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South Side Danny

An afternoon on the town

By Joe PattersonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

It's 10:30 a.m. On Friday morning. Danny Bilkins aka Danny Boi is driving down the highway in his dark red corvette on his way to his best friend Joel's house. As he rides down the bright sunny highway, Danny is listening to the song “Something For The Honeys” from Montell Jordan, singing gleefully off-key. Danny finally arrives at Joel's house on the south side of the city of Greenwood, he gets out of his car to find Joel waiting next to his 2000 Honda Accord.

Joel: Danny boi, whats goody?

Danny: Not much bud, so whats the problem?

Joel: I just need you to help me change the thermostat under my hood.

Danny: Gotchu.

Danny and Joel pop the hood of the Honda and begin to work on the thermostat when they realize at the last minute that they don't have any pliers.

Joel: Dangit!

Danny: What?

Joel: I just realized that I don't have any pliers, my pops took his tool bag with him when he went to work earlier.

Danny: Thats cool, we can just drive up to Auto-Zone and get a pair.

Joel: Aight bet, but lets walk tho, it's only like 30 minutes and I could use the exercise.

Danny: Sure.

As Danny and Joel begin their walk they discuss plans for the weekend.

Joel: So what you up to for the weekend D-boi?

Danny: Eh nothin' much, probably getting a new tattoo or takin' Alexis to a drive in movie.

Joel: Well I hope she's drivin and not you, because you stay speedin' like a bat outta hell when you--

As Danny and Joel walk and talk, they are suddenly approached by a silver Acura who slowly pulls up to them and rolls down the window.

Driver: Yo yall tryna buy some smoke, I got that Johnny Blaze on deck.

Danny: Johnny Blaze, oh dude you're a Ghostrider comic book fan too? He's one of my favorites, I think the best issue was when he--

Joel: Danny—Danny—Danny, he's not talkin' about the comic book. Nah man we good, we don't smoke.

Driver: Aight man.

As the driver drives off, Danny is left with a confused look on his face at what just happened.

Danny: Who was that guy?

Joel: That was the weed man.

Danny: The weed man? OMG was he just offering us to buy some weed?

Joel: Yeah, but he always does that.

Danny: Hardcore, I've never actually met anyone who actually sold weed.

Joel: Well you can find plenty of them here. Lets stop at this Dollar Tree up here and get a couple bottles of water, it's hot as satan's toenails out here.

As Danny and Joel enter the Dollar Tree they both go to the drink cooler and grab 2 bottles of water. As they make their way to the check out line, a woman in leopard spotted tights suddenly cuts Danny off and steals the place he was about to take in line. As Danny stares at the woman with sudden confusion, she looks back at him with a boastful smile and starts twerking in front of him in a taunting way. Danny looks away in disinterest. After Danny and Joel check out and leave, they linger over what happened in the store.

Joel: Bruh did that thot cut you off in line?

Danny: Yeah and she even started twerking in front of me too. I didnt want any of that!

Joel: Haha, I know you didn't want none of that.

Danny and Joel are getting ready to walk in the Auto-Zone when just 30 feet away at the plasma center entrance, a fight breaks out between donors in line. One woman is punching another woman and dragging her by her hair, while a man is punching another man in the face. As the melee of the fight grows bigger, Danny and Joel quickly make their way into the store.

Danny: Wow bro, that fight was pretty crazy!

Joel: Yeah, they always fight around this time of the day.

Danny: I see a good pair of pliers right here.

Joel: Aight, pick em up and lets go.

Danny and Joel purchase the pair of pliers and exit the store. As they leave out they are approached by a homeless man with a full beard.

Homeless man: Yo you brothers got any spare change?

Joel: Nope.

Danny: Yeah, I got a dollar.

Homeless man: Thank you young man.

After Danny gives the homeless man a dollar, the man goes across the street to meet the weed man who ran into Danny and Joel just 20 minutes earlier and purchases a small bag of weed.

Danny: Hey he just bought some of that Johnny Blaze stuff from that guy we ran into.

Joel: Yep, and it's all thanks to you simpy

Danny: Dude, is this what you go through everyday?


Nope, this is a lite day, normally its crazier than this.

Danny: Wow, I feel so privileged.

Joel: I can imagine, I bet you don't wanna come back here again do you?

Danny: Actually, this was pretty fun. I wanna come walk with you up here again real soon. Next time lets go further.

Joel: Aight it s your funeral.

Danny: Thats a funeral I look forward to.

Danny and Joel leave from the Auto-Zone parking lot, laughing at the chain of events that took place as they make their way back to Joel's house.

Short Story

About the Creator

Joe Patterson

Hi I'm Joe Patterson. I am a writer at heart who is a big geek for film, music, and literature, which have all inspired me to be a writer. I rap, write stories both short and long, and I'm also aspiring to be an author and a filmmaker.

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