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Not Home Safe Yet

A Future Mercs Tale: Part 2

By L.RPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Almost out of nowhere an explosion rings out, rocking the helicopter hard, sending any and all loose gear flying. Thankfully I'm strapped in tight and the pilot's fully alert. He yanks us hard left to dodge the next blast, but has to swiftly pull us back before we dive head first into one of the gleaming city towers. An exclamation of shock and awe stutters from his lips as he struggles to bring our ride back under control. My prisoner remains silent though, all colour from their skin drained, bloodshot eyes wide open and unblinking.

Two more missed shots rock us side to side before the pilot pulls hard up. Feeling my gut wrench with the sudden jerk, I watch my captive empty his. The mess of it splashing all over the cabin. I wipe the stinking mess off my face as I unbuckle from the bench and clip my safety strap onto a ring by the door. Now I've got myself into position I swing my rifle up taking aim at one of the pursuing pilots. But with my own suddenly shouting "Incoming!" I swiftly switch targets and pop a shot off at yet another missle fired. The explosion from it blares loudly, but we only have to deal with the sound ringing in our ears, no rocking us around this time.

Once again I take aim at one of the pilots on our tail, only squeezing the trigger when I have his forehead firmly in my sights. No use though, the shot bounces off of the glass. Only sign of me even trying being the scratch left by the bullet fired. Frustrated I let another shot off into the air before taking my eye away from the scope. My pilot spots I've stood down a moment and so yanks us sideways once more, a sarcastic apology yelled along with cackling laughter. Shaken yet again I grab at my gut, feeling the motion in my stomach along with the sharp turn made. A quick glance back at my captive and I see he's almost passing out, his head snapping side to side in the chaos.

An alert from my watch starts vibrating. Must be getting close to the drop point, but with the tail we've got I'm not entirely sure we'll make the landing in one piece. So I grab my captive with one hand, unstrap him with the other and shove the pack of a parachute into his arms as I try to haul him to his feet. Little fucker makes an effort to resist, but quickly backs down after a swift crack to his nose. Now shouldering the parachute he's practically docile, clearly ready for or accepting of the next phase of hell I'm about to drag him through.

"Are you ready?!" I shout over the roar of the helicopter blades spinning. Clamping his eyes shut the captive doesn't say a word. I glance down and out of the cabin searching for a clearing or wide rooftop below. Then I grab him by the harness and jump, throwing us both into the air. In my ear I hear the pilot yell "Holy shit!" as we swiftly fall out of sight.

Not quite the plan I had in mind, I think to myself as we hurtle towards the ground. The lights of the towers flashing by on our way down and the rain appearing to fall upwards as we crash through it. The streets below coming into focus I slip my arms into the parachutes straps, almost higging my captive. Then yank at the ring release and feel the sudden cut to our speed, the parachute billowing out above us. A few feet above the ground I let go, readying my weapon as I hit the street crouched. I hear the captive yell out and look back to see the parachute caught by a lamp post, his feet dangling in the air, the fear in his bulging eyes impossible to miss.

"Press the release fuckwit before you get yourself shot!" I call out glancing at him as I spin around checking every corner for hostiles. I hear him clatter against the tarmac behind me when I spot a truck load of unfriendlies speeding towards us, weapons raised. I pop two shots. One hits the driver and the truck veers off suddenly tipping onto its side, throwing guns and soldiers skidding across the road. A quick glance back and I see my captive trying to make a run for it. I fire a shot. It bounces off the tarmac in front of him and he keeps going. I fire another shot. This time it clips his leg sending him head over heels. I dash over, grab him by the collar and haul him through a shop doorway.

"The fuck do you think you're going?!" I bellow at him, my face barely an inch a way from his. Releasing my grip I push him down hard as bullets start spraying through the window, spinning on the spot I return fire. Shot after shot after shot until my clip is empty. Once again grabbing his collar I pull my captive to his feet and charge out through the back, pushing him along in front of me.

"If you think you're safe with them, think again dickhead. This may be a shit show but at least I don't want you dead.."

Short Story

About the Creator


I mostly find myself here to release creative flair, but also like to pass on what knowledge I can, so the odd tutorial and/or guide worms it's way to the forefront of my mind along the way =)

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  • Novel Allen6 months ago

    So well written, wait, are you the captive or the captor, I am a bit confused. Still part 3 may explain.

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