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Hotwife: My Wife's Pool Boy - Ch 1

Hotwife / Affair / Age-Gap / Pool Boy

By Skylar QuinnPublished 2 months ago 7 min read
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Seth had been cleaning my pool for a month when I noticed him looking at me through the window. He always seemed to time his visits right when I needed to shower. Hitting 40 this year was hard on me emotionally, but this young twenty-something stud watching me bathe really made me feel young again. My husband had always told me if I was ready to spice things up in the bedroom to let him know. As it just so happened, I was finally ready to become adventurous.


Luke and I had been married twenty-one years this summer; we were in our teens when we fell in love and tied the knot. We were each other’s first, everything. I had never pictured myself with anyone else, but lately, images of this young twenty-year-old kept flashing in my mind every time Luke started making love to me.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this at all. We had always promised each other we would be honest, but I hadn’t had the nerve to share this one yet.

“Jules, you look like someone ran over your dog,” Luke said while we were eating dinner one night.

“I’m just deep in thought.” I kept putting food on my fork and pushing it into my mouth; maybe the feelings would pass, and I wouldn’t be committing adultery in my mind.

“You know I know when you’re lying, right?” He did; Luke always knew when something was wrong. The fact that I had kept this hidden for weeks was a miracle.

“I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

“Doubt that I could ever be mad at you. Just tell me what’s going on. I don’t like how you’re looking right now.” Luke put his utensils on the table and gave me undivided attention.

A sigh escaped my lips; it was now or never. “Do you remember a few months ago when we were talking about how our sex life had become stale?”

He nodded, “Yup, we were trying to come up with ways to bring some kink into the bedroom. Did you think of something?” His eyes widened, “Oh, is that it? Is it really kinky?” The grin across his face grew.

My head bobbed up and down, my eyelids shut, and I brought my hands to my face. “Yes.”

Luke moved across the table and sat next to me; he took my hands and looked me in the eyes, “Baby, just tell me. I promise I won’t judge you. Do you want me to pee on you or something? I promise no judging!”

I laughed, “Geez, Luke, no. I am not into that!”

Luke shrugged, “That was the craziest thing I could think of. So come on, what is it if it isn’t weirder than that? Feet? You don’t want me to fuck you with my feet, do you? I don’t think I could do that…”

He always made me laugh, that’s why I fell in love with him so quickly, all the laughter. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but please stop coming up with the silliest things!” I shook off my nerves and looked my husband of twenty-one years in the eyes. “I’m fantasizing about the pool boy.”

“Okay?” Like looked confused. “Have you never fantasized about someone before? No offense, but I do it, have done it, for years.”

“It’s more than that. I want him. I want to fuck him. And I think he wants to fuck me too.”

“Why do you think that? Has he said something?” Luke suddenly sat straight up, his protective nature coming out.

“No, he just has watched me.”

“Watched you?” Luke looked confused, “Please give me more details. Do I need to go beat him up? This sounds a little creepy.”

“He shows up every time I am about to shower, and I swear sometimes I have seen him looking into the window. And, honestly, it made me horny when I thought he was watching. I may have even sort of timed my showers on purpose now. I’m so sorry!”

Luke sat back, and I could tell he was thinking. Thoughts were running across his face, and I knew it wasn’t always a good thing when he got to planning stuff. Maybe this time would be different.

“Please don’t fire him,” I begged.

“Jules, I have an idea, and I don’t want you to think it’s crazy; just hear me out.”

My head nodded, but my heart started to race.

“What if we had a free pass week,” Luke grinned, “you can go have your pool boy, and I can go do something.”

My face scrunched up, “Is there someone you want to fuck that you haven’t been telling me about?”

“Don’t jump to conclusions, no. I am not daydreaming of anyone else. But this would let you have some fun. And, if fun fell in my lap, I could have fun too.”

“Where would fun fall into your lap?” Somehow this felt even weirder than me wanting to fuck a twenty-year-old.

“I haven’t thought the details through, Jules; this idea literally just popped into my head right now.”

My fingers started to tap on the table, and I let this mull around in my head for a bit. “We would need some rules.”

“Agreed, the first rule is condoms, for sure.”

I nodded, “Yeah, because shit is scary out there now.”

“Second rule is not in our bedroom. That’s just for us.” He reached over and grabbed my hands again, “Our special, sacred place where I love fucking you so much.”

“I agree, that’s our place.” The rules seemed like a good idea, so I added one more: “And we always need to tell the other person about it.”

“Before it happens or after,” Luke asked.

This made me pause. Would I want to know if Luke was about to fuck some chick? I didn’t think I would. “After.”

“How many details do you want to share with one another?” Luke looked worried at this thought. “I don’t think I want to know what you and the pool boy are doing. I would probably get jealous.”

“Fair point, okay, we can just share the person’s name and where it happened,” I nodded as I spoke; this seemed like a fair compromise.

“You know what is crazy?” Luke grinned at me in the most devilish of ways.


“I’m hard as a rock and ready to fuck you, all this talk made me excited.”

“Oh? How convenient because it got me horny too.” I pushed my chair back, “Free pass starts tomorrow; I want my husband tonight.”

Luke stood up and grabbed my hand, “Baby, I’m going to fuck you raw.” He pulled me to my feet, bent over, and picked me up. He put me over his shoulders and started walking to the bedroom.

“What are you doing?” I started to wiggle.

I was shocked when I felt his hand come down hard on my ass, “Stop fighting this.” He tossed me down on the bed and started removing his clothes. “Strip Julia. Right now.”

Luke had gone all macho on me, and I won’t lie; it did it for me. I shimmied out of my clothes and looked at my husband’s rock-hard cock pointed right at me. I was jealous at the idea of some other woman touching him like I was about to. I moved to the edge of the bed and took his cock in my mouth.

“Jules,” he moaned.

My head moved up and down, my tongue teasing, playing, loving on my man’s cock. His hands were on my shoulders; he started massaging my muscles. I moaned into his cock as his fingers worked over knots under my skin. The humming of the moans opened my throat, and when I took Luke’s cock further, I could feel his head teasing the back of my throat, forcing its way down further. I cupped his balls and teased his taint with my fingernail. I could feel his cock jumping in my mouth and knew that it meant he was about to cum.

“Stop, Jules, stop.”

I looked up at him; he was grinning, “I’m not ready to cum yet; crawl up on the bed.” I released his cock and did as he commanded.

To my enjoyment, he quickly followed, his face moved to bury himself in my pussy. I loved the feel of his tongue inside me. He knew right where my clit was; he worked it over the way I loved, and my body always responded to his.

He sent chills up my spine, and when I came, he held onto my hips while he lapped up all of my juices. When he had his fill, he removed his face from my core and came to kiss me. I loved the taste of myself on his skin. He put his cock at my entrance and slowly slipped inside.

“I love you,” I said to him.

“I love you more.”

This time, I didn’t picture the pool boy at all; all I wanted in this moment was Luke, the man I loved. I just hoped what we started tomorrow wouldn’t ruin what we had tonight.


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About the Creator

Skylar Quinn

Hey there, you book-loving reader! My name is Skylar, and I can’t wait for us to get to know one another. I have been an active author for over 14 years and I love Erotica! I am an Apple & Amazon best selling author.

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