ‘Classic’ saran wrap the toilet.

11 Hide in a shower or closet dressed as your favourite slasher film character.

12 Place a whoopie cushion underneath your brother’s seat at school, breakfast, church…

13 If you’re married photoshop a picture of someone else in your spouse's bed and confront your spouse with the picture. But make sure to tell him that it’s fake and don’t go too far.

Hope you enjoy these classic pranks! Just remember pranks shouldn’t be dangerous and harming to someone’s race, religion, or gender.


About the Creator

Deasun T. Smyth

I’m a First Nations 17 year old young man, probably an old soul (not that there's anything wrong with that). I live in Saskatchewan, and I love reading, writing, conlanging, and collecting sarcastic T-shirts.

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