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5 reasons of care too much about what others thinking

Are you the person who is often overly concerned about what others think?

By lifeisconfusing_butstillalivePublished 12 days ago 4 min read

When did you start caring what other people think about you? Have you ever found yourself caring about what other people think about you, I started to find out when I was in middle school, and to be honest caring about what other people think is really quite hard. But do you know why I ask such a question? At some point I realized that some people obviously care about what others think and suffer, but due to some factors in the past, they can't judge their own situation and always think that what others think must be right. Those of us who have recognized this problem are fortunate.

Maybe I'm asking too many questions, but have you ever wondered where the reason for being overly concerned with what others think comes from? Most people are overly concerned because of what happened to them in the past that made them who they are now, and they probably haven't thought about why it's a problem. For those of you who don't understand the reasons, you can refer to and think about these reasons and see if any of them have happened to you in the past.

1. Teaching in the family of origin

The teaching of the family of origin is to some extent the most influential, for example, parents compare their own children with children of other families, which naturally causes the children to think that they have to learn the behaviors of the other children in order to meet the expectations and praises of their parents.

It is not wrong for a child to expect praise from his or her parents, but what is wrong is that the parents' behavior causes the child to grow up thinking in such a way that he or she is only trying to satisfy other people and not thinking about what he or she wants to do or wants to be.

Another example is the excessive scolding and blaming of the parents, this kind of behavior of the parents is also very easy to make the child think in this way, the child will always think about how not to be scolded and blamed by the parents and start to speculate on what they think, and once this kind of behavior starts, it will be imprinted in the mind and start to think in this way about people other than the parents.

Also, in some families, parents reinforce the importance of other people's judgment to their children, so that the child lives only for the judgment of others.

2. Fear of offending others

Often care about other people's thoughts of their own in fact full of inferiority complex, such a person will always be afraid of offending others, afraid of revenge and scolding, because of the fear of all this and will continue to think about all the actions or words to do to others, to put it bluntly is unable to withstand other people's scolding and look down on the eyes.

3. Fear of losing certain relationships

Often these people seem to have a large group of friends around them, every day together, together with fun, chatting and do all kinds of interesting things, but others do not know that this is their hard work for the relationship.

Why is this? Simple, people who are overly concerned with what others think are good at figuring out and understanding a person's personality and character, which makes it extremely easy to get along with others.

However, these people are often over-committed to maintaining these hard-earned relationships, putting others' thoughts at the forefront of their own.

4. Lack of self-confidence

Self-confidence is a very important state of mind, it can play a very good role in protecting the self, do not have enough self-confidence is usually prioritized over others to doubt themselves and cannot help but feel that others are shielding themselves.

So no confidence will take the liberty to speculate on the minds of others, and doubt that the other side is not so think of him, like a girl in order to shop and dress very delicate, but in the way to go shopping will always care about what others will have a bad view of his clothing, but in fact, others do not have the girl's clothing to hold any ideas.

Don't be confused, people who care too much about what others think this way, and every time because of this every day into a state of brain fatigue.

5. Don't want to be denied by others

Being rejected by others is a very scary thing for them, because when they are rejected by others, they start to think and get moody. For this reason, they are trapped in a cycle of following others' ideas to avoid being rejected.

People who think too much about what others think will become more and more tired, and gradually do not want to socialize in the real world, because only when they are alone, they do not care about what others think. This group of people is labeled as humble and weak. Not thinking about their own thoughts becomes the norm, and they gradually find life boring and meaningless. Is this all, what I want to say is please observe your own feelings, observe your own thoughts, not for others, just for yourself.

#Remember, think about life, marvel at life, and move on.


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