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Why did You pick Me?

By NostiPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

I came to this world in lush grasslands, silky and shining with soft, bounty sun. The fresh gusts of wind brushed my skin and the droplets of rain made me feel alive. I was falling asleep to the singing crickets and the days passing in harmony and peace. The life was pure and simple, sustained by the land I called home. The pace of my existence was set by the dusk, perfectly tuned into its rhythm. There was nothing I needed, or wanted, other than what I already had. My roots were anchored deep in the earth, gifting the shelter and the identity assigned by the place I belonged to.

The bypassers wandered through the quiet grounds, with their frantic and nervous gait echoing a life different to ours. We were calming them down just with our presence, undisturbed and composed, swinging gently with the wind rolling through. My story was scripted with a perfect order of words until the page was ripped away by an unexpected turn of events.

There was nothing but stillness and air electric with suspense. He stumbled upon me in all surprise as I caught his curious gaze from far away. We stared at each other frozen in time - a brief moment and an eternity when everything changed. He studied my every cell in detail, plotting the future quietly in his head. I knew I was the chosen one as he approached with his heavy steps shaking the ground beneath his feet.

He admired me in a foreign way I had never experienced before. He told me how beautiful I was over and over again. He wanted to have me and I could not resist, I could not hide. His grip cut deep into my core and I was taken on a journey filled with sights unseen and the world new and exciting rushing past my eyes. He kept me tight and became my only aide. My loved ones were left behind, they could not protect me from fate fulfilling its course. He ripped me away from the source, yet showed me a reality I had never imagined existed, strange, contagious and dazed. The time of adventure was exhilarating as we hustled through the space, exploring the sounds and smells unknown to my senses. All of a sudden, the race ended, briefly and abruptly with the doors shutting loudly behind my back.

I was placed in the centre of his universe, cared for and admired. Vibrant and alive, delicate and blooming, he harnessed the best of me. He looked at me with appreciation, greeting me with a loving eye every time he returned home. I was nourished and treasured, knowing the repeating dance of homecoming and his comforting presence when I felt alone. He was my world, my universe and I had no one else to lean towards when the air became too heavy to breathe.

The sweet allure of change began to fade with the unease and discomfort flowing inside me without a release. I was not true to myself, regretting the direction placed upon my will. I was trapped behind the translucent wall that dampened the fire and the grit. I got carried away by the life I had not chosen for myself. There was nothing left when the mystery and novelty of us waned away with the routine lived without a thought. The worries took their toll and I lost the glow, and desire to thrive way before my time was due.

Day by day, his touch and attention were becoming scarce, forgetting that I was still there, waiting silently by his side. The look of love transformed into discontent, as the spark of affection went missing, giving way to guilt. I was slowly starving and the spring that once kept me alive became murky, stagnant and stale.

Deprived of sustenance and moments of love, the first wrinkles appeared on my cheeks. I lost the radiance and the youth, my dearest treasure and the gift taken for granted until it was too late. The scars of time spread with no remorse and ate into my flesh, consuming me slowly from within. I was losing the beauty given to me, leaving only the vain and empty craving to reclaim it and feel it once again.

I became invisible, transparent to him and the world, offered only a seldom glance of pity and concern. He would reach towards my body merely to rush me to the side and out of his way. And just like that, life started to crumble away, falling to pieces and spoiling away. I had nothing left and dropped to the ground, barren, helpless and with the breath long gone. The world did not blink, just as nothing changed, unmarked, indifferent and unimpressed. He picked my remains and hurried me on, back to the garden, the dear, long-lost home. I will rest forever under the oak tree, shading the humble story of me - a misplaced wildflower, destined to wilt.


About the Creator


Hello. My name is Nosti and I am learning to write.

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