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The Crush

A Leap of Faith

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Jerry Ray Carpenter was the star pitcher at his high school—charismatic, popular, and seemingly unattainable. Yet, he harbored a secret crush on Sabrina Brown, the quiet, thoughtful girl who led the debate team, loved biology, and was unapologetically passionate about her faith.

One sunny afternoon, as Sabrina walked home from school lost in her thoughts, a sleek lightning blue mustang pulled up beside her. To her surprise, behind the wheel was Jerry Ray Carpenter.

"Hey Sabrina, do you have a minute to talk?" Jerry asked, attempting to mask his nerves.

"Sure, there's a park just around the corner. We can talk there," Sabrina replied, declining his offer for a ride and choosing to walk instead.

When they reached the park, Jerry joined Sabrina at the swings. His heart pounded as he tried to find the right words. "I've noticed you, Sabrina. For a long time, actually."

"You've noticed me? What does that mean?" Sabrina interrupted, her curiosity piqued but her patience wearing thin.

Frustrated but determined, Jerry tried to continue. "If you'd let me finish, I'd like to tell you what I mean."

Sabrina was about to storm off when Jerry gently caught her wrist. "Sabrina, I'm sorry. Please don't go."

Reluctantly, Sabrina sat back down. Jerry took a deep breath and poured out his feelings. "I've liked you since fourth grade. I admire your kindness, your genuine smile, and your passion for learning. I wish I had your courage to talk about faith, especially with my teammates. Some of them are struggling right now, and I wish I could help them see that God is there for them."

Sabrina was moved by Jerry's sincerity. She had always seen him as the star athlete, but she hadn't known about his faith or his struggles. She silently prayed for strength for Jerry and his teammates.

As Jerry's gaze dropped to the ground, Sabrina took a moment to really look at him. Tall and athletic, with dark hair, kind brown eyes, and caramel skin, Jerry was undeniably handsome. But Sabrina knew that looks weren't everything.

"That was brave of you to say all that," Sabrina responded. "But I don't know you well enough to know if I feel the same way."

Jerry's smile returned, but this time it was softer, more genuine. "What if we spend more time together? Get to know each other better?"

The idea seemed both exciting and daunting to Sabrina. Dating Jerry would be a departure from her usual low-key existence, and she worried about attracting the attention of Jerry's more aggressive admirers. Because of their popularity status, or lack thereof, it felt almost scandalous. She would be lying if she said an attraction wasn’t there but could she handle it if her heart was in the mix? Sabrina was torn, it would be totally harmless spending time with this boy, right? But what would all the girls who flaunt themselves and flirt with him every day do to her if they found out? Being teased and bullied was nothing new to this wallflower but her senior year had been mean-girl-free and she would like to keep it that way

"Fine," Sabrina finally agreed. "But nothing changes at school. No special treatment, no public displays. Deal?"

"Deal," Jerry said, extending his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Sabrina shook his hand. "Deal," she echoed silently, her mind racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

As Sabrina walked home that day, she couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into. Dating Jerry would mean stepping out of her comfort zone, facing scrutiny from his fans, and navigating the complexities of a relationship with someone as popular as Jerry Ray Carpenter.

But despite her reservations, Sabrina felt a flutter of excitement. For the first time, someone had seen past her wallflower exterior to the person she truly was. And while the path ahead was uncertain, Sabrina knew that sometimes taking a chance was the only way to find out what might be possible.

Young AdultLove

About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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