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By Sian N. CluttonPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Runner-Up in Unspoken Challenge
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Olivia trembled as she brought her knees to her chest and tried to make herself as small as possible. She lay on the floor in the dark and watched as dust floated down from the wooden slats above her, caught in the beam of light that leaked through the gap in her bedroom door. Her heart thundered, threatening to give away her position as she listened nervously.

Please don't find me.

She heard the footsteps on the stairs getting louder. She pushed herself against the cold wall behind her as her bedroom door creaked open, bringing with it an unforgiving flood of light.

Holding her breath, she placed a hand over her mouth as sweat formed on her forehead. Wide-eyed, she watched as big black boots came into view and stomped their way towards the bed. The sounds of a hurried search filled the room. Toys were strewn in all directions, boxes were searched through. Olivia's heart skipped a beat as the cupboard doors were flung open. Her heart hammered painfully in her chest. The cupboard doors closed again before something heavy fell on the bed, making the mattress bounce above her head.

After what seemed like an eternity the imposing boots turned towards the door and walked towards it. There was a quiet click as the room plunged back into shadow and the door swung shut again.

Olivia waited with bated breath as the footsteps became distant. She let out a slow, shaky breath and shuffled quietly towards the other end of the bed. The dust filled the air and her lungs, threatening to make her cough. Sweat pooled on her top lip as she fought the urge to cough. She reached the foot of the bed and carefully pulled the blanket aside, peaking wearily across the room towards the large oak wardrobe.

It was hard to make anything out in the darkness, shadow blurred the furniture. She blinked into the darkness as her eyes adjusted. A glint caught her eye as a crack of subdued light appeared from the cupboard door as it slowly opened just a crack.

Olivia saw her sister's face come into focus. Her messy blond hair and anxious wide eyes looked out of place amongst the hanging clothes and boxes as she pulled a blanket off from over her head.

Disbelief she hadn’t been found was written all over her face along with a small triumphant smile. Amy opened her mouth to speak.

Olivia panicked, quickly raising her hand to her face and placing a shaking index finger to her lips to signal silence. Her eyes grew wide as they demanded her sister close her mouth again. Amy snapped her mouth shut and nodded emphatically from the ajar cupboard door.

Relief swelled in Olivia’s chest; Amy was notorious for childish impulses, if anything was going to get them caught, it would be her. She studied her sister’s little face as she silently prayed they wouldn’t be discovered.

A little warmth of pride calmed Olivia as she realised what a good hiding spot Amy had managed to find in such a short amount of time.

The girls sat in tense silence and the distant sound of the search continued.

Olivia wished she was closer to her sister, holding her, helping her keep a lid on her anxiety. The yearning to join her in her blanketed hiding space was strong but the fear of getting caught was far stronger.

Amy must have been thinking the same thing as she frowned pleadingly towards her sister.

Olivia shook her head in earnest. Don’t do it.

Amy sat up more and peered around the cupboard door towards the thin beam of light.

Olivia clicked her fingers desperately in an attempt to get her attention. Amy's gaze snapped back towards her with eyes full of longing. Olivia felt guilty as she watched her little sister's chest rising and sinking with fear and anticipation; her little body flinching as she tried to curb the urge to run.

Olivia scowled as Amy's eye pleaded.

Olivia's eyebrows creased together as she realised her little sister wouldn't make it without her.

She pointed with one hand and signalled for Amy to copy her, raising her arm slowly up and down, taking deep slow breaths. A slight look of relief washed over Amy’s face as she intently focused on the task at hand, copying her big sister with obvious gratitude. She wasn't going to last, and they both knew it.

Olivia closed her eyes in defeat. She took a deep breath before motioning her sister to come towards her. Amy had barely moved with Olivia raised her hand, signalling her to stop and placed a finger back to her lips, conveying the extreme importance of moving quietly. Amy slowly uncurled herself as she placed a shaky foot onto the floor and slowly stood up. She turned and carefully closed the wardrobe door behind her. Olivia could see the tension in her little body as she turned to face the bed.

Olivia’s heart raced; now her sister was just three foot of blond hair and scruffy pyjamas, standing there in the dark, waiting to be discovered. Olivia motioned to her to get a move on. Amy began to creep her way across the room, her movements exacerbated and childlike. She had nearly reached the bed when a floorboard betrayed her. The creaking of strained wood seemed to echo around the room.

Olivia's eyes grew wide with fear as she read the expression on her sister’s face immediately. She threw her arm out in front of her and shook her head desperately, begging Amy not to run. Amy stood frozen in the dark, shaking as they listened to the search below them stop. Olivia patted the air slowly, coaxing her sister to move slowly towards her as she heaved herself backwards under the bed to make space for her to get under. She watched Amy’s little ankles and bare feet tiptoe closer and closer. She reached out across the carpet exposing her hand, so Amy knew she wasn't alone. Her sister dropped quietly to the floor and took her hand. She shuffled on her belly as Olivia pulled her in and under.

Amy pressed her back up against Olivia's chest as she wrapped her arms around her protectively. Her poor little heart thundered against her chest as Olivia shushed her, reassuringly.

Olivia was about to praise her sister's bravery when the loud thumping of someone rushing up the stairs filled the room. The girls went rigid. Olivia placed her hand over Amy's mouth as the door flew open with a crash. The loud thumping shoes rushed straight towards them. The mattress lifted off the bed and was flung across the room as the girls began to scream and shriek.

Amy closed her eyes tightly as Olivia looked up at the large silhouette. Large hands grabbed Amy's ankles as she was dragged out from under the slats. Olivia scrambled for her sister’s hand, refusing to let go as a heavy hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her out from under the bed.

Amy shrieked and Olivia burst into laughter as she was tossed over her father's shoulder. She could see Amy under his arm as she laughed and kicked and tried to fight back at their captor - disappointed they had lost yet another game of hide and seek. Olivia giggled, determined she would keep her promise to her sister. One day they would beat him.

Short StoryPsychologicalMysteryfamily

About the Creator

Sian N. Clutton

A horror and thriller writer at heart, who's recently decided to take a stab at other genres.

I sincerly hope you find something that either touches your soul or scares your socks off.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (22)

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  • Rick Henry Christopher 5 months ago

    Fantastic read. Quality work!!!

  • Alison McBain5 months ago

    I was on the edge of my seat in suspense. What a fantastic twist ending.

  • Gerald Holmes7 months ago

    Oh, I really loved this. Filled with emotional tension with a perfect ending. Congrats on placing in the challenge. Well deserved!!

  • Cathy holmes7 months ago


  • Bekah Jimenez8 months ago

    The build up was phenomenal!

  • Libby Laraib8 months ago

    Great Writeup!

  • Sirin Moni8 months ago

    Great story

  • Great story and well deserved accolade

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    The tension you built was perfect. You captured real emotions of the innate fear of being captured. Very well done!!! 🤩

  • Teresa Renton8 months ago

    Just brilliant! ❤️

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    WOW! Masterfully written! Phenomenal job Sian!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Congrats on the TS.

  • Caroline Jane8 months ago

    Wow!!! This is incredible. Well done. I was bolted to every single word. The relief at the end was truly palpable. I smell a winner here!!!! 🏆

  • Donna Renee8 months ago

    ahhh I am so glad that this ended the way it did!! Loved it!!!

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    Flipping heck. I'm glad that ended well. You'd built that up so much, I could feel the blood pounding in my head, I was so tense.

  • L.C. Schäfer8 months ago

    The suspense was real!

  • Lilly Cooper8 months ago

    That. Was. Fantastic! I was worried for the girls and I'm so glad it was a game!

  • Awesome 👍

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Wow. This is amazing. Well done.

  • Hannah Moore8 months ago

    I really hoped, near the beginning, that this is how it would end, but by the end I was so tense I forgot the hope!

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    Well, that was a relief! Great job of boiling the suspense and ending with a twist!

  • Mark Gagnon8 months ago

    Great build-up to a surprise ending. Nicely played!

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