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The love fantasies of David and Anna

Full moon Night cosmic tales

By Shital Ajit LondhePublished 3 months ago 3 min read

It was a dark night in the rainy season. David and Anna were driving on an empty road outside the metropolis. After driving for 10 km, Anna said, I don’t think we can go further; there are so many trees lying on the road; it's too dark. We will stay somewhere, and we can continue our journey tomorrow morning.

David nodded his head, and they have parked their car near the resort “Forest Club, which is 2 km away from the main road. They did check-in formalities and got room no. 303. Both of them were feeling cold due to the rain outside. Anna said, I will take a bath while you can start the heater in the room.

David started the heater and took the remote, and music started in the background. He started listening to his favorite songs after 15 minutes, and he realized Anna was in the washroom, but there was no sound of water coming from the washroom.

Anna, are you inside? David knocked on the door, wishing she would reply from inside, but no one replied. He dialed the intercom and called reception. Can you help me with keys? I guess the bathroom door got locked inside. The receptionist said, "We have keys, sir, and I'll give them to you in 10 minutes."

David was afraid of what happened with Anna. He got the keys after a few minutes, and he started unlocking the washroom door. He opened the door and entered the washroom. He saw Anna was not inside the washroom, and the bathtub was full of red roses and a wine bottle outside the tub. He got confused about what happened inside and where Anna was. He started calling her mobile, but no one picked up the call. He went outside the room in the garden of resorts, but she was not there either.

He informed the resort’s manager now that Anna was missing from the resort’s washroom. He was scared, and it was a full moon night with heavy rain outside. He can't even go outside to drive now. Anna, my baby, where are you? He started calling her name and started looking for her nearby places in the swimming pool, garden, and terrace everywhere on the resort’s premises.

After midnight, David came again to room 303, and he was shocked to see that Anna was sitting in front of the mirror in a red night gown, listening to songs on her mobile, and getting ready for dinner. She asked, "Hey, where have you been for the past two hours? I've called you, and you haven't returned my calls either."

David asked, "What are you talking about, baby?" You went for a bath, and then it got locked (door inside), and he started explaining everything in the sequence. She said, What? I was here only for the past 2 hours; I didn’t notice you in this room either. That’s why I was calling you to check your mobile. David checked, and there were almost 20 missed calls from Anna. Now, he got confused about what’s happening in the room. He was afraid, so he immediately said, Baby, we will checkout early in the morning. I am not comfortable here.

Ok, chill, come here, and Anna pulled him close to her. They drank a lot now, and they slept within a few minutes after kissing each other, in the dream of David’’ They indulged in acts of lust and decadence, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy and oblivion. But beneath the facade of their lustful encounters lay a love that burned with an intensity that neither could deny. Despite the darkness that surrounded them, David and Anna found solace in each other's arms; their love was a beacon of light amidst the shadows. 

David never felt such calmness in his entire life; the way he felt comfortable in Anna’s arms and her cuddles were the sweetest memories of his life. The entire night, both of them were happy in each other’s arms, leaving behind all the mysterious nightmares. The next morning, Anna and David checked out of the resort and started driving again to their destination.


About the Creator

Shital Ajit Londhe

I am a public figure (blogger/lyricist/author), who is working with global market publications, and my hobbies are singing, dancing, photography, writing articles, poems, gardening, spiritual activities, yoga, aerobics, counseling, cooking.

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