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The Moment

In a breathless pause, what do you choose?

By Meredith HarmonPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 2 min read
Top Story - February 2024
An intersection of choices and ideas made visible. Image created at

And there goes another.

Magic doesn't work the way you think.

I am here. We are here. Those moments, those opportunities, those insights. Choices. Decisions.

Sometimes you can sense it. That moment, just upon waking or sleeping, when all possibilities are possible? Or that moment of clarity, when you know the exact right thing to say? Or that little hesitation, that pull in your gut, that says “That way is dangerous, take the other path"? As if the universe is holding its collective breath, waiting for what you will say, or do, or intend.

Now you know what I mean.

Some people have a talent for it. They develop it, nurture it, and become amazing people. They have had many names over the years: witches, wizards, midwives, shamans, lamas, Eagle Woman. Most of them you never hear about, because along with the sense, they also realize how easily it can tip over into manipulation. They stay in the middle – it gives them more room to actually get things done. Too much crowding at the front, for the ones who claim to do the work.

Beware the ones who “lead” from the rear! To those, you are nothing but cannon fodder or shock troops. In times of crisis or instant decision, a true visionary is the one who leads by example. They may bark orders, but they are working just as hard as they wish you to work. One who stands up and spouts words to sway your emotions, to send you off while they wave from a safe location, these do not have our inspiration. They may have the power to persuade, but it is not from our kind. Ours is of the individual, to make a thing of beauty. Or of cleverness, or of benefit, or of protection. Persuasion to join in that effort comes later, if at all, and from other sources.

Many who would have had the gift have been crushed. Teachers, parents, officers of the law and court, priests and pastors and nuns. People who should know better, people who pervert their wisdom into machination. Or a person's potential is wiped out by war, disease, accident, genetics, or even unfortunate circumstances when the very opposite of our essence gathers and destroys life and possibility. Many times, the insight that comes with healing is too slow, or too much time has passed, or the damage is too much to overcome.

Or politics, of course. Or greed, from corporate to individual. Or jealousy. How many projects and ideas have been buried because the profit of destruction is greater in the short term? How many people fired because they stood up for what was right? How many times people tried to better their lives but were the wrong skin color, gender, age, religion?

We follow. Like sparks, we coalesce where the conditions are right. Humans are both wave and particle, remember? It's not that you call out, per se, but the waves oscillate and undulate in patterns imperceptible, in eddies undefined. And in the pattern of this universal dance, a moment of pause.

We are there.

And a touch, a movement, and we spin away. Will you follow?

Otherwise, the moment -

Is lost.

Stream of Consciousness

About the Creator

Meredith Harmon

Mix equal parts anthropologist, biologist, geologist, and artisan, stir and heat in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, sprinkle with a heaping pile of odd life experiences. Half-baked.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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Comments (11)

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  • Caroline Jane4 months ago

    Yep. 100% Great story. 👍

  • Andrei Z.4 months ago

    It's like I can read between the lines a hidden call to act and be better. Where I'm from, they would stamp it as sedition. P.S. I played with the visualization of choices&ideas intersections for like whole 5 minutes. My favourite is the one that looks like a sunflower head. Do they have something to do with Fibonacci numbers, our choices and ideas?

  • Rachel Deeming4 months ago

    I feel this is the coincidences that seem so surreal; in the echoes of things said or said; in the comments made that then come up a day or so later after not having been touched upon in years. This has made me very thoughtful.

  • Anna 4 months ago

    Cool, congrats!🥰

  • Adam 4 months ago

    Congratulations! TS

  • Test4 months ago

    Fabulous work! Keep it up—congratulations!

  • Abody N. Eiid4 months ago

    Your writing's great. You can also evaluate my stories and my writing style because that motivates me to write more if the content I present is good.

  • This is spot on. Always embrace the moment because you never know what lies ahead.

  • Luis Kodra4 months ago


  • Forever? Or will there be other moments, other opportunities? What does it matter? I've missed so many of them already it's become a learned habit, lol.

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