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Tears of the Dragons

A Fucked Up Fairytale

By Brenton FPublished 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago 2 min read
image by Nightcafe

They hung upside down from the ceiling beams of the windy barn, like liquid stalactites lined up in endless, perfect rows upon the base of nearly every beam in the ceiling . Each and every one matching and resembling gossamer tears suspended by the most of slender of, almost ethereal threads. Occasionally the daylight pierces the cracks in the outer wall of the barn, highlighting a lazy smoke that drifts aimlessly from a nearby chimney. It creeps through the walls of the barn and is reflected through and around the orbs in a thousand crazy directions as diffused colours melt amongst themselves on the surrounding walls. The locals know these delicate orbs as tears of the dragons, each one of these silvery suspended drops are fairie chrysalis’ that are native to this area. Spoken of by both young and old, it is said, more whispered around these parts and some others; that a hatching of would bestow upon the host great luck and fortune, a hatching of this size could very well make a new king. The thunder of an approaching storm speaks to the hatchling fairies, they slowly begin to roll and gyrate in their membranous shells emitting a low resonate hum and the occasional bursts of pure white light. The storm intensifies and the occasional burst of lightning whips them into a fervent fevered frenzy. The fairie cocoons begin to dissolve into the very air around them as the sheer beauty of the occupant inside becomes more and more noticeable. Thin wings, as soft as a summer breath slowly unfold with an almost liquid grace, and then the most tiny, almost perfect female human face appears coyly and is slowly revealed beneath the opening wings. Smiling, she stretches her wings in a ballet of slow delicacy then with an effortless flutter, launches into the air. Her maiden flight becomes a netted swansong. Just outside the barn, near the door but not in the way, a weathered hand written sign sits next to a recently used chopping block. Fresh blood and other loathsome appearing substances threaten to spill down it on one side -

“Fresh Fairie Tails, $4 each or 3 for $10!”


About the Creator

Brenton F

It's just a token of my extreme - Frank Zappa

- - -

I have an eBook, a collection of my favourite pieces

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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  • Lamar Wiggins2 months ago

    This was awesome, Brenton I hope you enter more challenges. Loved everything about your entry! 🤩🍻

  • Andrea Corwin 2 months ago

    😳OMG!!!! Such wonderful descriptions and then…. Then… the ending! What a twist. This is fabulous! Although i want them safe… 🫶🏻

  • Thavien Yliaster2 months ago

    Well, that headed in a different direction than I was thinking. I thought You were going to have the fairies be a parasitic insect that gestate in dragon bodies eventually killing the dragon once they begin to hatch. Think about what the muto titan species did to the Godzilla species. If I'm correct Godzilla's dad perished due to those Mutos. Plus, in fairytales dragons are often defeated with the mystical, magical, help of fairies. Hence why in Pokémon, besides the landslide of a type advantage, dragon Pokémon are now weak to fairy type Pokémon. Though, what You did here is still what people would do with an creature that provides an amazing resource in limited supply. Makes me wonder how valuable the other parts are. Like, liver is always too good to never throw away since it's rich in Iron and electrolytes. Great, now I want some liver.

  • Heather Hubler2 months ago

    Aww man! Should've known that the twist from you would be sad/disturbing, lol! Such lovely imagery and language. Great entry!

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