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The Invitation

Somewhere in the Hands of Fate

By Isabella RosePublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read

Coletta stared at the parchment in her hands as if examining a foreign entity. The script was tiny and composed of fine pen strokes, forming the cryptic message:

“I would be pleased if you would accompany me at Orchard Manor at 9PM tonight. Don’t concern yourself with an appropriate garment. One will be provided for you.”

No matter how much she read the message, she could not decipher the meaning of the invitation. Who was the sender? Furthermore, Orchard Manor presided over the little and monotonous town like a mere transient spirit. Its floor length windows were broken, the paint was weathered by time, and the ivy overtook the ornate iron fence like a rude and uninvited captor. The once glorious estate contained all the luster of a neglected and abused porcelain doll. Why would anyone invite her there?

Even more concerning, the letter didn’t contain a signature. There was no indication of its sender. It was tucked under her front door, waiting for her like a loving relative. Despite its mysterious nature, she knew it was for her by the greeting on the top of the parchment. “To My Darling, Coletta.” She momentarily closed her eyes, trying to place the long-ago diction. Briefly looking at her phone, she noted that there was no texts or calls. In fact, her phone lay lifeless. Clearly, this person had chosen to ignore modern technology in favor of traditional means of communication.

“You aren’t really thinking about going, are you?” quizzed her friend, Bridgett, with a hint of concern in her voice. Her green eyes met Coletta’s own dark brown eyes before she continued, “Come on, Little Sis. What kind of person just leaves a mysterious letter on a lady’s front stoop? It’s just plain odd.”

Coletta smiled slightly at her friend’s paranoia. Still, she could be right. Her tiny hands gently placed the mysterious letter on her nightstand and turned in an attempt to reassure her friend.

“I won’t go. I promise,” stated Coletta in her best reassuring voice.

“Maybe I should stay with you tonight just to make sure you’re okay,” quizzed Bridgett in a manner of slight protection.

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me,” replied Coletta with a shrug, knowing that it was no use to argue with the commanding Bridgett Smith once her mind was made up.

The bright screen of the phone glowed in Bridgett’s hands as she rapidly punched in the code to unlock the text message.

“That’s Brian. He wants to meet me tonight,” beamed her companion. “I believe this is it. He is going to propose!”

Coletta brightly smiled at her constant ally’s enthusiasm. “You should go. I will be fine here. Pinky swear that I will,” Coletta stated while extending her outstretched little digit towards Bridgett. Interrupting into a fit of giggles, they both collapsed on the bed, embracing each other in friendliness for a moment before Bridgett grabbed her tan tote bag and headed for the open door.

“Little Sis, call me if anything creepy happens and lock your door, please,” implored Bridgett as she reached the thick living room door.

Rolling her eyes, Coletta stated once again, “I promise to be safe!”

Once Bridgett securely closed the door and her footsteps could no longer be heard on the sidewalk, Coletta grabbed the parchment and her phone, quickly punching the address into the familiar Uber app. Anxiously, she waited on the chime to let her know that the car had arrived.


Emotion choked him, threatening to take away all sense of reason as he looked at this innocent and vulnerable creature, walking steadily to the front door. Each of her footsteps carried with them a type of promise, unknown to the world, but full of bright potential. Though she didn’t realize it, she was perfect, and she always would be to him.

A slight knock was heard as her delicate fingers touched the heavy oak door. Opening it slightly, the doorman enfolded her small hand in his in an attempt at a friendly greeting.

Looking around bewildered, she stated with some confidence, “You were the one who sent me this note?”

A warm and inviting smile radiated across the doorman’s face, “Madame, it wasn’t I, but the Master of this estate who sent for you. Now, if I can escort you inside, we can continue with the reason for your visit.”

Coletta hesitated as she took a gentle step into the entryway; stammering on impulse, “My friend knows I’m here.”

Suppressing a slight chuckle, the doorman stated, “You needn’t be afraid here.

“I’m not afraid,” whispered Coletta in her bravest voice.

“Then, you must meet him. He’s waiting for you,” replied the doorman in an emotionless tone.


About the Creator

Isabella Rose

I am a dedicated author with a passion for fiction. I own a joint business with my amazingly talented co-writer and poet, Raven Black.

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  • noor6 months ago

    you are getting better day by day rose!

  • Oh my, so who is the master of this estate? And why did he invite her? Would there be a part 2 to this story? Also, I loved the name Coletta!

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