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World in Tatters Ch. 33

By Kevin Barkman

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 2 months ago 10 min read
World in Tatters Ch. 33
Photo by Chris Karidis on Unsplash

Hours pass on the road while Jason avoids being anywhere near me. I think he’s either afraid I’ll start probing again, or mad at me for keeping secrets. But he rides well ahead of us, keeping pace with Richard and Kiera at the front of the caravan. Although, he seems to be avoiding them too.

I hang back with Alice and Rachel. We chat idly on the road, joking and carrying on to pass the time. Chris sticks pretty close by listening and laughing as the girls poke fun at me. Honestly, it’s pretty nice, but I still can’t get my mind off the days ahead.

I don’t know what Rachel will do when she finds out about mom. After everything we’ve been through, I just hope for them to have a happy reunion. As for me, I think that ship has sailed. Five years is a long time. I’ve mourned her. I’ve come to terms with her demise. I don’t even know how I feel about her being alive, let alone letting her back into our lives. And with having to deal with Elias Drum on top of that…

I just want a normal day. Is that too much to ask for? I just want to take Alice and Rachel and Jason and, hell, even Chris and leave. I want to take them and run away, but even if we did that, Drum would keep sending men. All just to get to her. It’s all her fault. If my mother weren’t involved with this group, Drum would have no reason to come after us.

If my mother were actually dead like she’s supposed to be, the rest of my family would be safe.

The second the thought crosses my mind, I regret it. What kind of person wishes for their own mother’s death? What does that say about me?

I don’t want her dead. For the last five years, I have wished for and wanted this every single day. But now that it’s true, now that it’s real, I can’t help but be angry with her.

Did she even try to find us after what happened? At any rate, we have a week or so before we’re supposed to meet up with her and her army. I have plenty of time to figure out how to respond. Until then, I’ll just try to enjoy the trip.


Hours turn to days as we make our way back to Alliance controlled territory. It’s been three full days on the road since we left with Richard’s crew. By the time the sun sets, we’ve found a decent place to start setting up camp. Kiera and Richard are very cautious about when we travel, not risking the dangers of travelling after dark. “Precious cargo,” Richard jokes.

Tonight it’s Rachel and Jason’s turn to set up our tents, so I take a seat by the small cooking fire. Richard’s folks are well trained. They only keep the fires burning long enough to make meals before smothering them again. In the morning, they scatter and bury the ashes.

By the smell of it, I think supper is close at hand. I haven’t had much of an appetite these last days, but tonight’s stew smells pretty good. I pull up one of the logs to lean against, resting my body from the long day of riding. I stare up into the sky, watching rich purple fading to black as the last sunlight rests for the evening. I lose track of the time as the stars flicker into view, one by one.

“You should eat something.” Kiera’s voice snaps me out of it. “Here.”

“Hm?” I sit upright, realizing from my stiff neck that I must have been there for a while. Kiera holds out a small tin bowl filled with stew in her outstretched hand. “Oh, thanks.” I rub my neck as I take the bowl from her.

Kiera sits down onto the ground next to the fire, scooping some stew into a bowl of her own. We sit in silence for a while, neither of us initiating conversation. Even after we’ve both finished our meager suppers, she stays with me. Richard comes by only for a moment. Long enough to grab his food and head off to deal with other business. The entire time, I’m thinking of all the things I want to ask about my mother. I’m able to keep my curiosity in check until a sudden thought crosses my mind.

“Hey, Kiera.”

“Hm?” She looks up from where she’s been drawing in the dirt.

“Did you guys ever figure out what happened to Alexandre?”

“Alexan…How did you know about that?”

“Oh, um…Alexandre was the one who helped us get into Picayune. When things went sideways, I went to warn him, but he was gone. I overheard you guys with one of his employees.”

“No. We never found him. We don’t think he went willingly, but we ran out of time to search. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I only met the guy once. I was just curious. How do y’all know him?”

“Just an ally to the cause.”

“And what cause would that be exactly?”

“That would be the cause of taking down Elias Drum and his regime.”

“What does an innkeeper from the heart of the Consortium have to do with fighting Elias Drum?”

“Alexandre has been funneling supplies to us for months. And until recently, that was it. Right up until Drum’s people started to move in on Picayune and Hattiesburg. He’s the one who provided us that bit of intelligence.” Kiera pauses, meeting my eyes. “He also helped us find you.”

“At the behest of my…” Looking over my shoulder to make sure Rachel is nowhere in sight. “My mother.”

“Richard told you? I thought he might.”

“Yeah, I think he realized it was the only way to get me to come along.”

Kiera smirks, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Understandable.”

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, by the way.”

“What would you like to know?”

“For one…how did you guys get involved with her?”

“Her unit hit a prisoner transport coming from Savannah. They pulled us out.”

“Why were you being held prisoner?”

“My uncle. He was a delegate in the Alliance parliament. And he was part of Drum’s initial coup.”

“But you were still held prisoner?”

“Well, yeah. Uncle Drake and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye.”

“Clearly. Is that how you and Richard met? He mentioned that he was part of one of the delegate’s security detail.”

“Not exactly. I mean…I had seen him around, but we didn’t know each other back then. We met as prisoners.” She looks around the camp, focusing on Richard who appears to be doing sword exercises. It’s a nightly ritual with him. After supper, he finds a quiet spot at the edge of camp and goes through his motions. Slowly, methodically, practiced as though the sword itself is a part of his arm. “Didn’t get married until a few months ago. Right before your mom sent us to find you.”

“What’s she like?”

“Who? Your mom?”


“Do you not remember her?”

“I remember my perception of her, but five years changes a lot. I mean, I’m definitely not the same kid I was then.”

“Fair point.” Kiera takes a deep breath, slowly exhaling while she thinks of what to say. “What can I say about Charlotte Tucker?”

“She’s your leader, right?”

“Something like that.” She laughs. “There’s a council that runs our outfit. Charlotte is Chairperson of that council. She and one other oversee our strategic operations. Others oversee the supply chain and civilian relations. Altogether, they act as a sort of government in exile.”

“Strategic operations? My mom? How’s that? I know she was good at chess, but military ops?”

“She’s brilliant. If it weren’t for her, our outfit would have been toast by now.”

“Seriously?” I didn’t intend to sound so incredulous, but the Charlotte Tucker I remember wasn’t a politician let alone a general. I never knew she had any interest in leadership, but my parents kept a lot from me.

“Yeah, seriously. She’s shrewd, cunning. Since she was voted onto the council, we’ve been able to out-maneuver Drum’s people pretty consistently.”

“That’s good, I guess… I’m just a little surprised. I don’t remember my mother being military minded.”

“Like you said. A lot can change in five years.”

“Clearly.” Or maybe I just never knew her at all. We sit in silence for a moment as I stare up into the night sky. “Kiera?”


“What do you make of all of this?”

“All what?”

“Oh, I dunno…Living on the run. Fighting an oppressive dictator. Swordfights and manhunts.”

A smile cracks across Kiera’s stony façade. It’s a kind smile. Not what I would have expected from her. Since we’ve been traveling together, I’ve only seen her colder, more calculating side. The side that’s always looking over her shoulder, prepared for anything. Not that we’ve really talked much. “It’s certainly never boring.”

I can’t help but laugh with her. “But really? What’s that been like?”

“Well, we’ve been at this for a couple years. It’s pretty normal now.” She pauses. “Besides, we don’t always live in tents. Sometimes there’s even a real bed.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that like?”

“Rare.” The two of us share a laugh before Kiera suddenly sits upright. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” I’m on high alert now.

By the time the sound of hoofbeats reaches me, a rider comes into view down the straight road. The rider’s running his horse fast. The entire camp goes up in arms, weapons at the ready. Richard takes position near the center of camp, facing down the rider as they approach.

The rider barely slows, dismounting as they reach Richard. Richard stows his blade once he recognizes the incoming horseman. One of Richard’s attaché takes the horse while the rider pulls Richard aside, conversing in hushed tones.

The tension in the camp is tangible. Kiera jumps to her feet rushing over to Richard and the new arrival. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jason headed my way, Rachel not far behind.

“What’s going on?” Rachel shouts.

“Don’t know. Rider just came in.”

A few minutes pass, all eyes on Richard, Kiera and the messenger. Anger and frustration washing over them.

Before long, Richard sends the messenger away. Richard looks to Kiera, clearly distraught. The two seem to come to some agreement before she rushes off to their tent.

“Pack everything up! We leave in an hour.” No one moves, confusion spreading like wildfire. “MOVE! NOW!”

Richard’s shouted order finally breaks the collective stupor. The camp erupts in chaos as the soldiers run about their duties. I rush over to him, grabbing his shoulder. Richard spins on me, the look of pure anger in his eye catches me off guard.

“What’s going on, Richard?”

Pulling away, “Just get ready to leave. We have to make it to Birmingham by midday tomorrow.”

“Birmingham? We’re supposed to be going to Atlanta. I didn’t agree to—”

Turning on me. He keeps his voice calm, but the tension in his jaw betrays him. The rage is not directed at me though. “Frankly, Steven, I don’t care what you do. You and yours can head on to Atlanta. I’m sure we can meet you there, but my crew has to go to Birmingham.”

“That’s not what I…Just what’s going on?”

“One of our camps was attacked this morning. Heavy casualties. Mostly elderly and children. They’re defenses were limited.”

“Shit. I’m sorry.”

Some fire leaves him. “Look. You and I don’t know each other very well, and you don’t owe me anything. But we could use all the able bodies we can get.”

“I take it you are asking us to come with you?”

“If you’re willing. We could be in for a fight. If you’re anything like your mom, I know you can handle yourself. And I’ve heard stories about Alice with her knives.” A sadness washes over him, “Besides, there’s a lot of carnage. We’re going to need help cleaning it up.”

“You had someone at that camp didn’t you?”

“I had everyone at that camp.” His frustration turning inward. “I feel responsible for all of them…but yeah, my grandfather is there.”

“Is he alright?”

“I don’t know. I asked Jared, but he rode to get us as soon as the casualties started rolling in.”

I pause only a moment. “Will she be there?”

“I honestly don’t know.”

Steeling my determination. “We’re coming with you. Atlanta can wait. Your people can’t.”

A weak smile crosses his face; Richard nods to me before running off to help his men break camp.

“He tell you what’s going on?” Rachel appears by my side.

“Yeah. We’re heading to Birmingham.”

“What happened to Atlanta?” Alice appears at my other side, making me jump.

“Something came up.”

“So, first you drag us along following a stranger across potentially hostile territory, not telling us the reason. Now you’re dragging us to follow the same stranger to Birmingham. Why?”

“First off, I gave all of y’all a choice if you wanted to come with us.” Turning serious, “Seems their Birmingham camp was attacked. Richard and Kiera have family there.”

“Was it Drum?”


“O…kay?” Rachel questions. “What exactly does that have to do with us?”

“It doesn’t, exactly. But he asked us to help out, and I told him we would. A lot of their people were killed this morning. We’re going to help them. Even if that means a fight.” I pause, waiting for a rebuttal. Looking back and forth between them, “Alright, then. Let’s get packed up. You heard Richard. We leave in an hour.”

SeriesYoung AdultSci FiExcerptAdventure

About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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