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High Level Killer Elite

The Grooming

By Matthew MikitukPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
High Level Killer Elite
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

This opportunity came by and was too lucrative to pass up.

The mark was of interest to a high level observer. When these offers come up the payoff is enough for 5 lifetimes. The work involves a few players. My network is very extensive after doing this type of baiting, so bootstrapping him would be no problem.

My only action in this scenario was to vet the mark by engaging in his social circle. Because of my vast wealth and knowledge of the big players I'd squeeze in the circle easily.

After gleaning as much as I could I sent my report back to the observer.

With much adulation I was asked to oversee the marks outcome. As I stood behind the two way glass I could see the mark, unconscious in the dental chair. I was really not wanting to see the process for him as my mind imagined dental torture in the most awful of ways. Then much to my surprise I watched as the dentist implanted what looked like a tooth. Almost like a bridge. I was truly surprised. The mark was carted off and I never saw him again. Was easy money, but why was I involved in this? I just could not understand why the observer wanted me to watch this process.

The observer reached out and I had another meeting. The observer gave me an earwig and told me to put it in my ear. I naturally complied. The observer tapped on this tablet-like device and immediately I could hear the marks voice non stop.

The observer pointed out that I will hear everything and even coughing, choking etc.

The tablet-like device was handed to me and the observer taught me how to filter the odd sounds and how to go silent with voice copy to tablet.

I really had a bad feeling. I was deeper, deeper than I cared to be. Then the observer stated I'm now surveillance on future grooming of assassins. The device in the marks mouth was a high tech tracker and audio listening device among a few other tweaks I'll find out later I suppose. One final task was for me to sit on Park bench and feed the wandering ducks and watch for a woman in a puma jogging suit with a black puma hat. Just watching and reporting is all I was directed to do.

A few minutes passed AND I could see the woman with the puma suit jogging by.

Almost as instantly as she started to pass in front of me she grabbed her Cheeks and I'm not referring to her ass cheeks,

and dropped to the ground. Writhing in what appeared to be a headache or toothache she screamed and many other pedestrians stood by and looked on.Then almost instantly she started to stand and dust herself off. Then she broke into a quick pace only to go maybe ten feet and suddenly her head blew apart.This occurred so quickly I could only turn my head slightly to avoid the exploded brain and pieces of shattered teeth from my eyes.

I was shocked, stunned, and then very concerned. So concerned that I checked all my failsafes and backdoor exits, because of the knowledge I gained being a high level operative to always avoid potential threats. Well by the way this was set up and orchestrated in such a timely state,

it was apparent to me that I am now involved with the observers, and this specific observer that provided this contract. As for now my job was completed and another payday to squander away the lifetime fortune I was paid.

I really did enjoy being the best of the killer elite, but now I can foresee so many changes. Then as dark as mud it finally became clear and I understood, my replacement was coming.

Everything else was very ordinary for me again. The mark I'm reporting on is leading what I believe is a normal civilian life. He doesn't appear to be activated yet. This activity of nothing is becoming too peculiar, peculiar in such a way that I fear I'm being kept on surveillance too.

I'm so angry with myself for losing my level headed composure. Snap decisions can get you killed in an instant. Focusing on my breathing techniques my clarity and my gut instincts came back. You know the old saying a killer usually returns to the scene of their crime. Well that does hold true but in a more twisted sense. Every hit, set up, staging and clean up is on my personal body cams. The observer even knows nothing about this or so I believe. This method was for Insurance and Long range planning is why I did this and continued doing this, record and store to an anonymous storage base with cloaked signals and random ciphers of date codes. Now I fear that I too am compromised.

When I chose the path of a killer my observer laid out a garrote, long range sniper bullet, and an hourglass. I was then asked to pick one up and hand it to the observer. I did and he picked up the remaining two items and placed them in a wooden container. This container was nothing more than a wooden block with strange markings and an odd smell and closed the lid. His next words were *This is your fate, no more questions". Shocked but rather glad I didn't die at that moment my breathing started to get back to a regular pace of being in control.

The observer handed me a silicone chip and said to insert it. Completely dumbfounded and again caught off guard to which I provided an awkward where? To which he responded " your eye", and once again feeling awkward and completely feeble, I muttered * ah which eye?To which the observer said in a rather irritated manner * just choose your weaker eye*. Man, I'm not kidding you when I say this but my shirt was leaking perspiration as if I had just ran a 100 yard dash. Mental note to myself, antiperspirant and not deodorant.

I obliged and inserted it in my left eye much like a contact.

Wow, just fucking wow is all I can say. My thoughts were projected in front of me on an invisible screen. Calculations, ratios, hell even images. Realizing I'm in deep now and more than ever, there is absolutely no room for errors, mistakes, lies etc. A game changer for my usual rock steady nerves. Finally the observer said my iniation was complete. Welcome to the observatory. All of your kills had even been documented, screened and graded with the exception of the dental mark. That sorry mark that had an implant set into his tooth for disciplinary reasons. A perfect ruse to have a trip to the dentist for debrief, whilst under the gas. Or even worse, die from a splitting headache.

Repeatedly I was reminded that these marks are my responsibility. Failure to groom this future killer properly will be my demise and erasure. Think like the killer elite you are and accept nothing less than perfection. No longer is my backdoor outs a failsafe, and no longer will I ever be vapor again. The term vapor meant an elusive ghost, spook, ninja, or shadow. My demise has been set in motion. Secrecy is the biggest part of the recruiting and dismissing. And just as the Observer was handing off a small enameled signet dropping into my hand I was suddenly distracted by massive amounts of blood, bone fragments and brain matter splattering all over me.

I was still lost, disoriented and confused for a moment. Finally my clarity came back in full tensile strength. An initiation and transfer of power as I had interpreted from this meeting.

On my way home I picked up a bottle of Glenfiddich 18 year old single malt and thought about tonight. I almost forgot about the enameled pin that was handed to me.

By YesMore Content on Unsplash

Not sure what that meant yet but surmised I should put this on in a discreet area of my vest. Yes I wear a puncture proof vest, actually more like a shirt, enough said. I found a nice spot under a fold and fastened the pin. At that moment, a voice in my head said, "The observatory is fully activated, and not to worry or be concerned with the inner dialogue going on in your head. You will adjust as all Observers have. "

Aside from all of the recent changes within the last week or so, I am comfortable with the telekinetic communication, and oddly my Observers voice speaking to me. The most fascinating aspect of this position I'm in now is the complete foresight I have for threats, interventions, and teaching abilities. My mark is now my student, and this student will ultimately be the best killing machine ever.( Even better than I was/am). Cockiness and confidence along with sarcasm goes a long way in the kill business, not to mention the conditioning of and failsafes of a calm well presented demeanor.

Now that I recount the kills and prep for the more involved and intricate scenarios I did well, not to mention my own accounts of a few close calls, I was never made.

The telekinetic input I'm receiving is astounding not to mention my observer now connected to me. I'm not the spiritual type but for all of the "fortune tellers" out there this is completely stand alone.

On a whim I asked about the triple crown for the following year with my inner dialog. My observer remarked Pete's Princess wins the Triple Crown, but you won't be around to see that if you think of wagering. I easily co.ied and said, I'll follow but will never remark on this again or any other gambles. The observer said ``Your right you wont", then flashed the image I chose of the 3 items from initiation and added my journey would then end into nothingness.

Understood, loud and clear.

Things have been quiet for a few days until I caught a headline about an oil heiress about to Inherit, her father's oil empire in Africa.

The print said the succession of the Heiress was to be sped up to avoid a possible hostile takeover. I put the paper down and image flashes came quickly, along with my student.

What I hadn't realized is that my student was completely groomed months before I saw the implant. This was not what I expected, however I adapted quickly and set out to my meeting with the student. As I was approaching the meet, the plan started to formulate quickly and flawlessly, at least that's how I felt at that moment.

As I approached the student, ( My former mark, and from now on the student) I could sense the fear and concern he was projecting. I provided the name of the target aka mark and the timelines as well as the protocols for all assassins. Then the hardest part was to enforce the importance and repercussions of failure. Failure is not an option at all, unless you want your family tree burned. By family tree I'm referring to Ancestry DNA's chronological timeline from inception. I was watching the beads of sweat streaming from his forehead and the broken composure of a young and upcoming assassin wash away.

As he wiped his brow, I pulled the tablet that was handed to me and logged into Ancestry DNA. I then had the student focus on the tablet, while I suddenly became a wiz at coding, algorithms and ciphers to erase a genetic profile. I asked him to watch the pedestrian on the bench by the goldfish pond. Stay focused on the pedestrian I demanded. Suddenly without warning or hesitation his body slumped over and onto the ground in dull thud. I then had him focus on the ancestry site with the name showing Stevens and soon enough the family tree started to fell names like leaves onto the ground and fade away. The tree itself was rebranded to Stevens "obsolete no entry" and my students face was completely wet with perspiration. Finally at that point it was clear, I owned him, and he knew it too.

The observer then spoke a few words to me about improvements I need to work on and how my consequences too are just as bad. No interference with my student are my instructions and any interference will be completed by the overseers with consequences for both myself and the student.

As the meeting finished a number flashed for me to provide to the student. 75 million dollars plus expenses upfront and when completed 150 million dollar payday. The student now understood the severity and importance.

As I started observing the marks actions and plans. Some smoke and mirror stuff, and some light implanted hypnosis into the soon fallen body guards worked perfectly. They were replaced with ,replica impersonators to finalize the execution. My student was active in this kill op and well suited. I soon understood this prodigy was going to be the best, even of me. The heiresses' bodyguard replicas held perfect formation while she made way to her car. The driver already in place for this op gave the student the signal.

Suddenly rifle fire ripped the still night air and took out the far distant overwatch palace guards. The heiress commanded new formation to the awaiting car. The student rolled up on her car in a Maserati. He quickly exited his car, pulled his pistol and cleared the guards around the heiress in seconds. I've never seen someone draw that fast. The driver jumped into action and drew his scythe from a unique sling and hailed on the students arm. Seemed like this was going to be my demise for failure. Yet once again his arm was undamaged and in lightning speed he blew the drivers head off and the oil heiress succumbed to her death instantly with a bullet in her temple. The student wasted no time and hopped in the Maserati and became vapor.

The reaction time of the palace was below standard and set precedent for future foresight.

Needless to say the merger happened and the papers printed that the oil heiress was a victim of a love triangle and all was left at that.

My student was debriefed and had a cleaning too. ( More on that at a later date).

As for myself, the overseers were pleased and provided the bank accounts and funds for my student, along with accolades for his improvised clean up of his extra men in this hit.

As for now, I'm going to pick up a 25 year old bottle of single malt now.

Matthew M.

Friday Nov 5th 2021


Short Story

About the Creator

Matthew Mikituk

I have addictions, that drives my creativity. Coffee is definately is my current addiction. If you find anything amusing, appalling, upsetting or insightful, that was my goal. Tipping me a coffee truly does go a long way.

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