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Population: 111,193,098 Artists

The basics haven't survived.

By Sienna BlackwoodPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Top Story - June 2021
Photo by Miriam Espacio from Pexels

The year was 2051. Cities all around the world were ruled by The Basics.

The Basics covered 99.9% of the population. And how they dressed, spoke, or what music they listened to, was influenced by the common trend of the time.

And then, there were The Artists.

They didn't follow the crowd, and they didn't even follow each other. And if they gathered in groups, they shared their artistic flair, perspectives, and good vibes amongst the others.

They never wanted to stand out. But amongst a society of black and white, they stood out with all their colors of the rainbow.

One day, one of The Artists, Allegra who was a jewelry maker, decided to create heart-shaped lockets.

From the outside, these lockets looked just like every other. But on the inside, they contained 528 Hz; the frequency of love.

Most of The Artists sold their art pieces at the local markets, but Allegra wanted to reach a wider audience — even The Basics.

So she decided to sell her jewelry online.

It didn't take long for the heart-shaped lockets to sell out.

And it wasn't long till The Basics wanted a piece of the new trend.

Soon, Allegra had recruited other Artists to help her create these heart-shaped lockets. But one thing she always kept secret —was the frequency of love they held inside.

It was a strange time to live in because there was suddenly a trend that both The Basics and The Artists wanted to be a part of.

The Artists wanted the heart-shaped lockets so they could put photos of their loved ones inside. And The Basics enjoyed the look of the lockets — never even opening them, to use them for what they were made for.

One day, one of The Basics started a new trend. It was called "The Heartless". Part of the Heartless movement, meant every decision they made, was made with their impulsive urges, lust, greed, and any decision which didn't include the heart.

One by one, The Basics all followed each other on this trend. They also stopped wearing the popular heart-shaped lockets.

And as The Basics became more heartless, they sought deeper into their darkest desires.

This made them more vulnerable than ever before.

So one day, a group of Dark Artists, decided to create simulations of the deepest desires that The Basics had. The simulation tapped into their subconscious — and was able to create a visual of a desire they had.

And as The Basics got close to the simulation, they soon realized — it wasn't real...

At that moment, they fell to the floor, and died, of a heart attack.

The Dark Artists weren't finished yet. They wanted to lure in more of the world.

So they hacked the computers of all the people in the world; including all The Artists.

And again, each person watching the simulation was lured in by their deepest desires. Only to realize, they weren't real.

Though, this time, not all fell to the floor.

But why?

It turns out, the heart-shaped lockets that Allegra made, contained 528 Hz; the frequency of love.

Those who decided to open the necklace and keep a photo of a loved one —had their heart protected by the frequency of love.

And those who wore the necklace for the purpose of a trend — weren't protected by the love frequency.

All of a sudden, the year 2051, was completely wiped of Basics.

And the population of the world was: 111,193,098 Artists.

The Basics who opened the necklaces; survived. It turns out — they were Artists all along.

The survivors walked the streets in shock, hugging each other, crying...but then all of a sudden smiling.

The world was free from The Basics who had taken away creativity, beauty, and love from the world.

But there was one problem though...The Dark Artists still existed...

When The Basics were around, even though they ruled the world, they were predictable. And that is what made them vulnerable in the end.

The Artists, whether dark or not — were Creative.

And that was the scariest thing of all.

Soon, Art became a norm.

What was once different, now became boring.

So Artists pushed boundaries, competed with each other, and Dark Art — became the new norm.

It wasn't enough to create horror films. Artists would perform their creative murder stories in real life.

It wasn't safe to walk the streets, and there weren't any authorities around.

Most people had to think of a creative way to hide, to survive.

It wasn't long until Allegra was fed up with this new world. So she decided to gather all the unopened heart-shaped lockets that were left behind.

She wanted to gather all The Artists of the world into one place, but she didn't know how...

So instead of having The Artists come to her, she came to them.

She sent them all a package in the mail.

The package contained a heart-shaped locket, as well as a letter saying:

"Open this locket. You don't have to try and understand anything, just close your eyes and imagine what love looks like to you".

The Artists, all excited to use their imagination, closed their eyes and imagined love.

Suddenly, there was no longer darkness.

No one was afraid to walk alone at night — because they now walked together.

And in the end, it was love, and only love, that saved them all.


About the Creator

Sienna Blackwood

Creating narratives to entertain and enchant you

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