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The Curse of a Mermaid


By Keyur PorechaPublished 22 days ago 4 min read

Chapter 1: The Troublesome Little Mermaid

There was a mermaid called Liriel who lived at the bottom of the ocean where sunlight could not reach. She was different from other mermaids for she was deeply religious and followed the ancient traditions of the sea gods.

Liriel was known to be good-natured to all marine animals as well as land dwellers. Nevertheless, disaster always struck her path in pursuing her objectives.

In an attempt to save people in danger such as drowning sailors or lost fishermen, every human Liriel would try rescuing will experience a premature death within days. This has been her punishment given by the prince of water for violating his rules and breaking sacred laws of the sea.

It was like having a weight on one's soul, and no matter how hard she fought against the chains of the ancient curse, she could never set herself free. And so, by her sorrowful shedding of tears, she confessed her fault, hoping that that painful burden that burdened her heart could be lifted from her in one day.

Chapter 2: The Stranger's Arrival

Time passed so wings of Liriel’s hope began to fade. Yet on one particular day that turned out to be unlike any other ones she had ever witnessed, she did the swimming with through murky waters. Once she reached a point where she could see, suddenly and most unexpectedly for her, there was a scene that she had never ever seen before.

In his dream he found himself lying helpless on the bed of indigenous violets and ate this man whose breath carried supernatural power. Curious, Liriel moved closer towards the stranger warily, a flurry of emotions beating against her breast at the thought of an encounter.

Her beginning the process of saving him happened with the utmost delicateness as she lifted him from the water, carrying him to her home under the sea where she bandaged his wounds and nursed him back to health. She told him of her longing to break free; of her curse, in her day as she awoke from sleepiness.

Chapter 3: The Intimacies of Success

In great sympthaty to Liriel, the stranger conveyed her a promise to help her in any way he could. So, she told him the truth, and through that he acquired the white pearl—which was a precious gem that held within it the lucky charm she needed to break the spell.

Nevertheless, their quest was not simple, because a haughty and cruel witch guarded the pearl and dwelt among the bones of the sea. Without consent or objection to break any of the rich laws of the prince, the stranger deliberated to aid Liriel on the quest to regain his purified self.

Together, they undertook a hazardous journey down the ocean floor, encountering horrifying crabs and savage sharks along the way. Yet they stumbled when they confronted an implacable foe who threatened to nullify their preparations and skunk their planned expedition.

Chapter 4: For the Freedom Battle

There was a huge marine predator standing before me with the shadow of its body spread on the ocean horizontelly. It was the keeper of the witch's grove, a savage beast that intervened between the angel and the loveliness he was aspiring.

To the astonishment of everyone, including the boar woman, the stranger came towards the beast, charged with hidden powers that only he possessed. He began to struggle with it. Long was their fight, who for days they have lived lost to the depths of the sea, their struggle echoing solemnly through the sacred silence of water.

With only the final battle looming over, the stranger activated his great power by hurling forth massive energy that disturbed the seas thoroughly, making the ocean floor to quake. And when the fateful blow was struck with the last bit of his might and the beast was hit the hardest, He gave a battle cry resounding in the valleys and the sound of victory has been declared.

Chapter 5: The Love as the Overwhelming Power

After being able to overcome the monster, he went to the western witch's castle and took her highness into custody. Then, he got the prize of the white pearl. With it, he followed back footsteps to Liriel and gifted her the gem on his hands. In the process, the spell that had positioned her as a living dead erased as he watched in surprise.

In Liriel eyes, the smile of Diana turns into something that her heart recognizes as true love. And by assuming the touch of the pearl, she felt the influx of strength blend her blood and power renewed, and she regained mastery over the elements of nature.

When the stranger and Liriel both realized that their stately quest had finally drawn to a close, they hugged each other without saying much but rather letting their love speak while crossing the line between land and the sea. In addition to this, an important part of young love was the only promise, which the couple was making to each other: that together they would stand any test that life still has ahead.

And thus, the cursed mermaid discovered that redemption was the thing that flowed through the arms of the man who had risked his life to break the rules of the sea on behalf of the love. And together they swam, and swam through the endless ocean and holding hands, they sensed that to endure forever was their bond.


About the Creator

Keyur Porecha

A deep thinker, analyser, researcher who loves to explore the unknown facts and insides of a topic. Love creating short stories which may be a good tool to love reading for the active readers who like stories and get inspired as well.

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