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The Heartmender

A Symphony of Broken Melodies

By Richard WeberPublished about a month ago 3 min read

My dilapidated workplace had dusty windowpanes, so the sunrise crept faintly in and created lengthy shadows on the aged leather recliner. While everyone else was still asleep at six in the morning, I was already enjoying a normal day as the Heartmender. There was burnt bread on the plate next to a steaming mug of chamomile tea, the remains of breakfast that had been cut short by the first call of the day.

I had some peaceful chimes above the door, but the harsh ring of the phone resonated through the jumbled room. "Heartmender speaking," I said, sounding shaky from lack of sleep. The receiver let out a stifled sob and then let loose a barrage of words. Sarah was a young woman with a huge void in her life and a hastily scrawled note as her fiancé had departed a week prior.

I could practically picture her with tears streaming down her face and the torn paper in her shaking hands as I listened carefully. This situation was not unfamiliar. Similar to snowflakes, broken hearts may be any size, but they always left a cold feeling in their wake.

I did what I did best, which was listen, after Sarah had let all of her pain out. With all of my being, not just my ears. I took in her hurt, her rage, her perplexity, and I let it all come out without passing judgment. Then, slowly, I started the healing process.

"Sarah, it's understandable that you're hurting," I remarked quietly. It feels like losing a piece of yourself when you lose someone you love. But keep in mind that just because he's gone doesn't mean the love you two shared ends. It develops an enduring strength that becomes a part of who you are."

We discussed her relationship, its highs and lows, over the next hour. We talked about her hurt and fury as well as her resilience and the lessons she had learned. As we conversed, something changed. Sarah stopped crying and started to think quietly. By the end of the call, the hopelessness in her voice had given way to a glimmer of optimism.

The day went on at a moderate pace. In my office, a middle-aged couple sat opposite me, their love weakened by years of unsaid grudges. An adolescent, devastated by his initial rejection, sought guidance. Every session needed a fresh strategy, a different narrative to untangle and resolve.

Neither scalpels nor medications were the tools of my trade. They were compassion, comprehension, and the capacity to lead others through the tumultuous rivers of love and grief. It wasn't magic; rather, it was a thoughtful fusion of encouraging self-reflection, attentive listening, and the knowledge that even the most broken hearts might mend.

My voice had grown raspy by midday, and my empathy had diminished. However, there was a sense of fulfillment in knowing that I was changing things through my employment. The tiredness served as a badge of honor, evidence of the emotional struggles that day that were (presumably) overcome.

I had a simple lunch break, consisting of a sandwich and a second mug of tea, this time with honey—a indulgence I only gave myself after a very demanding morning. I glanced over the schedule for the day in between mouthfuls. Each name carried a tale of love lost and the promise of reconciliation: a young man battling the guilt of a previous affair, a woman reeling from the loss of her spouse.

New clients arrived in the afternoon, all of them weighed down by their anguish. I immersed myself in their tales throughout each session, providing a secure environment in which they could share their weaknesses and start the process of being whole again. By the time the last meeting ended, my office was bathed in warm warmth from the deep shadows formed by the late afternoon sun.

I felt a calm sense of satisfaction as I cleaned up. There were no quick fixes or miraculous treatments. But in that one day, I had seen the glimmer of hope return to tear-filled eyes and the courage rekindled in a voice trembling with doubt. And I discovered the inspiration for my art in that.

I stepped outside into the crisp evening air as I left the office. The outer world appeared somewhat more vibrant and livelier. A tribute to the human spirit's capacity for self-healing and rekindling love, even the cacophony of the city's streets now carried a symphony of resilience. And I, the Heartmender, played a tiny but important note in that symphony of life, one that helped mend the shattered melodies of love.

Short StoryLove

About the Creator

Richard Weber

So many strange things pop into my head. This is where I share a lot of this information. Call it a curse or a blessing. I call it an escape from reality. Come and take a peek into my brain.

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