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UFO Whistle-blower gives evidence about aliens?

Did i read this correctly?

By Mohammed DarasiPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 5 min read

My friend told me something interesting yesterday. I wasn’t aware of it, but apparently there was an ex-intelligence official, alone with some other witnesses, that came forward in a public hearing and claimed that the US government were in possession of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and had covered up this fact (while alluding to some ‘violence’ involved in this cover up).

The main evidence, as far as I can tell from the articles I read about them, are some videos taken of Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) which shows UFOs flying in our atmosphere while moving at impossible speeds and agility. Some Navy pilots indicated that coming across such things is actually common place for them.

I am not here to debate about whether Aliens exist or not, but I will give you my thoughts on why I doubt that we came across them here on earth, or in space.

Voyager1 is a space probe sent by NASA in 1977 to study Jupiter and Saturn. It took 3 years for it to complete its mission of studying and sending back data about the planets and after it completed its mission, NASA decided to let it continue on to the farthest reaches of our solar system. This probe is travelling in space, where there is no air to slow it down, at speeds around 40,000 miles per hours, but it still took 35 years for it exit our solar system.

The closest habitable planet to us, Proxima Centari, is 4 light-years away from Earth… This means that if light was to travel from earth to this planet, it would take 4 years to reach it; light is the fastest thing in existence, travelling at 300 million metres per second (or 186,000 miles per second).

We don’t often think of things in such massive scales making this difficult to visualise, so here is an example to help: a fighter jet, travelling at maximum speed of 1000 miles per hour non-stop, would take 10 years to reach the sun from earth. This is the sun, the closest star to us which is 8 light-minutes away.

Because of the distance between us and the closest habitable planet, I highly doubt that aliens reach us here on earth, if they existed. They could very well exist out there, but I think the vastness of space makes it highly improbable that we would come across each other.

Some might say “they probably have advanced technology that can transport them across vast distances”. This brings me to my second point: why do we always think aliens would be more advanced than us?

The UAPs the navy mentioned could simply be advanced technology someone on earth made in secret. Why immediately go to aliens?

Think about it: in almost every mention of aliens, they are always the more advanced species who found earth, and are able to deal with the harsh realities of space. I think I understand where this thought comes from.

Popular culture, whether on TV shows or movies, had almost always glorified alien life and made them out to be superior beings. This of course filters down to those watching it and, because this consistent message was given continuously, it eventually became reality (or at least the reality that this belief lives in). I think this idea of aliens being more advanced than us comes from our human curiosity.

We are always thinking about new ideas for technology that further pushes our capabilities and I think this seeped into the belief about aliens. Just think about how many things were imagined in movies and TV shows that have later become realities! The only one I can think of at the moment is the famous example of the hover craft from Back to the Future. I believe that aliens are just a glorification of a desired future for humanity.

I don’t know if aliens exist or not, but for the sake of this argument, lets agree that they do. Why would they come to earth?

If aliens were advanced enough to be able to travel across space (from wherever they are), would they not be able to monitor humanity from afar? As some of you might know, radio and TV waves are actually part of the invisible light spectrum. This means that they are light, and travel at that speed.

Our radio and TV waves travel outwardly from earth continuously, and they have reached quite a distance away (200 light years!). The distance is vast, so if there are aliens within this sphere, based on their apparent ability to travel across space, they should be able to detect these signals (even if the signals are weak after travelling so far). Granted, these particular signals might not have reached them, but what if movies and TV shows we have about aliens did reach them? movies showing our ideas on how aliens would want to destroy earth, and how we retaliated against them? would they want to come to us?

Now I know that some might be saying “well, there could be aliens outside of this 200 light-year sphere” and I agree, that is a possibility… but doesn’t this also support my argument that it is improbable that we would come across them?

Despite our radio waves reaching a 200 light-year sphere around us, it is an insignificant reach to the galaxy we’re in, let alone the universe. Have a look at the picture below to understand what I mean:

You see that little blue dot? That is the extent of reach our radio waves have. See how insignificant it is to our galaxy? Our galaxy is about 100,000 light-years in diameter, and our signals only reached around 200 so far.

In conclusion, I highly doubt aliens would come to us, neither would we find them any time soon, because of the vastness of space. And I think that our belief about aliens came from wishful thinking about the future capabilities of humanity.

Do you think aliens are real? if you do, do you think we would ever come across them?

I have written an article a long time ago covering this topic (more specifically why i think aliens don't exist) that mentions some different points (as I didn’t want to repeat it here). My view changed slightly since then, as i am open minded about the existence of aliens, but my view on the possibility of coming across them has not changed). If you are interested, please read the article below.

spacesciencehumanityfact or fictionextraterrestrialastronomy

About the Creator

Mohammed Darasi

I write fiction, poetry and occasional articles about interesting topics. I recently created a website (just because) which I will be posting my writing in (among other things). it would be great if you check it out. https://mindpit.co.uk/

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  • Julygwynet5 months ago

    This was a fun story to read.Today I published a new story. If you want to read my story then visit this link https://vocal.media/motivation/the-little-boy-s-small-joys-in-the-countryside-on-christmas-day.

  • Lamar Wiggins10 months ago

    I understand skepticism on a subject like this but it’s so hard to discount the many experiences that people have supposedly had. For me, I believe mainly because of the ancient alien stories out there that try to make sense of amazing structure (that still exist) left behind that the construction of boggles the mind. Usually, we can find some type of evidence on how something came about. Without any clear evidence of the construction that requires advanced tools and calculations we go to the next possibility of alien involvement. Another thing my mind wonders about ( because I also have a hard time Believing the distance to travel to visit or even find us is too immense) is what if these aliens are actually angels who are in charge of the upkeep of our planet. This requires the belief in god which is also hindering to some. Anyway, thanks for sharing your view on a highly debatable topic.

  • Mariann Carroll10 months ago

    I understand your standpoints but if you look at the pyramid and the Maya civilization they seem to found a way to communicate outside our solar system. There are unexplained advanced technology before they were even invented . People have witness unexplain flying objects over buildings in the Washington DC area.

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