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Long-Distance Hike, Chapter 4

A night of passion at a Scottish campsite

By CR BaxterPublished 26 days ago 9 min read

We didn’t make it down for dinner. Straps ordered room service, and we ate, naked, lying on her bed watching mature movies on Netflix. We had sex again late in the evening, and I slunk back to my own room at around eleven to fall into a deep sleep, tired but happy. I was up only a few hours later, determined not to be left behind this time. I packed quickly and headed down with my kit for breakfast.

The girls were already there and halfway through their meal. Straps and Red were chatting as I came in but they both stopped to stare as I joined them.

“Ladies,” I said with a polite nod.

“You’ll be joining us today, then? Not lounging around till noon before breaking camp?“ said ManEater, a half smile tugging her lips.

“After the last couple of nights, it’s a wonder I can still walk.” I was only half-joking. They all found it hilarious, of course, but I was struggling. I loaded up with carbs and coffee and ploughed through enough of both to – I hoped – keep me on my feet till we reached Inveroran.

We finished eating and congregated in the foyer for a final bag check and boot-tightening, then we were off, back on the path before half past seven. The earliest start I’d made so far.

Straps fell in beside me a few kilometres outside Crianlarich.

“You seem well-rested,” I said.

“You want to know the secret? Lots of exercise, then lots more exercise, then a good night’s sleep,” she said.

“I should still be in bed,” I said with a yawn. I’d slept well, but it would take more than a few hours to freshen me up.

Straps leaned close and lowered her voice. “Mouse won the draw for this evening. Have fun.” And she sauntered off, hurrying to catch up with Red. They’d been together a lot this morning, and I couldn’t help wondering if they might have been talking about me.

I was pretty sure by this point that all the girls walked faster than me, but they stayed with me all the way to Inveroran. As we turned into the campsite, my spirits sank at the thought of another night under canvas. Then Mouse smiled at me and suddenly canvas didn’t seem like such a bad thing.

We had dinner at the Inveroran Hotel then sat around drinking in their tiny bar with a bunch of other people walking the Way. I was almost tempted to ask if they had a free room, but the state of the place made me think we’d be better off at the campsite.

“Come on, let’s sneak off,” said Mouse. I chugged the remains of my pint and followed her out of the bar. We walked in comfortable silence back to the tents.

“Yours or mine?” I asked, not that there was much to chose between them.

“I’m sharing with ManEater, but she’ll sleep in yours,” said Mouse, leading me to the two-person tent pitched far from the others in a dark, quiet part of the site. “I like my privacy,” she said when I asked.

“Unlike Red and Straps, who like to get it on in pubic. Not that I’m complaining, but a little privacy can be a good thing.”

Mouse unzipped the door, ushered me into the comparatively spacious interior, then closed the door.

“Snug. Nice.” Two inflatable mattresses, two sleeping bags, two neat bags of kit. “Very nice.” We sat on opposite mattresses, brightly lit by a small camping lantern. It was a cool night, but the air in the tent was charged. “What now?”

Mouse pulled out her phone. “I’d like to shoot video. Is that ok?”

“Is there enough light?” She nodded. “Then, er, yes, I guess. Can I get a copy?” Another nod. “Then let’s go for it.” She fiddled with the phone, clipping it to a hanger by the door so the camera had a good view of the whole tent.

“Do you know why they call me Mouse?” she asked when she turned back to face me.

I had a fair idea. “Because you’re quiet?”

She grinned and shook her head. “I have a mouse tail. Wanna see?”

“Er, what?”

She undid the top button of her shirt and pulled the collar down. There were narrow parallel lines tattooed on her neck. They came to a point just under her ear, like the tail of a cartoon mouse, then disappeared down her shoulder.

“Oh, right. A mouse tail.” I was still perplexed, but my wilder fears had vanished. “Is it a long tail?”

“Very.” She pulled off her boots and lay back on the mattress. “Do you want to find out where the mouse lives?” I nodded. “Then you need to follow the tail. Clothes off, then kiss the tip and get to work.”

“Clothes off? You’re not undressing?”

“You can do that as you follow the tail. Trust me.”

I needed no further invitation. I pulled my hoodie and t-shirt over my head, kicked off my trainers, and struggled out of my walking trousers.

“Very nice,” said Mouse, running her finger tips over my chest. “And your boxers.”

This new, assertive Mouse was a bit of a shock, but getting naked was the object of the game, and I had promised to obey all commands. I slid the boxers off then lay on my side next to her. She closed her eyes, utterly relaxed.

“You may begin,” she said.

An unusual situation, but I like to think I gave satisfaction. I leaned over and found the end of the tail. “Like this?” I said as I kissed her neck.

“Mmm,” was the only response I got. I undid another button on her shirt to expose more skin and kissed her again. Another button and the top of her bra came into view. I kissed my way down her chest until the tail disappeared into the cup of her bra.

“I may need to undo some more buttons,” I said.

“Do it,” she whispered.

I unfastened the rest of the shirt and flicked it open to expose her bra and tummy. Her breasts were small, like the rest of her, and I kissed my way down to the edge of her bra.

“It fastens at the front,” she said in a dreamy voice.

I fiddled with the clasp until it sprang open then I gently teased the bra aside to expose first one breast then the other. The tail climbed her right breast, swirled around her nipple, then travelled across to her other breast before heading lower.

I growled because now I thought I understood the game. I kissed my way along the tail, paying extra attention to her breasts and taking the opportunity to lick and nibble at her nipples. With one hand on her leg, I worked my way over to the far side of her body and down her flank. The tail ran over her hip and into her trousers. I moved around and unfastened her belt. The zip of her flies went slowly down, then I folded back the flap of material to expose the top of her knickers. No sign of the tail.

“The trousers have to come off,” she said, and it sounded like she was enjoying everything I was doing. I longed to fondle her breasts and shove my hand into her knickers, but that wasn’t the game she’d asked me to play, so instead I tugged the trousers from her hips and eased them down to her ankles and over her feet.

Now I could see the tail again. It ran down the outside of her thigh then crossed her leg and ran back up the inside. I kissed my way down and over, then eased her legs apart so I could reach her inner thigh. She gasped and shivered then parted her legs a little wider. The tail vanished back into her knickers.

“They have to come off as well,” she said.

I gently pulled her knickers all the way down and tossed them in the corner of the tent. There was the tail again, going right to the edge of her vagina. I bent to kiss her thigh and worked slowly up. My last kiss was to her clit. She moaned.

“The mouse wants more,” she murmured. “More kisses, more tongue, more finger.”

I bent to my task, kissing and sucking her clit. My tongue made circling motions, my hand sought her breast, and my finger slid into her warm, damp cunt.

“That’s it,” she said breathlessly, “that’s what I want.”

She lay on her back, eyes closed, arms at her side, as I finger-fucked her and licked her clit. Barely moving, hardly breathing, she was completely still beneath my hands.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” she said a few minutes later. My tongue and jaw were beginning to ache, and my cock was so hard it was almost painful, so the approach of her climax was welcome on multiple levels. I felt her shudder, then her backside lifted off the mattress and her hands clenched the sleeping bag.

“Yes!” she said before flopping back down. I took my hands from her body and sat back on my heels. She looked gorgeous. Slightly flushed, skin glistening, a big smile on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me in the lamplight.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re very welcome.” Her eyes tracked down to my cock and she licked her lips. “Would madam care for another course?” *Please*, I didn’t say but I was absolutely ready to beg.

“Lie on your back.” I moved quickly, eager to please. She fiddled with her phone then turned back to me. “I’m going to fuck you now,” she announced, probably louder than she’d meant to. She slid alongside me and kissed me, and her hand caressed my cock. “I want you inside me,” she whispered.

I growled and began to turn toward her but she put her hand on my shoulder and pressed me back. I was almost going wild by this point, but I lay down again, waiting to see what she would do next.

“Let me,” she said. She rolled on top of me, breasts pressed to my chest. I put my hands on her hips and she smiled. Then she rolled onto her back, still lying on top of me. Unexpected, to say the least. Her hands touched my cock again and she shuffled down my body. Her full weight was on me, so it was a good thing she was small. Then the tip of my cock slipped inside her. She moaned and wriggled further down till my whole length was swallowed.

“That’s amazing,” I managed to say. She began to grind, just small movements, and it felt fantastic. I kissed her ear then put my hands on her breasts, cupping both so I could gently rub her nipples.

She sighed and moaned as she moved, and her movements grew larger as her climax approached. “Fuck me, fuck me,” she hissed. I tilted my hips to withdraw my cock a little, then pushed it back in. She moaned again and shifted to give me a better angle. I repeated my motion, hitting a longer stroke that worked for both of us.

I have no idea how long we fucked like that, but I knew when she came. Her whole body seemed to tighten and jerk, and she cried out again before settling back against my chest.

“Now, fuck me harder,” she hissed. Like a beast suddenly untethered, I began to move faster and faster, pounding her from beneath while she held herself above me. “Yes, yes,” she cried as she rode another orgasm, her pleasure driving me to greater efforts.

“I’m close,” I said as the feeling built.

“Do it! Fill me up, now!”

“Oh, fuck, Mouse,” I said as I came, pumping away till the pleasure faded away. I fondled her breasts and fucked her pussy for as long as I could, not wanting the feelings to end. But end they did, and I sagged back down to the mattress, utterly exhausted and breathing hard.

“Thank you,” she said again as my cock slipped free. She rolled over and kissed me, and we fell asleep in each other’s arms, both totally satisfied.


About the Creator

CR Baxter

I write sexy stories to entertain and excite. My stories are respectful, consensual, full of dirty language, and laced with humour and unexpected twists. Enjoy!

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