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By Fabian EllisPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

I'm writing a story that I promised myself that I would never share with anyone. However, I think that you and I are friends, so I’m going to share it with you. You must promise not to tell anyone. I don’t want to get in trouble with the authorities. I’m the Chronicler and I collect and tell stories from people I meet and from predicaments that I have personally experienced.

This story is about the time I wanted to get away and spend some time alone separated from people; worrying about contracting Covid-19. I decided to look for a cabin on Airbnb; somewhere in the woods isolated from everyone. I was in luck because I found a cabin at a very reasonable price. I called the owner to make sure I was reading the correct price. The price was right, so I booked it for a weekend.

Sure, I could have taken a lady friend, wine her and dine her, and more than likely have the evening end with a little mattress mambo. It was out of the question. This weekend was for me to relax my mind and maybe do a little writing.

The day came and I placed the owner’s address in my Waze app. I had to go by the owner’s home to retrieve the keys to the cabin. The drive was smooth and I arrived far ahead of schedule. When I knocked on the door, the owner politely invited me in.

“Please sit down. I hope you are not in a hurry. I don’t get many visitors out here.”

“I’m not in a hurry. I’m a little ahead of schedule, so I was thinking you may not be home. Lucky for me you are here.”

“Why do you want to rent my cabin.”

“I wanted to spend some time alone. With covid easing up, it is going to take some time to get used to being around lots of people again.”

“But, why my cabin? The location?”

“To be honest; the price. How can you afford to rent the cabin for that price?”

“Many of the people that know of the cabin will not rent it.”

Jokingly I asked, “Is it haunted?”

“No. Its’ in reference to an incident that happened to the previous owner in 1979. I’m shocked you never heard about it.”

“No. I’m unaware of the incident.”

“I’ll tell you and maybe you’ll change your mind about staying.”

“Are you trying to scare me away? It will be hard. I’m a Marine.”

“Thanks for your service. And no, I’m not trying to scare you away. I just want to be upfront with you.”

“Please tell me about the incident.”

“Are you sure you have time?”

“Of course, I do.”

“When a forestry worker reported seeing an alien spaceship in the forest over 40 years ago it made headlines around the world.”

“The story is about a UFO?”

“Yes, but what made this incident unusual, it was one of the few reported UFO sightings that were investigated by the police. The worker had a pair of ripped pants as evidence of an assault. In his testimony to the police, the 61-year-old described how he saw a 30ft-high saucer-shaped object in a clearing in the forest west of the cabin on 9 November 1989. He told how two aliens rushed towards him and, as he passed out, he was aware of being grabbed on either side of his legs. He woke up in a disheveled state 20 minutes later. With him being a war hero and an avid churchgoer, the locals didn't doubt his sincerity; however, the police had other thoughts. He told the police he had been working alone checking fences and gates near the forest at 10:30 pm when he spotted green lights. As he approached the light, he came across the spaceship in a clearing. After the aliens rushed out and tried to grab hold of him, all he could remember was a strong burning smell. When he recovered, the clearing was empty, apart from a pattern of deep regular marks on the ground. He went to his truck but was so shaken he drove it into a ditch and staggered to the cabin in a dazed condition."

“Did he lose consciousness?”

“No. When he reached the cabin, he told his wife he had been attacked by two aliens. Because of his current state of mind, his wife called the police who found themselves inquiring about the assault by the aliens. A crime scene investigator, arrived at the clearing to find a large gathering of police officers on site. The investigator told the local news he saw strange marks on the ground. There were about 32 holes, which were about 3.5" in diameter. The employer of the forester was visited, to determine if they had machinery, that could solve the mystery. One policeman reported the unusual marks on the ground were only found in the clearing where the forester had experienced his reported close encounter. The investigator said, ‘The marks just arrived from the sky. There were no tracks coming or going. They arrived as though a helicopter or something had landed from the sky.’ There was another report that stated the marks on the ground indicated an object of several tons had stood there but no tracks to show that it had been driven or towed away. There appeared to be no rational explanation for these marks.”

“Did they thoroughly examine the pants?”

“As part of the police investigation, the forester’s ripped pants were sent for forensic examination but this was many years before modern DNA techniques so the analysis concentrated on the damage. Police forensics said the pants seemed to have been ripped by something hooking them and moving upward. Later, a Ufologist became interested in the sighting, He said it was one of few hardcore cases that defied any explanation."

"I'm sure all the so-called experts had an explanation."

"There are many theories about what actually happened that day. These include everything from hallucinatory berries to hallucinatory medication. A paramedic reported it could have been an epileptic seizure, but there was no evidence of this compiled at the time. In her police statement, his wife said her husband had no history of mental illness. The forester said, after the UFO incident he was examined by a local doctor. The doctor suggested he should go to the hospital for a check-up and x-ray. After waiting for two hours at the hospital, he got fed up and left without being examined. The investigator said he could agree with the epileptic seizure, but had no explanations for the marks on the ground. Despite, interviewing the forester three times and never changing his story, he couldn't believe he saw a spaceship. The forester stuck to his story until his death in 2018.”

"All those years and no conclusion."

"After thirty years, the incident has passed into legend. What do you think of the story?”

“I found it entertaining. As far as believing it, I don’t know what to think.”

“So, I’m assuming you don’t want me to return your money.”

“Oh no. I need this time alone.”

The owner walked over with the keys to the cabin.

“Here are the keys and enjoy your stay. If you need anything, give me a call. I left my phone number on the frig.”

“I will and thanks for the story.”

I left the house and started my drive to the cabin. On the way, I drove 2 miles and passed a wooded forest with a large clearing in the center. I’m sure the incident reportedly occurred in this vicinity 40 years ago. A quarter of a mile from the clearing was the cabin. Rugged and rustic are the perfect words to describe this cabin. The bare-bones look gave it the ambiance of backwoodsiness, specially positioned in a cozy forest area. Entering the cabin, some of the furnishings were outfitted with pieces fashioned from twigs and branches; parts of trees leftover from crafting the logs.

It was not long before I was relaxing in front of a crackling fire, surrounded by warmth from honey-hued logs. This is what cabin living was all about; plush upholstered sofa and chairs making it easy to stay seated for many idle hours. I wanted to do some writing; however, the long day wiped me out, so I went to bed.

The next day, the hours flew by until I was met with an exploratory night. I was sitting at a small desk near a window, when I saw green lights, I thought were coming from past the forest since no structures were visible when I drove through, on my drive to the cabin. The green lights were apparently moving closer and descending into the nearby forest. I felt adventurous so I decided to investigate the lights. I drove a quarter of a mile to the clearing in the forest. I first saw the spacecraft in the distance in the forest with green lights blinking around the vessel’s circumference and a bright white light glowing from the vessel to the ground. The green lights made it a large metallic glowing vessel. As I attempted to approach the object, it appeared to move ever so slightly while hovering. There were several animals nearby that went into a frenzy listening to the zipping sound from the craft. My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to approach the craft. The zipping sound increased, as I got closer. Looking up, the vessel was approximately 30ft-long with a dome on top. There were burn marks on the trees. Obviously, there was heat radiating from the spacecraft that burnt the trees.

As it hovered just above the ground, a tall alien hovered briefly in the light until landing softy on the ground. He emerged from the white light. I was exposed, so he slowly approached me. Needless to say, I was paralyzed. The alien was a Nordic alien or humanoid extraterrestrial who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. I read they come from the Pleiades. He was about 6’5” tall with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Mythology claims this race possesses telepathy and benevolence. These are the same aliens documented meeting President Eisenhower in the 1950s to discuss the Greada Treaty.

I didn’t know what to expect; was he benevolent or malevolent. There was no doubt, I was at his mercy. If he is malevolent, I was hoping I was asymptomatic and contagious with Covid-19. Being asymptomatic, I’d be able to pass the virus to this evil alien to take back to his civilization; wreaking havoc on the population.

He stopped and spoke to me using his mind. “I’m not here to harm you. I think you are a good man. There is plenty I would like to share with you, but this is not the time. I’m going to return to my ship and I’ll contact you in the near future, after meeting with a man in Switzerland, Billy Meier.”

He returned to the hovering craft and stood in the white light underneath. He waved goodbye and was beamed up into the craft. The sighting ended with the flashing and twinkling of the green lights, followed by the craft jettisoning straight up and melting into the night sky before fading into the darkness.

The next morning, I drove to a small clearing near the e.astern edge of the forest to look at the burn marks and broken branches on nearby trees. Next, I stopped by the owner’s house to return the keys; keeping my mouth shut about the sighting. Thinking of the forester’s story, I knew I’ll get annoyed constantly being visited by the legendary Men in Black, who, it is said, interrogate and harass UFO eyewitnesses. Regardless of the evidence or my testimony, the green lights will never turn into gold. While driving home, I was thinking of the Greada Treaty and Billy Meier; you should too.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Fabian Ellis

I have a Master’s Degree in Business and Bachelor in Art and Mathematics. I've proudly served in two branches of the armed forces, the Navy (Enlisted) and the Marines (Officer). I'm a writer and an inventor who enjoys creating new ideas.

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