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The Potential of Astrology’s Fire Signs

Life lessons for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Potential of Astrology’s Fire Signs
Photo by Scorpio Creative on Unsplash

Fire signs are expressive, flamboyant, passionate, motivated. They are all about action, making things happen, and are quite entertaining while they’re doing it. In their evolved state they are uplifting, motivating, supportive leaders.

Each astrology sign has its inherent negatives and positives. There is a certain potential available to each sign to grow, and evolve. In this way, each sign comes with its own lessons. Since most things in life boil down to lessons, it’s not only interesting but informative to know what lessons and potential your sign comes with.

Start with your Sun sign, but read your Moon and Rising signs too, it gives you a more complete look at your signs. The sun is your base personality, the rising sign represents your exterior and the moon sign your interior.

You will see some lessons repeat in certain signs, no one sign gets exclusive rights over a certain lesson, they will be sprinkled throughout the zodiac.


The potential of Aries is to be a leader

Aries your biggest challenge is to learn how to look inward long enough to let things click. If you neglect to do this you will be like a dog chasing her tail. Always looking for the answers in the outer, just over the horizon forever out of reach. The answers don’t come from the outside world, they come from getting still and reflecting. A very hard task for most Aries to do.

The lessons Aries must learn to get there are humility, patience, and compassion. If there is too much ego, there is no humility, and in that space, you cannot learn. If there is too much motion, not enough pause and reflection for patience, then you lack wisdom. If too much focus is on the self, there is a lack of compassion. Lessons always build on one another, like mathematical equations. Be steady, slow things down Aries, steady is the way.

Lessons- Humility, patience, and compassion


The potential of Leo is to motivate

Leo, you love to shine, but to reach your full potential you will want to allow your spotlight to shine on others as well. You know how to motivate yourself and present like no other, your potential lies in helping others do the same.

You are still the star, and you will still be needed. You like to spoil those you love, dazzling them with your affections. Your heart is in the right place, generous and loyal and so very direct. It won’t be too hard for you to transfer some of your inner motivation to others with that type of warmth and devotion.

Leo, do take time to reflect, on your actions, word, and beliefs. Give yourself room to grow and develop. Learn to listen to others, so that you can build on your empathy and cooperation skills. The more time you invest in these activities the more you will shine, which is the end game after all!

Lessons- Humility, empathy, and cooperation.


The potential of Sagittarius is awakening

You like to dream big Sag, and no one can take you back down to earth when you have set your mind to something. The sheer power and strength of your vision and optimism is a force to be reckoned with. It’s as if you are more than a mere mortal. Yet, you are, here in the human form you have to remember that. There’s only so much one person can do.

You have an incredible ability to tap into possibilities, the raw potentials of any given situation. You must harness your expression so that others can get a glimpse of what you see. The truth that you hold so dear and close to your heart. Freedom is your language, but do teach it to others, and help them learn how to embrace it as you do so readily. It is good to be independent but it is equally good to lift others up as well.

Lessons- Expression, truth, freedom.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!


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