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Unleashing The Future: Google Assistant Supercharged with BARD AI

A New Era for Google Assistant

By Next KodingPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Image from CNBC

Google Assistant is stepping into an exciting new phase. Recently, at the Made By Google live event, the world was introduced to Assistant powered by Bard, a fascinating fusion of Google Assistant and Bard, a generative AI technology. This new avatar of the popular mobile personal assistant can handle a broader spectrum of tasks and questions. From everyday requests like weather updates, setting alarms, or sending texts, it now offers more intelligent responses, thanks to Google's Bard AI.

BARD: The Mastermind Behind the Revolution

Bard, standing for Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Dynamics, is a generative AI model powering the newest version of Google Assistant. Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence capable of creating new content such as text, images, music, or even code, given a set of inputs or prompts. What sets Bard apart? Its ability to learn from both past and future contexts and generate content in both directions. This means it can complete tasks and create new content with a high degree of coherence and naturalness.

Bridging the Gap with Personalized Responses

A key feature of Bard is its ability to delve into your Google apps like Gmail and Google Drive, to provide personalized responses to queries on an opt-in basis. It can assist you with tasks such as catching up on important missed emails, planning a trip, creating a shopping list, or even crafting a catchy social media caption. This builds on the update Bard released in mid-September, which allowed it to integrate with Google's own apps and services, including Gmail, Docs, Drive, Maps, YouTube, and Google Flights and hotels, through “Bard extensions.”

The Multimodal Experience with Bard

Bard, now on mobile devices, offers a variety of interaction methods. It can listen via the microphone, respond via voice output, see through your camera, and even take actions to assist you. The versatility of Bard is further exemplified by its integration with Google Lens, which allows users to accompany their queries with photos. For instance, you can take pictures of your clothes and shoes and ask Bard for styling advice or inquire about the availability of a hotel by pulling up Bard over a picture of it. This revolutionizes the traditional use of digital assistants, bringing a more intelligent, personalized, and intuitive experience to users.

The Future is Now

With Bard’s integration into Google Assistant, there are no limitations compared to the web version, meaning it can double-check your answers if there's concern about AI hallucinations. This is a significant step forward in addressing the issue of modern AIs constructing incorrect answers based on false information. Google has stated that Assistant with Bard will initially launch in a limited set of markets, not only English-speaking ones, with plans to roll out more broadly to iOS and Android mobile users in the coming months. This marks the beginning of a new era in AI-powered digital assistance, bringing us closer to the future we’ve always imagined.

This new chapter in Google Assistant's journey is a game-changer, demonstrating the immense possibilities with AI integration. It's fascinating to see how far we've come in the world of AI and even more exciting to think about what lies ahead. Stay tuned - the future is now!

In conclusion, the integration of Bard AI into Google Assistant has ushered in a new era of advanced artificial intelligence. Bard's unique capacity to learn from both past and future contexts allows Google Assistant to handle a broader range of tasks with increased intelligence and coherence. This evolution has significantly enhanced the user experience by providing personalized responses and offering a multimodal experience. The blend of AI technology with daily life applications, such as Google's suite of apps, has demonstrated a remarkable stride in the realm of AI. As the technology continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, we can expect to witness greater advancements in AI-powered digital assistance, which will undoubtedly reshape how we interact with technology. The unveiling of this AI-powered Google Assistant is not just a significant milestone for Google, but also a leap forward for the broader tech landscape, bringing us a step closer to a future where AI seamlessly integrates with our daily lives.


- https://blog.google/products/assistant/google-assistant-bard-generative-ai/

- https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/04/google-assistant-is-getting-ai-capabilities-with-bard/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEglkB68ZBmtQurq7gE15oP83MWCh_Eq6YfSjadsqvTbpgxl9KGF9H-ftTHWE1QL6nqQG-A3VwvSPqplV2qlyOZxD2kzS9vcmR1LbV4TdCXbXkhFxWx0U2fVeSVD59yZHBXmqQ9nuzX1uYVnN8gzq0jjXZUPhjbE-3ssAkKeiO8E

- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/google-unveils-assistant-with-bard-powered-by-generative-ai-for-android-ios/ar-AA1hHtRr

techsciencefutureartificial intelligence

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Next Koding

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