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Shadows of Retribution

The Awakening

By ODYPublished 2 months ago 2 min read

In the shadowed depths of the forbidden necropolis, a lone figure stirred amidst the crumbling tombs and forgotten crypts. The air hung heavy with the scent of decay, suffusing the atmosphere with an oppressive weight that seemed to press down upon the very soul. Within this desolate realm of darkness and death, Erevan stood, his silhouette a stark contrast against the dim light filtering through the ancient stones.

Once, he had been a humble apprentice, his aspirations guided by the teachings of the Order of the Arcane. But now, he was an outcast, branded a heretic for daring to delve into the forbidden arts of necromancy. Yet, in the solitude of the necropolis, amidst the remnants of civilizations long forgotten, Erevan found solace in the embrace of the darkness that had shunned him.

As he gazed upon the desolation that surrounded him, Erevan felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, a power born of darkness and fueled by the fires of vengeance. It pulsed within him like a living thing, whispering promises of retribution and redemption in equal measure. With a whispered incantation, he reached out to the shadows that clung to the ancient stones, weaving his will into the very fabric of the necropolis itself.

In response to his command, the earth trembled and groaned, and from the depths of the crumbling tombs and forgotten crypts, figures began to stir. Skeletal hands clawed their way free from the cold embrace of the earth, their hollow eyes gleaming with malevolent intent as they rose to stand at their master's side. They were Erevan's instruments of retribution, his army of the damned, and with their aid, he would wreak havoc upon those who had wronged him.

But amidst the rising darkness, there lurked a whisper of doubt, a lingering uncertainty that gnawed at the edges of Erevan's consciousness. Was vengeance truly the path he sought, or was there something more, something deeper, driving him towards the abyss?

With a sense of grim purpose, Erevan surveyed his skeletal minions, their silent obedience a testament to the power he wielded. They were but the first of many, he knew, for the darkness that lingered within him hungered for more. And as he prepared to unleash his wrath upon the world that had cast him out, he knew that his journey had only just begun. But deep within his heart, a flicker of uncertainty remained, a shadow of doubt that whispered of consequences yet to come.


About the Creator


I am mysterious man who finds solace in the depths of enigmatic tales, delving into the mysteries of literature with an insatiable curiosity

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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