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Going Sub 1% on OnlyFans in the first 90 days

A MILF's Story

By Good Lord LoriPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

It's me again, Lori Grace, your next door neighbor with a naughty side! So how does an anonymous, mom-next-door creator go from square one to earning 5 figures a month in less than 90 days? Read on to find out how I’ve found early success.

Let’s talk about branding.

What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, right?! WRONG!

Your creator-name is one of your biggest branding elements. You’ll use it everywhere! So, make sure it’s something you like, and something that makes sense for your niche.

How did I choose my name?

I played around with a couple of ideas before I landed on Good Lord Lori as my creator-name. I wanted to use something with Mrs. since I’m in the MILF niche, and I’ve got this hot for teacher vibe going. But, nothing was sitting quite right.

My hubby suggested Good Lord Lori in reference to one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite red dirt bands. I mulled it over for a couple of days, and it fits like a glove. Here’s what I like about Good Lord Lori:

It’s catchy - people comment, Good Lord is right, or something similar at least a dozen times a day in my promo posts. My name gives them something to grab on to immediately.

It’s true to my persona - I’m a southern gal who loves live music. Sometimes fans recognize my name and ask, hey, is that from the Turnpike song? Voila - instant connection!

It feels natural for fans to address me as Lori or Mrs. Lori when they message me. If I’d chosen a name like Tits Mcgee, it might have been catchy and appropriate, but I can imagine getting tired real quick of answering dozens of messages addressed to Ms. Tits.

My name is important for branding, and so is knowing my niche. Your niche (or niches) can be anything! Are you a gamer? A farmer? A snowbunny? A high-powered executive type? When pinning down your niche, think beyond what you look like.

On the surface, my niche seems fairly obvious. I’m a MILF. However, it’s not that simple. MILF is a pretty large category. If I can narrow my niche, I can know my audience better, and tailor my promoting.

How did I fine tune my niche?

I struggled at first (and still do!) I looked at my daily life and said, I don’t do anything interesting! I’m just a mom! What will I even have to make content about? I mean, I could do anything or be anyone, but, I know that if I don’t want to burn out, I need to lean in to something I’m interested in.

So I brainstormed. Who am I? Who do I want Good Lord Lori to be?

I’m a MILF, there’s no getting around that.

I’m a career educator. Hot for teacher is totally a thing.

I’m shaped like an hourglass and could lean into a pin up vibe.

And, niches can be adjusted as you go! I feel like my niche is still evolving. This summer, I've explored niches like, hot women on boats! It’s a thing.

Once I had a pretty good idea of who Good Lord Lori was, I created some content. In the first few weeks, content creation was very much trial and error. (It still is!) My goal was to have 100 pieces of content (i.e. pictures and videos) on my OnlyFans page within the first couple of weeks. That way, when those first potential subscribers started making their way to my page, they would be more likely to think it was worth it to pay that subscription fee.

I needed to create content for my OnlyFans page, and I needed to create content for marketing. I want the content on my OnlyFans page to be exclusive. Otherwise, what are my subscribers paying for?

Let’s talk about my first marketing baby-steps.

I’m an anonymous, no-face content creator with absolutely zero social media presence. So, I started with these sites:





(I've since added iChive and Fetlife. More on those sites later).

I don’t use social media much in my normal life. I’d scrolled Reddit a handful of times. I’d never made a TikTok, I have a personal Instagram account that I post on maybe once every couple of months, and I’d never been on Twitter. Let’s just say, I still have a lot to learn, and if this novice can make 5 figures just getting started on these platforms, imagine what you can do if you’re already familiar with them!

In the first weeks, I focused on building my Reddit presence. I figured out how to make a TikTok - it was slow-going, and mind-numbing. Then, I added in Instagram as a landing page for potential subscribers coming from TikTok. Once I started getting the hang of those, I started spending a bit more time on Twitter, building my presence there.

I’ve never paid for promotion or marketing.

Let’s talk about consistency.

Being consistent in posting to my OnlyFans page, and then to my social media pages is by far the biggest driver of my early success.

How do I stay consistent?

I post every day.

Timing matters. I need to post on Reddit at specific times to do well. I’ll go into detail in a future post.

I have to enjoy what I’m doing, or I’ll burn out.

I have to be all-in.

What do I mean by all-in? It wasn’t easy at first accepting that I’m a MILF. Lask time I checked, I was a hot young thing! Making content every day has helped me to appreciate my more mature body in a way I might not otherwise have. Being a spicy content creator on OnlyFans is helping me slide into this new era with a great appreciation for, well, me!


About the Creator

Good Lord Lori

I'm Lori, your sweet, sultry neighborhood mom. I love telling spicy stories - both fictional and from my life. If you want to peek into the window of the married, vixen-next-door, here's your chance.

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