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Adventure Fiction

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

In the midst of the chaos, the urgent shout of Ben, the chopper pilot, cut through the deafening sound of the rotor blades. "GET INSIDE!" he bellowed, his voice tinged with desperation. Jack, the photojournalist, leaned perilously out of the medevac's opening, capturing the harrowing scene below with his camera. His commitment to his work outweighed the risk, and he barely noticed when a bullet sliced through his hat, sending it flying.

Even as his own safety was compromised, Jack remained focused, viewing the unfolding tragedy through his lens. The hazy dust and smoke gave the scene an almost dreamlike quality, but the horrors were all too real. Soldiers scrambled, some firing weapons to provide cover, while others, wounded or disoriented, were ushered towards the chopper.

One by one, the injured were loaded onto the medevac, their faces etched with pain and fear. With everyone aboard, the chopper lifted off amidst the cacophony of gunfire and missiles narrowly missing them. As they soared over the dense jungles of Vietnam, Jack gazed down at the serene landscape, marred by the unnecessary violence below.

Upon landing back at base, Ben exploded in fury, grabbing Jack's shoulder to halt him. Blood trickled down Jack's forehead from a grazing bullet wound. "You arrogant jackass!" Ben roared. He berated Jack for endangering both their lives with his reckless behavior, emphasizing the life-and-death stakes they faced daily.

Shocked and chastened, Jack realized the gravity of his actions. It was 1974, and although the war would soon end, Jack, a 22-year-old fresh out of journalism school, had much to learn. This experience marked a turning point for him, teaching him to be more mindful and considerate in the field.

From then on, Jack approached his work with heightened awareness, capturing poignant and evocative images of the war's complexities. His photographs, transmitted via the AP wire, reached audiences worldwide, making him the most celebrated photojournalist of his era. His images, both beautiful and haunting, shed light on a war shrouded in confusion and controversy.

Subsequent assignments took Jack to conflict zones and turbulent regions across the globe. He documented wars, political upheavals, and drug cartel violence, risking his life daily to reveal the truth. Though colleagues hailed him as a badass, Jack viewed himself as merely a conduit, honoring the bravery of those he photographed.

However, love would soon enter his life, changing his perspective. In a war-torn country, Jack met a woman who captured his heart. They married and started a family, and as his children grew, Jack's priorities shifted. The thrill of capturing a defining moment on film began to pale in comparison to the joy of family milestones.

Eventually, Jack decided to leave behind the dangers of photojournalism. He opened a photography studio in town, transitioning from the adrenaline-fueled life of a war correspondent to the quieter joys of capturing life's happy moments.

Years passed, and Jack settled into his new life. The dangers of his past became distant memories, eclipsed by the joys of family and community. Few remembered the fearless young photographer who once hung out of medevac choppers in Vietnam, least of all Jack himself.

One day, Jack's grandson Jake discovered a trove of photographs and awards tucked away in a closet. Intrigued, he spread them out, including the Pulitzer Prize Jack had received for his Vietnam series.

"Papa, what are these?" Jake called out, his voice filled with curiosity. As Jack entered the room, he saw Jake examining the mementos of his past. Inspired by his grandson's interest, Jack decided it was time to share his stories.

"You know, Jake, I wasn't always this old man you see before you," Jack began, his eyes twinkling with memories. "I was young once, full of energy and a little wild." Jack regaled Jake with tales of his adventures, painting vivid pictures of the places he had been and the people he had met.

As Jack spoke, Jake listened intently, captivated by the stories of bravery, danger, and discovery. For Jake, this was a glimpse into a world he had never known, a chance to see his grandfather in a new light.

As the stories flowed, Jack realized that while he had left behind the thrill of photojournalism, his adventures had left an indelible mark on him and now, through his stories, on his grandson as well.


About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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