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How the LELO Sila Has Changed My Confidence

Self-pleasure is a time to be with yourself and experience moments of peace and ecstasy, with help from the LELO Sila.

By Jules FortmanPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

I love orgasms just as much as the next person, but more importantly, I think there is something powerful about knowing your body and how it works best. While my sexual journey to the “Big O” wasn’t a clear and straight path, I have come to find exactly what works for me at this point in my life — and what really works is my mind-blowing experience with the LELO Sila. Trust me, you won’t want to skip this.

Is it a “me” problem?

While I may be sexually confident now, it wasn’t always that way.

Prior to college, all of my sexual experiences were with my high school boyfriend. While it might be shockingly hard to believe, sex in the back of Matt’s car on the weekends didn’t exactly lend itself to be a mind-blowing experience (sorry, Matt… I said what I said).

When I finally arrived at university, I assumed that going away to a new place would mean that I would meet boys men who could provide more sexual satisfaction than my high school fling ever could in the back of his 2003 Honda Accord. But, when we’d gather around in the freshman dorms and would talk about our most recent partners, I would avoid talking about my sex life, not because I wasn’t having sex, but because their experiences seemed so much better (and more filled with orgasms) than mine. I thought it was me; maybe I just couldn’t have them? Or maybe I was doing something wrong?

So, in the spirit of my 3:30PM class, “Science for Liberal Arts Majors,” I had a duty to perform: test my theory once and for all if my lack of orgasms were, in fact, a me problem. It took nearly all of my courage at the time to walk into my local adult store and purchase my first ever sex toy… in the name of science of course.

I’ll save you the guessing and the sob story, because it took one “experiment” with a sex toy to prove that I definitely could orgasm… like… definitely. As the famous saying goes: if you want something done right, do it yourself.

A Little DIY Action

After that, I spent some more “quality time” with myself to figure out what I really liked, and how exactly I could achieve those desired results. As strange as it may sound it really helped me connect with myself on a deeper level; at that point in my life, I knew my body better than anyone else ever had, and there is something empowering about that. And to top it off, it made my sexual experiences even better than they were before. I realized that through masturbating, I was more confident in what I wanted, which really improved all fronts of my sex life.

While sex with a partner seemed to get better and better as I learned how my body worked best with others, I started to realize that my “alone time” never seemed to change. The experience was always great, but there felt like something was missing. And then I started thinking: I would never settle for the first man to come into my life who gave me an orgasm, so why have I settled for the same for a sex toy I bought in a dimly lit shop at the mall?

At this point in my life, it is hard to believe I lived without my LELO Sila, but with age comes wisdom, am I right? For the longest time, I believed there was no replacement to sex with a partner. There is something about the tension and the buildup that comes with foreplay that a vibrating stick made of plastic just couldn’t replace. But then I found the product that would completely change my perspective.

So what’s my speed?

After breaking up with my last partner and really missing those more “authentic” sexual experiences, a friend of mine recommended I get a clit sucker.

I won’t lie to you, I was really skeptical. Many of the ones I had seen before looked way too similar to a facial pore vacuum. Now it’s possible that I watch way too many “As Seen on TV” commercials, but I also had a gut feeling that there had to be something better out there than what I was seeing.

After spending some time doing my research (again, for science), I happened upon a clit sucking toy that had everything I look for:

It’s waterproof,

it has different settings,

It’s made of soft material (in this case, silicone)

and it’s much as I love talking about sex, there are a few things I’d like to keep secret from my roommate.

So what’s my honest review?

While many clitoral stimulators check off those boxes, I was drawn to the LELO Sila because of the wide, soft mouth. It seemed like the perfect size to hit all the right spots and create that intense build up that makes an orgasm so much better.

And boy, was I right.

I’d give this 5/5 O’s — mainly because that’s as many as I got through in one night before calling it a day. This suction vibrator really went above and beyond my expectations, and if I dare say it, was better than the real thing.

All jokes aside, my life is usually insanely busy. Working at a big tech company means that my days are pretty non-stop, and if it’s not work, I’m tied up in prior engagements or running errands. There are very few moments in my life where I have the space to take a deep breath and do things at my own pace. I truly believe that masturbating has some amazing benefits, so when I buy a sex toy, I want to it really live up to its fullest potential.

While the climaxes were (and are) amazingly intense, I would argue that more importantly, the Sila helped me appreciate myself and my body. I believe self-pleasure can be a time to really be with yourself and experience moments of peace and ecstasy, and the Sila really helped me to do that.

Above all, it helped me further prove my point: if you want something done right, do it yourself.

product review

About the Creator

Jules Fortman

Modern feminist making moves one pink hat at a time.

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