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The Need To Know

Adventure SciFi

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Emerging from the cozy confines of the camper, a small figure squinted into the brilliant morning sunlight. Today promised to be exceptional, if they could just get started. The young man glanced back, his patience waning.

“Tass, come on!”

“I’m coming, Jer.”

“You got everything?”

“Yes, food, drinks, and this.” Tassy proudly displayed a pouch that Jer immediately recognized.

“Ah, Grandpa’s camera.”

“Fully loaded with film.”

“Let’s hit the road.”

“Goodbye, Grandpa!”

From the camper door, Grandpa’s face appeared, a mischievous grin lighting up his aged features. “Enjoy yourselves. Call me when you’re heading back?”

“Of course. Meet us at the red marker glade on the lowest switchback.”

“I’ll bring some treats.”

“Just make sure it’s not something you hunted!” With a chuckle, the two young adventurers waved and set off.

Their journey led them towards one of the three towering mountains that dominated the horizon. The morning was a photographer's dream, with wisps of high clouds that promised spectacular nature shots.

Their path began on the valley floor, meandering through a dark, twisting trail marked by moss-covered rocks, babbling streams, and lush trees. As they ascended, the dense forest gradually thinned, giving way to smaller trees and shrubs. The switchbacks led them higher, offering breathtaking views and revealing more of the sky.

“Why does Grandpa love this place so much?” Jer wondered aloud.

“He has history here. Something big happened a long time ago.”

“What kind of something?”

“He’s always been secretive about it. But he had a hand in building that tower up ahead.”

“The radar tower?”

“I’m not sure. It used to be manned, then automated. Now, it’s abandoned.”

As they continued along a narrow ridge path, bathed in sunlight and surrounded by needle bushes and rock formations, Tassy suddenly stopped. “Look! What’s that bright light?”



Jer scanned the sky and spotted it too. “A meteor?”

“No, it’s changing direction!”

The bright light grew clearer as it descended, eventually revealing itself to be a flying craft. “It’s going to land,” Jer observed.

“Down there, by the stream!” Tassy pointed.

The craft settled on a gravel bed, its large antenna rising from the top and scanning the surroundings. “What do we do? That thing scares me.”

“Me too. Let’s hide behind those rocks.”

The two watched as the aliens disembarked from the craft, their movements deliberate and cautious. The aliens were tall, clad in white and black suits, and carried strange devices on their backs and sides.

“Do you think they’re friendly?” Tassy whispered.

“I don’t know,” Jer replied, his curiosity piqued. “Remember Grandpa’s story about the robot ship?”

“His close encounter? I thought it was just a tale.”

“Does that look like a fairy tale to you?”

The aliens seemed to sense their presence and began moving towards them. “We need to get out of here!” Tassy exclaimed.

Jer began descending the slope, but loose rocks sent him tumbling. Tassy tried to run but stumbled, injuring her leg. As the aliens closed in, a familiar figure emerged from the bushes.

“Grandpa!” Tassy cried out.

Without hesitation, Grandpa fired his weapon, incapacitating the aliens. “I had to,” he said tersely.

As they retreated, Grandpa revealed his past as a scientist who had encountered these aliens before. He explained that they were aggressive beings from another planet, and their return was inevitable.

“Is this why you brought us here?” Jer asked.

“To show you the truth,” Grandpa replied. “We need to prepare.”

As they made their way back, the looming threat of the aliens' return weighed heavily on their minds. The excitement of their encounter had transformed into a somber realization of the challenges ahead.

“They call themselves humans,” Grandpa revealed. “And they’re coming for us.”

Sci FiAdventure

About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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