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The Announcement

By SUZETTE DRUMMONDSPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Solid Conversations

The Announcement

If walls could talk they would ask “Why is your essence splashed on me? Why did you put these holes in me? If only I could go back in time. I am flat, I am solid, and I am always here for you. Some days are bright, the sunbeams shine in on me through the window panes. The sounds of laughter in your voice make me feel so alive. The vibrations when you wiggle and dance make me quiver with excitement. The melodic tones of your voice soothe me as you sing along to the tunes flowing from the music box. Your expression is so comforting, inviting, and warm, I just love to be around you. The aroma of gourmet cooking surrounds me, my stomach rumbles with hunger and anticipation. Just when I feel like nothing could ruin this happy moment, I hear the door slam shut. “Hi, love how was your day?” you asked him. He tells you it was fine, he is just happy to be home to relax with a drink and forget about the issues he had to handle at work throughout the day. You offer him a glass of wine, which he accepts gracefully. You hum in your sweet voice and continue to prepare dinner. I love to hear you sing so heavenly the pleasant tones are to my ears. He sat down to relax on the sofa for a while, exhaling with a sigh of relief as he sipped his wine. After several minutes he rose and strolled down to the basement, his mancave you call it. “Be downstairs call me when dinner is ready” he said. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” you replied with laughter in your voice. You set the table and laid out a feast. “Dinner is ready, hon” you shouted at the basement door. He came running upstairs with his glass in hand and sat at the table. “Wow steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauteed green beans, and sweet yam, what did I do to deserve such an elegant meal?’ he asked you. “ Sit down I have a surprise announcement” you replied. I loved evenings like this, the romance in the air so intoxicating. After a few bites, he asked you to tell him what this surprise announcement was about. “Well, hon I know you were not ready for this yet, but this really is a blessing in disguise. I love you so much and I just could not wait to share this news with you. You are the partner that every girl dreams and wishes for in life. I could not have asked for a better partner and provider than you. I want you to know that you mean the world to me. Just trust in God that this was meant to be” you said. “You’re going to be a father” you shouted with excitement. He looked at you for a long time in silence his mouth just gaping open with a piece of steak inside. He was quite shocked at this announcement. I have heard him say many times he did not want to be a father. He closed his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. He took a big gulp of wine and sighed heavily. “ I don’t know how to say this but I had an announcement for you too. I want a divorce, I am just not happy in this marriage anymore. Sometimes I feel so alone, you just don’t communicate with me like you used to. It is like you are a different person than the one I married years ago. I am so sorry to have to break the news to you like this. I am going to pack a bag and go to a hotel tonight. I will come for the rest of my things on the weekend” he said looking straight at me. I was as shocked as you were about this announcement. You stood up and walked to the bedroom. Just when I thought this could not get any worse you emerged from the room with something in hand and approached him. “Oh well, it’s not your baby anyway,” you said and fired the gun three times in his chest.

MysteryShort StoryLove

About the Creator


I am a Child & Youth Advocate, a Poet, a Writer, a Sister, a Mother, A Woman, and A Visible Minority with a Voice. I always wanted to be a writer and Vocal allows me to challenge myself. I Love This Awesome Community of Creative Writers

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