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By Fabian EllisPublished 3 years ago 8 min read



I can vividly remember the day that I held the future of mankind in my hands. It was truly a spiritual awakening to find out something so small could harness so much power over the entire universe. It has been said that the world is being controlled by good and evil, but the question is which superior entity has the most power and influence over man. I will not be able to answer that question, but I can tell you of the man that now has conversations with the supreme entity. What I'm trying to say is there is a man that is now talking to this supreme entity and we are all puppets in their game of life.

I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I can't tell you my name. I'll tell you that I used to work as an auctioneer at Koller Auctions in Zürich. Koller's covered all of the major collecting categories specializing in fine and decorative arts, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Design, Asian Art, Jewelry, as well as Books & Autographs, and Fine Wine.

One day there was an auction for the estate of the Jung family; a private estate with some possessions from the father Carl Gustav Jung. The person wanted to remain anonymous. If you had a famous father, wouldn't you want to let everyone know that you are auctioning items, to get a large number of buyers in the room with deep pockets? Nevertheless, the room was packed with deep pockets.

One item garnered lots of attention, a Little Black Book. The buyer paid $23,550 with the seller receiving an unexpected $20,000. An Estate agent John Meyers purchased the book. The auctioneer receives additional pay when an Estate Agent is hired, so I received additional pay. I was compelled to find out the basis for the purchase. Therefore, I wanted the name of the buyer. After the auction, the Estate Agent John Meyer claimed the book. Normally, buyers waited days before claiming the purchased item. I asked John for the buyer's name and he said he wants to remain anonymous. Again, a person wanting to remain anonymous. I needed some answers. I took a chance asking John if I could speak with the buyer. He said maybe, but he will never tell you his real name. I asked, what do you call him? He said, Christen. John used his cell phone and asked if I could call. Afterward, John told me yes. He wrote the number and gave it to me. Why would an anonymous man, easily give out his phone number? He must have a prepaid burner phone.

I waited two days before calling Christen. I dialed the number and a polite man answered the phone. He had a very flat voice meant he was a very secure person.

He said, "My name is Christen, to whom am I speaking."

I said, "David. David Bentley". David Bentley isn't my name but was the name I told John Meyers, after the auction.

"I was told by John that you wanted to talk to me. What do you want to know?"

"I wanted to ask him why he spent so much money on a small black book, however, I asked him to tell me a little about himself."

"I assisted Satoshi Nakamoto with the rollout of the cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin in 2008."

"Satoshi Nakamoto isn't his real name, I'm guessing."

"I plead the fifth. He pitched an idea to release new currency using an open-software. At first, I thought he was crazy, but the more he explained it to me, the more it seemed feasible. He told me that we will rule the world and I never forgot that statement. At the time, I was thinking what if I could actually rule the world."

"You used some of your bitcoin wealth to purchase the auction item?"

"That is correct. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

"Who is Carl Gustav Jung?"

Without hesitation, he said, "He was called C. G. Jung. He was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology and was significant in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. Working as a research scientist at the Burghölzli hospital, he caught the attention of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. The two men began corresponding and collaborating on visions of human psychology."

"Sigmund Freud was at the top of the field in psychology. Why would he be interested in Jung?"

"Freud was impressed with Jung's knowledge of human psychology and wanted him to be the successor to take forward his new science of psychoanalysis. He appointed Jung the President of his newly founded International Psychoanalytical Association. It was short-lived because Jung's research and personal vision began to clash with the vision of Freud's new science. This division urged Jung to establish Jung's analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis."

"Having a rift with Freud should've been his downfall. How did he survive?"

"Jung's concept of analytical psychology is individuation, which is the lifelong psychological process of differentiation of the self out of each individual's conscious and unconscious elements.

"Did Jung interest outside psychology?"

"Jung was also an artist, craftsman, builder as well as a prolific writer. Many of his works weren't published until after his death and some are still awaiting publication. The beginning of his most famous publications was a series of notebooks "The Black Books. He started a unique self-experiment of his confrontation with the unconscious; wanting to engage his fantasies in a conscious state. Jung considered it to be the main task of human development.".

"What are The Black Books?"

"I will discuss The Black Books later. It is important to let you Jung was married to Emma Rauschenbach. Emma Jung and they had five children: Agathe, Gret, Franz, Marianne, and Helene."

"One of the children placed part of Jung's estate up for auction?"

"Yes, but I will not tell you which one. As for The Black Books, they are a collection of seven private journals, 3 to 7 with black covers and 1 and 2 brown. In the second of the seven, he revealed the beginning of his motivation to conduct a difficult experiment on himself consisting of a confrontation with the contents of his mind, while neglecting the activities of daily life. Jung continued to record entries like this and filled the next six notebooks over several following years."

"What was Jung trying to accomplish with these experiments?"

"He wanted to engage his fantasies in a waking or conscious state. The finding of The Black Books was the foundation of Jung's Red Book: Liber Novus. Both sets of books were written in German but include quotations from the Bible in Latin, inscriptions in Greek, and quotations from the Bhagavad Gita given in English. To introduce Jung's work to America, the books had to be translated, spearheaded by Sonu Shamdasani."

"Is that his real name? So far, there are several people, including yourself, that would like to remain anonymous."

"Yes. Sonu interpreted the science of the manuscripts. The Red Book, at one time, had been unavailable for academic study, making Sonu the top source to the information."

"How does this tie to you purchasing the book?"

"I'll tell you. First, Do you know Neal Donald Walsch?"

"I've heard the name in passing."

"Walsch wrote a series of books titled 'Conversations with God'."

"My friends were talking about these books. Unfortunately, I've never had the desire to read the books. What's the significance?"

" In an interview, Walsch described the origin of the books. At a trying time in his life, He wrote an angry letter to God asking questions about why his life was filled with turmoil. After writing down his questions, he heard a voice say: "Do you want an answer to these questions or are you venting?" When he turned around, he saw no one there. The voice began a conversation and he knew he needed to write down the answers. The ensuing dialogue became the Conversations with God books. You may ask, why did I mention Walsch's encounter and his bestselling books?"

"You got that right."

"Jung and Walsch have something in common. They had written that they've communicated with a superior entity. However, the two men could never get the being to manifest itself. Sure they claimed to have spoken to the entity, but couldn't get the entity to appear."

"Where are you going with this?"

"When Jung finished The Red Book, it was in his private library and never published. Jung kept the book private during his lifetime, allowing a few family and associates to read only sections. Later, he released a limited circulation titled Seven Sermons to the Dead. Jung gave copies of this book to friends and students, as a gift and never offered it for public sale or distribution. There were sections Jung wouldn't allow anyone to read and that included family and friends. Those forbidden sections were copied by one of his children, without Jung's knowledge, and ironically placed into a Little Black Book."

"Have you ever seen the Little Black Book?"

"No. I just know about its' creation. I've been monitoring this person hoping they would part with the book one day."

"You had the money, how come you didn't approach the person and make an offer?"

"In hindsight, I should've with a buyer."

"It's ironic, the owner placed the forbidden sections of The Red Book, from passages of The Black Books inside a Little Black Book with red lettering and border design. It's all beginning to make sense."

"You've taken a good look at the book."

"I held the book in my hands. I was intrigued by the design and should've been more curious about what was inside."

"Don't beat yourself up. There are very few people that will be able to interpret those pages, which is true for the family member. If the person understood the power of the book, it wouldn't have been placed in the auction."

"I'm sure when the person unexpectedly received $23,550 for a book, they realized something important was written inside. What's written in those forbidden sections?"

"That's the $23,550 question. From my studies of the two men's manuscripts, beliefs, discoveries, and science, I'll be able to speak with the entity and its manifestation. Jung was on the brink of doing just that and that is why he didn't want anyone to read those forbidden sections in his book. I'll be able to control the world."

" The thought you had when you started the bitcoin venture ."

"That's right. The motivational speaker, Jim Rohn once said, “You become like the five people you spend most of your time with.” It's common for us to underestimate the importance of the company we keep; therefore, I decide if I wanted to rule the world, I need to eliminate four people and spend my time with the most powerful entity of them all."

"Wow! Based on what you've told me and if what you're saying is true, I held the future of mankind in my hands."


"You will be able to control the world."

"Again yes! That's why anonymity was so important. You wanted to know, now you know why I paid $23,550 for The Little Black Book."

"Christen. What will you do with this power?"

"That I can't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see like everyone else on this planet. After he translated Jung's books, Sonu said, 'The book Seven Sermons of the Dead was like an island, but the Red Book is like a vast continent.' He said this without access to the forbidden sections. That means the information in The Little Black Book is the entire planet. Is there anything else you would like to know?

"No! You've said enough. Please be kind to us with the Little Black Book."



About the Creator

Fabian Ellis

I have a Master’s Degree in Business and Bachelor in Art and Mathematics. I've proudly served in two branches of the armed forces, the Navy (Enlisted) and the Marines (Officer). I'm a writer and an inventor who enjoys creating new ideas.

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