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The Dragons Tale.

The life of Light.

By Deasun T. SmythPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
King Inferno VS The WarDragon (collaboration)

“There weren’t always dragons in the valley”. Said Noelle, she tucked her baby dragonet in its rocky cradle. The tiny dragon looked at her with wide inquiring eyes, that sparkled like gold in the dimly lit home. “The great dragon king led us through an exodus, from our accursed home”. Noelle spoke softly, trying not to stir her other dragnet. Rip, he was sleeping soundlessly, in the corner of the room. His breathing echoed across the room. Though no-one knows why, it’s apparent that he hates his younger sister, Light. He never spoke of her, and when he did, he said it in malice. Light fell asleep before her mother finished her tale. Noelle wrapped her warmly in her blankets, she was as innocent as the day she was born. Which just so happens to be a very unique day, the dragoon's festival: She’s the only dragon born on the night, asides the king himself.

Some say it was serendipitous, others say it was unfortunate. Light, the daughter of some local dragon. And King Inferno, the crowned monarch.

It was a quiet night, the stars sung softly in the night sky. Noelle looked towards the sky, little did she know that the darkness was concealing the armada of the eastern Draco’s. That night the sky caught fire, that night Noelle died.

Light flapped across the sky, her sandy scales were smeared across the bright blue heavens. It has been five years since that horrid night, Light was only two months old at the time. She couldn’t remember what happened, except what her guardians told her. And how she lived in the constant fear of the eastern Draco’s, who had often raided her new home in the mountains. But to prevent it, they paid tribute.

These would do well, Light thought to herself when she picked the wild flora of the mountain. Her guardians complained to her that she wasn't careful, Light didn’t often care were she wasn’t aloud to go, instead she preferred the places were she can. Her favourite spot was the mountain orchards, that remained in plentiful bloom throughout the seasons.

In her arms was a basket filled with the flowers. She sniffed the air, the sweet aroma filled her lungs. This was her favourite spot in the world, lounging about, while thinking of the great adventures she was sure she would have. No fire, and no death. The lush greenery stung the eyes of the raiders, making it a safe place, for now. Light lifted off, carrying the basket in her arms.

Light touched down, her talons scrapped across the rocky ground. “Light? Is that you?” Asked Tulip, Lights aunt. “Were have you been? Don’t you know what could happen if you were captured?” Tulip exasperated. It wasn't uncommon for the raiders to kidnap dragons, ether to hold as hostage's, or train as new recruits.

Tulip's scales hung in a shade of deep purple, that transferred into blue. Her nervous face was always stuck in that position, at least it seemed that way to Light. “Don't you know that you can't be other at the south side?” Tulip went on. Tulip limped her way across the door area, and scooted Light inside. Her limp was caused many years ago, when a soldier fired an arrow at her. During the time when the eastern Draco’s came. She tried many times to tell Light the story of how she and her brother Blitz saved her from her mothers burning house. But Light wasn’t interested in sob-story’s, instead she tried to remain optimistic. Which was just an excuse to be carefree.

A larger dragon was blocking the doorway, who Light recognized right away. Ever since a stray rock from a catapult snapped Noelle’s neck, from the night of the attack. Blitz had remained way over-protective, and placid. His scales looked like they were always burning. In a fiery red, and burnt black. “That can’t be good” he said. “Blitz, it’s just Light” commented Tulip. “No, that” he pointed at a legion of dragons coming this way. He had a grimace expression, that frightened Light.

“Wait here” he told Tulip and Light. And those were the last words Light heard him say. She watched as he flied up towards them. First they began talking, then shouting. Light shut her eyes closed when she heard the echoing snap of his neck. She looked up at Tulip, her face was twisted in horror. Blitz was like a father to her, and now his killers are coming this way. Tulip rushed inside, holding Light by the arm. But they were too late, the dragons touched down. By now tears were choking Light, she didn’t see them pin Tulip to the ground. “We already gave our tributes to you!” Yelled Tulip, the guards muzzled her snout. “Oh, is that why you think we’re here?” Said an older female dragon. “We’re not the eastern Draco’s”, her voice sounded like a screeching annoyance. She crawled her way towards Light, who was being held back by guards. The dragon's face was covered in an iron mask, hiding the disfigurement underneath. She beckoned the other soldiers, then they released Light. “Please, don’t kill us” she pleaded. The dragon chuckled, in an evil manner. “We aren’t here to kill you” she said, pointing at Light. She waved her hand, and in an instant the soldiers atop of Tulip stabbed her with their spears. Light screamed, but she was already dead. Her lifeless body was thrown to the side. “Who are you” said Light, by now the tears swarmed down her face. “You don’t know?” She mused. She wrapped her hands around Lights arms, and hissed “I’ll give you a hint, my name is Noelle...”


About the Creator

Deasun T. Smyth

I’m a First Nations 17 year old young man, probably an old soul (not that there's anything wrong with that). I live in Saskatchewan, and I love reading, writing, conlanging, and collecting sarcastic T-shirts.

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Comments (1)

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  • Veronica Coldiron2 years ago

    I love the imagery in this piece and the fact that you show dragons as more than a violent creature, but as a living, breathing, sentient being. Well done!

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