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No, I'm Not Going To Kill You

A Future Mercs Tales Part 3

By L.RPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

For the first time since I launched us both from that damned office window, the little whiney fuckwit opens his mouth with something close enough to words for me to understand. Almost every syllable stuttering their way out as if he's having to drag them from some where deep inside his throat, "w-what do you-ou m-mean? Th-th-they're my p-people. W-why would th-they-"

"-They stopped being your people the moment you started leaking data to my people. Now if I hadn't of hauled your scruffy li'l arse out of there, I'm damn sure you'd be dead already."

"B-but no one was sh-shooting 'til you turned up," he mumbles dejectedly while vaguely wiping at the sweat dripping from his chin, eyes darting around trying to see everything at once.

"So what?! I hit you with a taser, they came for you with guns. Could just leave you here if you like!" I shift myself as if to get up and go without him. Almost instantly I feel the firm grip of his long fingers wrap around my arm. Glancing down I see the fear in his eyes, both wide open with his lower lip trembling trying to drag some words out again. Before he manages to dribble a word or two a loud crash of gun fire ricocheting above our heads cuts him off, forcing us both to duck back down behind the low wall we stopped at to catch our breath.

"Just stick with me and we might both survive!" I hiss at him before twisting my wrist, clenching my hand over his and pulling to rush us further along the alleyway. The miniskirts of prostitutes, greasy palms of drug dealers and the stench of overflowing bins all swiftly flash by as we zoom passed them. Finally reaching the end I stop before turning us onto the bustling highstreet and scan the crowds, blocking my tag along from stepping out with an outstreched arm. I'm hoping we can lose our tail in the crowds and traffic, but hell even a dive through the sky didn't shake them...


I spin around suddenly and slam the idiot to the ground, firmly placing a knee on his chest, with one hand on his throat while I use the other to hold open his mouth so I can get a look inside. He writhes around trying to break free, eyes practically popping out of his skull.

"Stay still! There's a fuckin' tracker in your mouth!"

I soften my grip with the one hand as he goes limp beneath me, eyes closing, resigned to what he must know is coming next. Using my free arm I slip my bag off my shoulder and pull a pair of pliers from inside.

"Sorry buddy, but this is gonna hurt."

I stuff the pliers in clasping at the only tooth looking recently filled and yank it out before quickly covering his mouth to muffle the scream of pain. As soon as I feel him choke, I let go, rolling him onto his side so he can spit the blood out and breathe. Last thing we need is more eyes on us, but no one turns their heads to check out the commotion. Can't say I'm surprised really, most people would rather keep their heads down and get back to their families than get shot or arrested over anything that doesn't directly concern them.

Now that it's only cameras and any feet they have on the street the arseholes can use to track us, we should be able to lose them without much difficulty. Doesn't mean we're out of the woods just yet though. But at the very least we're a step ahead and not pinging our location to them as we go along.

Better get this guy cleaned up as soon as possible. The crowds may not be interested in us, but any uniforms we come across most certainly would be.

SeriesShort StoryMicrofictionAdventure

About the Creator


I mostly find myself here to release creative flair, but also like to pass on what knowledge I can, so the odd tutorial and/or guide worms it's way to the forefront of my mind along the way =)

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  • Novel Allen6 months ago

    Exciting stuff here. I feel like i am watching a movie. Great writing.

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