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The Decent Camera

Adventure Fiction

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

David had always dreamed of owning a high-quality camera. The kind that could capture the beauty of places like Inverness, where he was headed for a holiday with his family. They flew from London Heathrow to Inverness, and throughout the journey, David’s excitement was palpable. He kept reminding his parents about his wish for a decent camera. Little did he know, they had already purchased one for him at the airport.

Upon arriving at Inverness Airport, they caught a bus to the city and checked into their hotel. David was enamored by Inverness—the crisp, fresh air, and the breathtaking scenery. If only he had a good camera to capture it all. The next morning, his dad announced they were heading to Perth by train.

As they boarded the train to Perth, David's mum surprised him with a brand-new Canon camera, fully charged. Overjoyed, David began clicking away, capturing the scenic views from the train window. However, one particular passenger caught his attention—a man with his hand inside a bag. Intrigued by the man's appearance, David decided to photograph him.

As David was about to take the picture, the man moved the bag closer to David. When David checked the photo, he noticed what looked like a bomb inside the bag. Shocked and alarmed, David saw the man slide the bag under his seat just as the train approached Aviemore station.

Rushing back to his parents, David exclaimed, "Mum, Dad, I think I saw a man with a bomb in the next carriage! He's getting off at Aviemore!"

His parents burst into laughter. "The train stops at Aviemore for five minutes. Get off the train and take his photograph," suggested his dad.

Determined, David got off the train at Aviemore, searching for the man. Spotting him, David quickly snapped a photo, but the man noticed him and began chasing him. David managed to jump back onto the train, avoiding the carriage with the bomb. The train left Aviemore, and moments later, an explosion rocked the carriages.

The carriage with the bomb was obliterated, and the others derailed but remained intact. David and the man chasing him fell into the aisle. As soon as the carriage stopped, David ran, hiding behind a pile of suitcases. The man searched the carriage for David but eventually left to help with the injured passengers.

After hiding his camera and pointing its location with a stick, David approached his dad cautiously. His dad was relieved to see him but had no idea that the man who had threatened David was no longer a threat. David then searched for his mum and found her in a bombed carriage, assisting an injured passenger.

David sought out the police to report what had happened and where his camera was hidden. The police secured the crash site and retrieved the camera, confirming that the man in the photo was indeed the bomber. They decided to set up a trap for him.

Returning to the crash site with his camera, David inadvertently drew the bomber's attention. The man began walking towards David, who ran towards a copse of trees. The man, though fit, couldn’t catch up with David and ran straight into the arms of five waiting policemen.

With the bomber in custody, the police thanked David and returned him to his relieved parents. His dad asked, "David, can I get you another camera? The police have taken yours as evidence, and you won't get it back for at least six months."

Though shaken by the events, David smiled, thankful for his new camera, which had not only fulfilled his dream but also played a crucial role in stopping a potential disaster.


About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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