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La Cupidité Aveugle, Mais La Prospérité Grimpe

Les revenus ne se limitent pas à l’or

By Thavien YliasterPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
La Cupidité Aveugle, Mais La Prospérité Grimpe
Photo by COARSE + FINE on Unsplash

Collecting his traps from the local pond, it upset him that'd they kept getting stolen, tossed on the banksides, and having their catches pilfered. Even placing them immediately after dusk to retrieve before sunrise wasn't helping.

Before heading home, one last trap needed retrieval. Reaching its location, he discovered it was washed up, but with a better catch than he could've hoped for. Sighing a breath of relief, he returned home happily.

"Any luck t'day, Gaspar?"

"The best ever, Élodie."

"Bluegills, bass, catfish, or crawdads?"

"Goose," he presented the water fowl.

"Oh my!" She gasped. "Clip its feathers, I'll prepare some vegetables for a stew tamarrah."

"Sure ting." Sitting in their rocking chair with the goose on his lap and shears in hand he clipped away until something heavy landed on his lap. "Huh, I tink she's a hen."

"What makes you say that?"

Reaching underneath the goose, he pulled out something heavy, "Cause she just laid an e- holy sheeit!" It was stunningly beautiful.

"Is that," Élodie tapped it, "solid gold?"

"Even if it's not, it's still worth its weight."

"What should we do now?"

"Simple," placing the goose down he went to the kitchen, "we extract her gold reserves," he brandished a knife.

Slapping Gaspar before removing the knife from his hands, Élodie chastised him. "Do ya' think she's just filled with eggs? No! Like any hen, she needs time to lay them. If you want an omelet you break a few eggs, not the chicken!"

Rubbing his cheek, he came to his senses, "Well, what daya' propose?"

"A hen can lay eggs, but a brood can lay more, especially if-"

"She has brood! Eureka! You're a genius, Élodie."

"You know what they say, Gaspar. 'A cow needs a bull as a mare needs a stallion.'"

"So, a hen needs a cock!"

"Precisely, now go lay more traps! Get a gander for her so we can start a gander!"

When Gaspar returned the hen had a mate for life. Though it took a few months, their place was chirping with hatchlings. The hens laid eggs, and the ganders passed on the trait to their chicks too.

It wasn't a mine, but they struck gold.

By Mark Vihtelic on Unsplash

Thavien's Token:

This idea about "The Goose & the Golden Egg" was living rent free in my head for days. L.C. Schäfer's "Fucked Up Fairytales - An Unofficial Challenge" gave me the perfect opportunity to evict it.


Short StoryMicrofictionHumorFantasyFableClassical

About the Creator

Thavien Yliaster

Thank You for stopping by. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'm a novice poet, fiction writer, and dream journalist.



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  • Babs Iverson2 months ago

    Awwww!!! They struck GOLD!!!

  • Hannah Moore2 months ago

    More bounty!

  • Novel Allen2 months ago

    Not sure I know this one. I know of a story but it sounds different. Anyway, effed up is another way to go. Wife sure is smart,

  • Was the goose hurt by them in any way? If no, I'll continued reading the story. You'll be thinking that I didn't have this sentiment with the basilisk in your story. For what it's worth, I'm surprised too. Maybe I only feel this way for animals that I've actually seen? Idk man, I'm weird. Lol

  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    I really enjoyed it .It's a funny story about a man who finds a goose that lays golden eggs. Instead of being patient, he wants to cut the goose open to get all the gold at once. But his wife stops him and suggests they wait for the goose to lay more eggs naturally. Eventually, they get more geese and lots of golden eggs, making them rich.

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