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Queen of Hearts

A city of lost love

By Shannon van AlstPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - June 2021
Heart Shaped Locket

There was no one left in the city after the blasts. Or so he thought as he continued to scavenge for any remaining food in the area. Where once stood "the greatest city in the world" was now an empty wasteland of what used to be. Buildings that once blocked the sky had become piles at his feet. He only knew survival. He only knew war. He once had peace but he lost that.

He paused for a moment stared up to the hazy sky. He thought about her. The way her hair fell across her face, the look in her eyes when they caught his gaze, he thought of her sly smirk when she was feeling mischievous, and the way her body used to fold into him. He knew as soon as he saw her heart-shaped locket tattoo she was the woman for him. Placed so perfectly on her chest above her heart. He knew this woman would reign as his Queen. For his heart was just as big despite the wars he had fought. He believed in doing the most good and sometimes that came at an immense cost.

Snapping himself out of his daydream he was reminded he needed to focus. He couldn't bear to think if she had survived. Was she still here? Did she fall too? No. No. He couldn't think about that. There was so much to do before nightfall. No time to reminisce. He carried on in the only way he knew how.

There had been so much war leading up to the blast. Rights being stripped away. A "tightening of the system" they called it. "For the people" they said. There was nothing of the sort. Peaceful activism met with brutality. Brutality met with resistance. Resistance led to revolution. Revolution introduced war. Soon what once was, was no longer.

He had met many survivors along the way. He carried this hope with him until he could find her again. She was his mission. She was his way home. With everything lost in the world. He needed to know peace still existed. He needed to know his love was still there.

He traveled as far as he could each day. So many stops. Looking for gas, gathering necessities. Collecting what was available along the way. Avoiding danger or facing danger. His mission was in front of him and he would complete it.

Night was coming, the sun falling to the horizon and the sudden realization of another day passing without her near came over him. He closed his eyes and called to her. She always felt him before. He knew if he got close enough, he would feel her too. He had to wonder. Had the blasts disrupted the natural flow of energy between souls? He had to believe that their power was greater than that. He had to believe that their love could radiate beyond the rational. He had to believe.

Gasping for air he came out of his daze. Chest bounding. Tightening from his sternum to the back of his throat. He knew in that moment. She was there. Was she calling to him? He did not know. Was she in danger? All he knew in that moment was he had never been more overjoyed and afraid. His love, his heart. She was there. She called to him. There was a new fire lit inside of him again. There was nothing he would not do to return to his peace. For the King of Hearts to be reunited with his Queen. Where two hearts join together as one. He would find her. He would never quit.


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