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Raine Blue and The Seven Dorks

Adapted from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

By Sarah DanaherPublished 10 months ago 10 min read
Raine Blue and The Seven Dorks
Photo by Thomas Kolnowski on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in Germonia High, there was a cheerleader named Grimalda Rhyan. She was the queen bee and the hottest girl in school. She was the top cheerleader, and all admired her.

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One day she was looking at social media to reaffirm her mighty status on her phone.

Grimalda questioned, "Social media, Social media, who is the hottest girl in school?"

By ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

Grimalda looked at her phone with pride and expected her picture to appear on the screen. To her dismay, Raine Blue's picture came up on Instagram with more likes. Despite being average and not even in the popular crowd, she had been noticed by many of the guys at school. This was even more devastating when she was dethroned by such a loser. Her image had been less popular despite all her posts and pictures of her perfect life. Her followers were going down too. This meant that her status was threatened. Grimalda had to gain her status back even if she had to hurt that awful Raine Blue.

"Who does she think she is?" Grimalda stated angrily.

She then planned to stop and retake her status as the hottest girl at Germonia High School. So Grimalda came up with sabotage and started spreading rumors around the school. Raine Blue was unaware of her new status sitting with unpopular friends. Words were beginning to surface about how weird she was, and her reputation was deeply affected. So, she lost her group status and went to the only group that might accept her. A group of seven dorks that all earned nicknames. They had never been popular themselves. So as much as Raine hated to consider the group of fellow misfits.

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Raine was rather angry and reluctantly went to the group called The Dorks. The lab in school was their headquarters in the basement. It was the worse fate she could imagine. The Dorks were not where she wanted to end up. The top dork was nicknamed Brainiac. He had the schemes and led his nerdy friends in their educated talk. Raine walks into the room, having all of them looking at the screen of something under the microscope.

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Raine initiated with, "Is this the Dork's area?"

All the boys suddenly turned around with their gaping mouths.

"A girl," Snickers remarked, laughing as Blusher turned red like a tomato.

"This is the place of The Intellectual Club, not The Dorks," Brainiac replied.

"Sorry, The Intellectual Club is the official name then," Raine responded.

"Yes, and we are the smartest in the school," Sneezer replied, blowing his nose.

Sneezer continues, "I have allergies, practical allergic to everything."

Grouchy inserts, "You think that despite not being accepted, you can join here."

Napper rubbing his eyes, responds, "She is fine, and it would be nice to have a girl in a group."

Senseless walking to the table, just looked at Raine inquisitively. "I say let herein; it could not hurt anything." He sits down in pain.

"Let us have a vote for letting Raine Blue in the intellectual group," Brainiac remarked.

The boys gathered over by the computer and discussed the option. Raine sat at the lab counter, waiting for the result. The place was more relaxed than the rest of the building, and the dorks looked at the whiteboard and wrote things down on the other side. Snickers was laughing, and Grouchy just shook his head with arms crossed. Senseless had been fixing his mismatched socks while Sneezer was blowing his nose. Napper was closing his eyes as the discussion continued. Blusher could not get a word out, looking at Raine still as red as ever. The whisper went on for a while, and finally, Raine could hear Brainiac make an announcement.

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"What are your votes, boys?"

Brainiac questioned the group.

All raised their hands except for Grouchy. The rest were smiling, and Blusher finally said, "Hello." Raine stared with a smirk but was glad to be accepted by somebody.

Grouchy stated, "I think this is a bad idea, and we should just stay in our basement."

Brainiac replied, "The vote has been cast and decided."

Grouchy just shook his head and walked away.

"Welcome to The Intellectual Club, Raine," Brainiac announced.

Raine suddenly regretted everything.

The next day in the lunchroom, Raine was still feeling the wrath of Grimalda and the stares from her classmates. Raine walked into the lunch line for her meal when the creepy lunch lady, Mrs. Weiro, was behind the counter.

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"Great, Mrs. Weirdo again, I think she has been wearing that mask since Covid began, and it only intensifies her beady eyes in her glasses," Raine remarked to Brainiac.

Both just laughed as they continued in line. Raine came to Mrs. Weiro, who served today's apple sauce and pudding.

Raine asks, "May I have pudding today, Mrs. Weiro?"

Mrs. Weiro replied in her nasal voice, "What is wrong with applesauce? It's better for you." Her beady eyes said it all, and no pudding was for today.

The temperament of the room was becoming worse as some started to mock Raine for the lies being spread throughout the room. Sneezer sat next to her and, with his tissue in his hand, just smiled.

"Look, they will eventually ignore you just as they did with us," Sneezer told her.

The other dorks approached the table, and reluctantly Grouchy did too. They were a group now and excited about their newest member. The rest of the room laughed, but Raine ignored the constant jeering.

It was a second humiliation, and it was becoming a little better.

The Dorks slowly became good friends with Raine, bringing snacks and fun to the group. Even Grouchy was more accepting once he accepted her. They all became friends, and Raine was learning all the different intellectual skills. The cruel world of school was much better, with some groups accepting her. Still, Grimalda was not done with her revenge. For a few weeks, things were bearable, but things never stayed good.

Grimalda was secured that sabotaging Raine Blue would make her the dorkiest girl in school. She went back to social media to see her glorious results.

"Social media, Social media, who is the hottest girl in school?" Grimalda questioned Instagram one more time.

The result was not hers again, and still, despite the false rumors, Raine Blue was considered the hottest.

This made Grimalda angrier, thinking her plan had not worked. Raine Blue joined the worst group in school.

"OMG, Raine is not hot or popular," "I am a cheerleader and dating the hottest guy on the football team," screamed Grimalda. "I must make an epic humiliation on that dork."

That following week, Grimalda came up with a plan. She prepared a package of applesauce and enough laxatives for Raine to poop herself in front of everyone. She was ready to ruin Raine's life, and The Dorks could not save her. Now Grimalda thought, how do I get her to take the applesauce.

Then an idea popped into her head. Mrs. Weiro always gave her a hard time, and she could dress up as Mrs. Weiro and make sure she took the applesauce.

By Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

The next day, Grimalda dressed up in the hair net with thick glasses. The mole was put on with makeup. Grimalda would ensure Raine would pay for being the hottest girl in school. Now the time was set for her ultimate revenge.

So Grimalda skipped her morning classes at school and waited for the infamous lunchtime. So, she put on her disguise and sat in anticipation.

Raine came to school and hung out with her new friends. The day seemed like a day of any other. When lunch came around, Grimalda called Mrs. Weiro to lure her out of the lunchroom. Grimalda snuck into the kitchen and filled her position with the poisoned apple sauce. Raine and The Dorks came through the line and stopped by Grimalda's station.

"Pudding today, Mrs. Weiro," commented Raine.

By Rachel Loughman on Unsplash

"What is wrong with applesauce," Grimalda stated in her best nasally voice.

"Are you OK? You don't sound like your normal self?" Raine questioned the even stranger Mrs. Weiro.

Grimalda trying to hold her temper, replied, "I am feeling a little under the weather; here is your applesauce."

"Fine, I will skip pudding another day," Raine answered.

It seemed strange to Raine, but so did every day with that woman. Grimalda quickly took a break since she was paranoid that the real Mrs. Weiro would return. Grimalda snuck out just before she was spotted. Raine was eating her mundane lunch and took off the apple sauce.

Grimalda came to school and sat at her usual table. Finally, Raine opened the packet of applesauce and started eating it.

Suddenly, Raine's face turned red as her table started to stink. With brown all over her pants, Raine stood up and ran into the lady's restroom.

By CDC on Unsplash

The whole room erupted in laughter, and Grimalda smiled ear to ear with satisfaction. Brainiac noticed Grimalda's reaction and was wrath with messing with Raine Blue. He started to hatch a scheme to make Grimalda pay for her evil deeds.

Social media showed videos and memes of Raine's embarrassing incident. Finally, Grimalda dethroned her as the hottest girl in school. It was ultimately a victory for the great cheerleader, but she secretly feared that Raine would figure it out. Grimalda had more likes making her the hottest girl in school, and she lived the role well for the entire week.

Raine eventually felt better, but the embarrassment was too much. She was trying to figure out how this happened. She was finally admitted to the hospital to ensure she was OK while her friends devised a scheme to avenge the attack. Brainiac knew he had no evidence against Grimalda. So, he concocted a plan to get even with Grimalda.

While in the lab, Brainiac was bringing up the plan to his fellow dorks.

Brainiac starts, "I know Grimalda did this to Raine, and we need to make her pay for her evil ways."

Snickers, giggling, "We could post embarrassing pictures on social media."

Blusher suggested, "If we put salt in her drink instead of sugar, she will hate that."

Grouchy piped in, "No, none of these will make her blink, and Grimalda will still be as popular as ever."

Sneezer sniffled his answer, "Maybe some laxative for her will make her more epic than Raine's. "

Senseless adds, "I would rather see her fall on her face."

Napper concluded, "It needs to be worse than Raines to make it epic like Ipecac and laxatives together; Grimalda will not know which way to go."

Brainiac commented, "That is brilliant, and we need to make our special concoction."

Grouchy replied, "How will we get her to eat or drink it?"

Brainiac sat back in his chair and started to smile. "Tomorrow is cupcakes in the lunchroom, and Grimalda loves them; we can distract her by giving her the poisoned one."

Sneezer blowing his nose, replies, "I will gladly gross her out if Blusher will awkwardly stare too."

"We meet tomorrow, and this day will be more epic than we can imagine," Brainiac spouted.

Snickers continued to laugh and commented," I can help distract too."

Brainiac came to school the next day with a classic-looking cupcake in a particular container. He tucked it away in the lab for the time being.

By Logan Moreno Gutierrez on Unsplash

The day was going as planned, and Raine was back in class. Still, taunts were being thrown about her bathroom issues. She just ignored them and went on with the day. Near lunch, The Dorks went down to get the cupcake, and some of them started to surround Grimalda. She looked horridly at the group as if they had some type of disease. Sneezer started sneezing, and this recoiled Grimalda even more. Blusher started to stutter, and she pushed back.

"What are your problems, you dorks?" Grimalda questioned their intention.

"Now that you are the most popular girl in school, you are so beautiful," laughed Snickers.

"On top of that, hurting Raine in that way was not very smart," echoed Grouchy.

"You have no proof of that, and I am the queen of this school," Grimalda fired back at Grouchy.

Brainiac quickly switched the cupcakes and winked for the dorks to go to their table.

By Natallia Nagorniak on Unsplash

Senseless bumped into Grimalda, but her look just scared him off. Yawning, Napper waved goodbye, and Grimalda was fuming with them. Each sat down at their table and waited for the result. Raine was confused by the anticipation on their faces, but then they were always a little weird. Grimalda was so proud that she did not notice it was not the same icing on the cupcake but announcing it was her sweet for the day. Grimalda gobbled it down and was fine for the next few minutes.

By KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

Suddenly she stood from her table with her face as green as possible. Her pants started to smell and turn brown, with projectile vomit spewing out of her mouth. The phones were out as she could not control either end. Her attempt to reach the restroom was not fast enough, as the whole lunchroom was now laughing at her. Grimalda turned to The Dorks and stated it was them, then ran out. Tears were the last all she saw of her when a teacher went to check on Grimalda in the restroom. Snickers could not help himself at all.

Raine just looked at her new friends and laughed. She hugged them all and thanked them for getting her popularity back.

"So, you knew all along that it was Grimalda and even secretly sabotaged her," Raine thanked them.

"We could not let this one go and let her be the one top when she was so evil towards you all along," Brainiac replied.

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The next thing Duke Crown shows up at The Dork's table.

"You know I always liked you and put you as the hottest girl in school," Duke commented.

"That is OK, all turned out fine, and Grimalda is now the least hot in school," Raine replied.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Duke questioned Raine.

"I would love to after all this peradventure," Raine answered.

Brainiac and the dorks all stood with frowns on their faces.

"Where have you been all this time she was suffering?" Brainiac questioned Duke.

All Duke could do was shrug his shoulders and say, "Well, I am here now."


About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (6)

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  • Teresa Renton9 months ago

    Ha ha! Oh the pictures you conjured up 😂

  • Sian N. Clutton10 months ago

    I loved your name choices; Blue Raine, Grimalda, Mrs Weiro 🤣 All excellent choices. Very clever short story!

  • Awesome 😆❤️

  • Sarah D10 months ago

    Oh great story,,,, Grimalda was pretty but lived up to her name! Read mine?

  • Lol this was too funny and well written! Grimalda was so evil 👿

  • Lol, that serves Grimalda right! I loved all of the Dorks names! Raine Blue was so creative as well as Duke Crown! I loved this story!

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