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Serendipity part II

Digital Daze

By Phil FlanneryPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Serendipity part II
Photo by Or Hakim on Unsplash

Hey, Harold. I had a wonderful weekend. I know I threw you in the deep end but thanks again, so so much for agreeing to go along with me, though I can understand if you ghost me now. It was a lot to take on.



Hi again Harold. I forgot to let you know. My parents think you’re wonderful. My ex, not so much. Sorry for your black eye, and the police are still looking for the dick. I promise, I didn’t know he would be there.

Charlie. Again.


Harold. Harry if I may. You were the life of the party. I’m sorry someone slipped the drugs in your drink. I know it was that bastard trying to make you look bad. Being my niece’s 6th birthday made things worse. I guess.



H. This is going to sound unlikely, but I’m having feelings for you, which is weird for me, because usually by now I would have slept with you and moved on. Oh, and this is still my work number, please keep your replies civil, though you have every right not to be.



Harold. You haven’t replied or answered your phone. I’m worried now. I wish you were yelling at me for setting you up like that. My family are usually very pleasant. I’ve never seen Granddad get violent ever in my entire life. He can throw a bottle pretty good for a 90-year-old. The nursing home sent someone to get him, just after you disappeared.



Harold, please reply. I can’t bear to think I’ve upset you. I thought we’d made a real connection on Friday. I regret not being able to take you home, but I hope we can get an opportunity to take things further. I feel we could be good together. Oh, the cops found the idiot Ex. He’d tried to scale a tall fence and broke his leg last night when you chased him away. So that’s good right?



Harold, I’m still at my sister’s trying to clean the vomit from the carpet. I wish she had hard flooring. I don’t know why the vomit came out blue. What did you eat? Anyway, if you’re in the neighbourhood, I’d like to apologise in person and maybe make it up to you somehow. Oh, and I found your shoe. It’s on the roof.



Charlie. I just got through all your texts. That was a big night. I just got released from Emergency. Apparently, I was picked up by a bus load of nuns, wandering around looking for my shoe. The doctor isn’t sure what I’d taken, but it hit me pretty hard. I don’t know why I have blue stains on my shirt and one of my pants legs is missing. Why does my face hurt? Anyway, if you look out the widow and see someone matching that description, I’m at the right house. I’m still a bit dusty.



And Charlie, it was the best night I’ve ever had. You may have to fill in some blanks.


Authors notes:

I really don't have much to add. I didn't reach my word count.

It's a lovely day in my part of Australia. We just had our hottest October day and coldest October day on record. We're only 5 days in.

I have really enjoyed this challenge. The idea of conversation without spoken word sounds great.

I generally know what is on my wife's mind, we've been together a long time.

Word count reached.


About the Creator

Phil Flannery

Damn it, I'm 61 now, which means I'm into my fourth year on Vocal, I have an interesting collection of stories. I love the Challenges and enter, when I can, but this has become a lovely hobby.

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  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    This made me smile! Piecing together what must have happened through the texts 😁

  • Mariann Carroll6 months ago

    What is the blue stuff? I thought it was going to be a one sided chat and Harold was murder by Charlie. The suspense!

  • Novel Allen7 months ago

    This was great and funny ending I loved it.

  • glad I came snooping!

  • StoryholicFinds8 months ago

    Great story! ❤️

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