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Another brief bio…

…Of yours truly.

By Nefarious DarriusPublished 27 days ago Updated 19 days ago 3 min read

5MAY2024; 2336, SUN– Maryland, USA

We are live; Heaven permitting! This is the return of the Mack; again.

I jest. The following is a copy of my self-published (auto)bio for IMDb.

I’m not much into tooting my own horn; in the slightest. Conversely, it’s a prerequisite in certain circumstances; if I may assert such without receiving an influx of vitriolic, apoplectic, and/or vehemently incensed hate mail.

Either which way; and in the meantime between time, here we are. Such is life; and whatever will be, will be.

Seriously though, this was a feat to get them to approve over on that ubiquitous site/app. I must’ve submitted at least six to half a dozen drafts before they finally came to the conclusion that I was going to preserve my relatively honorable name for posterity’s sake.

“That’s just what it had to be.” In any event, without further ado; and here’s to you, the reader—

22APR2024; 1414, MON– Baltimore, MD, USA

Sir Darrius Unity is a native of the National Capital Region (aka the DMV [DC, MD, VA] area), by way of blessings and favor From On High. He did almost exactly four years and four months with the U.S. Army; earning his chops with the 2nd Infantry Division's 3rd Brigade (now known as 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team [SBCT]). Whilst Serving with 3-2, Sir Unity was blessed to spend his entire enlistment with Sykes' Regulars; aka 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment (5-20 INF). He was (is) a Grunt with a 12 month deployment to Iraq's Diyala Province under his belt.

Sir Unity used his Tour to "The Region" to protect his Bros./Sisters in Arms; practice his Love of photography; and as an opportunity to grow in strength/courage/wisdom. As a result, he became disillusioned with the Mil. Industrial Complex; the racket formally known as war; and USA politics in general. After returning from his time on The Two-Way Range, Sir Unity began using his newfound insights to do what he saw prudent for the purpose of propelling posterity into positive potentialities; and positions of power. Thereby promoting/producing for outfits such as The No Agenda show; as well as his own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Sir Unity's efforts are largely focused on paying forward the invaluable contributions of nonprofits for Vets in his life; as well as that of his Progeny, whom he Loves more than life itself. He has three Princesses and two bonus children at the time of writing. There's feasibly not an iota of favor that he wouldn't show them all, were it within reason; as well as his ability. "All facts; no printer."

Sir Unity has self-published a memoir/personal war photography title called "Wartime Snapshots: Unseen Views of OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom)", via Amazon and their Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) feature. He launched his apparel brand, War 'N' Tees on 12/20/2020; after being born 4/20/[Redacted]; as well as being an American Sniper briefly for 1-2 (ID)'s 5-20 INF. "Dubs all around."

Lastly, Sir Unity is a strong proponent of agorism/Voluntarism; Universal Basic Income (UBI); and fathers' rights. He's doing everything in his power to ensure that the Vet homelessness; suicide; addiction; and even the estrangement epidemics become long distant memories. All whilst raising his Padawans; his Youngling; and guiding his Lovely Lady unto health/wealth/knowledge of self. To close with, Sir Unity's call to action on the back of his business cards is as follows: "Stay blessed; Free; & dangerous!"



Prayerfully, you gained something pertinent (re: useful) from this post. If so, then please think about considering a show of support; however you may see fit.

Additionally, I'm easily reachable via Twitter. That's for private and/or public convos on the works written by me, my fav writers, as well as my other influences too.

The link in my bio will "counterintuitively" have that unmistakable tab in its footer menu. Invariably, there's a tab in the very main menu; cyclically returning you to my profile on this unfathomably superb site for writers.

Shoutout to all Vocal's inventors/staff/readers/writers. "[Y'all] the real MVP."

Lastly, if you're in the market for an incredulously original article of clothing or such: There's copious amounts at the aforementioned link in bio. Please don't believe for a NY minute that I'll be even remotely unappreciative of any all who "look out for the cookout".

Peace; blessings; and much Love, even. *Salute*.



Pop Culture

About the Creator

Nefarious Darrius

I'm a Grunt who’s been stuck in traffic for the past few decades or so. From DC to Seattle & Iraq; to back in "The Swamp". Also, I Love my Progeny more than life. Born Day: 4/20. Lastly, my apparel brand, War 'N' Tees is live! One Love.


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