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Seattle snow

Perils below!

By Just DanielPublished 4 months ago 1 min read
Seattle snow
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Seattle when it snows, is a major cause of concern for many. The dreaded four-letter word that arrives in winter causes people's veins to freeze and hairs on their forearms to stand on end as they slowly turn their eyes towards the sky, watching the first one, the second one, and then suddenly, a multitude of snowflakes whirring towards the ground. The pine trees and fir trees and the maple trees that are still naked without their leaves, slowly catching but quickly building up volume of snow as the tiny little flakes cling onto each other and welcome each other in a cold embrace, sitting on top of the tree branches, waiting.

Out in the midwest, back in the old days, and in some areas still, they scoff at the ridiculousness of Seattle having schools delayed or cancelled with just a few inches of snow on the ground whereas elsewhere, in heavy blizzard conditions, there will be the east coast, who can have a couple feet to a few feet of snow! Only they don't know the struggles of our hills, oh our lovely, steep, winding roads where cars and buses slip and slide all over and you just hope and pray that everything turns out all right.

The cold temperatures that can induce these conditions range anywhere from the mid 20s to 40 degrees Fahrenheit actually, not just the supposed 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celcius that has long been thought of as the only temperature for snow.

Stream of ConsciousnessMicrofictionAdventure

About the Creator

Just Daniel

I write short fiction when I have time. There are also elements of my life interwoven with fantasy that I incorporated into my writing. I also like the unknown, so enter into the dark, true, and mysterious if you dare...

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  • Penny Fuller4 months ago

    Ha! I feel your pain, and I am ironically reading this very near to Seattle on the same day that my kids' school and my office were closed for a snow day. For what it's worth, there's a reason it's so slippery on our hills- the temperature of our snow is typically just barely at freezing, 29 to 32. The spinning of wheels causes friction that warms it just enough to melt the top layer, so your tires are hydroplaning on a thin layer of water sitting on snowpack. As a transplanted Midwesterner who drove in those deeper snows as a teen and young adult, I will back you 100% that it's completely different. Thanks for writing this, it's full of thoughts I have had many times, too!

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