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Where is Alice Jay Jennings? -Part 2

Part 2 of The Misplaced Knife (vocal challenge)

By Marysol RamosPublished 5 months ago Updated 4 months ago 4 min read
Picture by Ideogram

*Part 1 of this Story is titled The Misplaced Knife. The story was created as an entry for the Vocal challenge of writing a story from the perspective of a misplaced item. Here, in part 2, it is no longer continuing as the perspective of the item.

2 months ago, I sat in a coffee shop working on an assignment. Distracted by the news on the television, I had a difficult time focusing. A woman by the name of Lisa Ray Vaz had gone missing in her hometown. Here where I live. She was visiting her parents from out of state. It shocked everyone as she was well known and well loved.

Today, I sat in the same coffee shop, Blue Tables Café, once again distracted by the news and unable to concentrate.

“A body has been found and is believed to belong to that of Lisa Ray Vaz. There were speculations that Alice Jay Jennings was behind the disappearance of this young lady because Lisa was a well-known writer. The speculations were doubted since Alice had gone silent ever since she was identified by the victim who survived the attack 1 year ago. Now, we are to believe that Alice Jay Jennings is back, as an envelope was placed in the hand of the body found amongst the trees in Lakeview Forest. As of right now, we are not sure what was in the envelope. We will bring you the updates as we…”

“Aren’t you afraid that you’ll be next?” a stranger asked, distracting me from the news. He genuinely seemed concerned, and I must’ve looked confused. He pointed at my computer to show that I was writing.

“You’re a writer. Maybe you should be writing in secret. You wouldn’t want to be spotted and possibly become the next victim.” He said as he began to walk away. I had no response. Not even a facial expression to give. He was right, though. Maybe I shouldn’t be out in public writing. It could bring attention to myself that would cause trouble.

I looked back at my assignment and shut my laptop. I felt it would have been safer if I had gone home. I packed my things and headed out. I noticed the guy that had spoken to me sitting outside by himself. He looked at me, and I at him, and he gave me a wink. I smiled at him, it was just a half smile, and I walked away.

There was something about him that made me uncomfortable. There was something about him that made me feel he knew something that I did not.

I got into my car and looked at the table he was sitting at through my rearview mirror. He wasn’t there. I quickly scanned the parking lot, and still, I could not find him anywhere.

“Just drive around a bit, and then go home.” I told myself. Afraid that maybe I would be followed. So, I did just that. I drove through busy roads, took random exits, ran some red lights, and made sure I left vehicles behind. I then drove through some lonely roads and waited to see if any vehicles drove by. Nothing. I felt safe enough to go home.

The next morning, I opened my laptop to work on my assignment. I also turned on the news to see if anything new had come of the case of Lisa Ray Vaz.

“Next, we bring you more information on the case of the body found at Lakeview Forest.”

“Just in time.” I thought.

“The envelope being held by the hand of the body did indeed hold a poem. Practically confirming that Alice Jay Jennings, also known as The Poetic Killer, is back.”

“I wonder if they’ll continue showing the poems to the people?” I asked myself.

“The poem will not be read on air, but it has been shared for others to see on the newspaper and on our social media page.” The anchor woman said.

“It’s like she’s reading my mind.” I thought.

“Breaking news,” The anchor man sitting next to her said as he held onto his right ear, then continued, “it was reported by a man named Brandon Heights that Alice Jay Jennings, The Poetic Killer, was spotted at a café right here in town. A man reported seeing Alice Jay Jennings at Blue Tables Café yesterday evening. They are working on getting footage from the cameras to either confirm or debunk this accusation.”

“I knew I should’ve been safer while I was there.” I thought to myself.

“I wonder when he noticed that I was Alice Jay Jennings?” I asked myself as I added his name to the list of “upcoming victims.”

“I wonder if it was when I didn’t look afraid when he had asked me if I was afraid? Or was it after he winked at me, and I gave him a half smile? Either way, I’ll just ask him when I see him again.”

Part 3

Young AdultthrillerShort StoryPsychologicalMysteryCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator

Marysol Ramos

From Soul Soothing to Mysteries and Thrills. Take a few journeys with me through short stories that will either liven your soul or consume it with curiosity. Either way your mind takes a ride and your emotions are brought to life.

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  • Test5 months ago

    . WOW! Very amazing work!!

  • Wow, what a lovely read. I was immersed and expectant of what would happen next.

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