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Four Greasy Fingermarks

Chapter Four of "Love Requirements"

By Ruth AnnPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Her fingers toyed with the napkin, damn near mangling it beyond repair. Angela ,she thought to herself, a sultry name to match a gorgeous woman. A little shaken from the encounter, Victoria had tucked the napkin away for the entirety of her work trip to Paris. When she landed back in England however, she could barely stop thinking about the number and how desperately she wanted to reach out. Victoria had called the number days later. Her heart nearly beating out of her chest, her voice shook a bit as she called the tantalizing young bartender. Images of her plump lips being pulled across her teeth into a warm smile flashed through Victoria’s mind as the phone rang.


Angela’s agitated voice rang through and woke Victoria from her daze. She realized she had been panting slightly for a few moments. Mortified by her stalker-like start to this conversation, her tongue became twisted as she tried to remember what to say.

“--Hi! I don’t know if you remember me but my name is Victoria. We met while you were working the other day. I was travelling to France and you gave me--”

“Finally you called! I had been waiting, I thought I would go mad or die an elderly spinster by the time you called. How was Paris?”

Victoria was at a loss for words as such a beauty had remembered her and actually was wanton in regards to her. She hadn’t been dressed in any alluring way; in fact, she had been wearing joggers and tracksuit bottoms that had their fair share of take away stains. Her face flushed, a shudder running up her spine.

“It was very productive, my team was able to get to the next stage of the merger and finalize some important aspects. So um.. I’m actually calling to ask you something…” she trailed off. She shut her eyes tight and pursed her lips, trying to force the words out. With a surge of confidence she blurted out an invitation to the cinema this Thursday afternoon. Angela chuckled at Victoria’s shyness and excitedly agreed. She offered to purchase the tickets for the two of them but insisted that the title of the movie remain a surprise until they met and then promptly hung up the phone as to stifle any objections from Victoria

Two days had never gone by so torturously slow and when Thursday evening finally came, Victoria was damn near vibrating with anticipation. She curled her hair in the exact way she had done for her wedding; elegant large spirals that would be sure to captivate any one. She explained that she would be meeting with an old friend and hurried out the door, not really caring enough to hide her nervousness from her husband.

“Are you and this friend settling something? You have been shaking non-stop since I have been home. I should come with yo--”

“NO!” her voice a little too harsh for her liking but she quickly recovered, “You know how it is when you get to together with your old friends...You just want to chat and catch up...We aren’t fighting, I promise” She waddled over to him and shakily kissed his cheek before collecting the last of her necessities and making her way to the carpark.

The movie that Angela had picked was some cheesy romantic comedy poking fun at romantic comedies in an attempt to be unique in the genre. Though the new exciting twist was that the main character had hit her head and entered into a universe full of romantic comedy tropes that she herself fought against the majority of the movie. Victoria almost lost her eyes in the back of her head. The writers must have thought they were so clever ,Victoria thought to herself as she trailed behind to hide her disappointment in her date’s choice of film. They took their seats and to Victoria’s surprise, they were practically the only ones in there. They laughed at the strangeness of it as Thursday was a good night for movies. Angela shrugged her shoulders.

“It must be a bad movie! At least no one will see us snuggling up or snogging ehehe...” She played it off but Victoria couldn’t help but sense her words had some truth in their ambition. The heat coming off of Angela was so furious that Victoria had felt it standing a few paces back in line at concessions.

The movie started and it was indeed terrible, but in a hilarious way. Each character had a redeeming quality and the main love interest surely sparked Victoria’s interest; tall, muscular, and yet strangely innocent behind his bushy beard. She felt a little uncomfortable that she was thinking about how hot this man was when she was on a date with a woman but she quickly threw those thoughts out so as to not seem distant towards Angela. They started the movie far apart and then gradually grew closer. By the end of the movie, they were practically sitting on top of each other. Flushed and frustrated, Victoria excused herself to the bathroom to tidy up before making the trek home.

With a huff, Victoria sat down on the toilet seat. She didn’t really need to use the bathroom. She felt in desperate need for a cold shower mixed with chlorine. What am I doing? She scolded herself This is wrong. I’m not a cheater.He doesn’t deserve this…. Her thoughts drifted to all the days prior meeting Angela and life she was about to break away from: No more early morning pig noise contests; no more late night firefly picnics; no more warm sunday afternoons filled with nothing but each other’s presence. She covered her mouth as her thoughts began to overwhelm her. Her eyes danced around the room. She looked from the hopefully water covered floor, to the depressing tissue dispenser, to the door in an attempt to ground herself.

To her surprise, the otherwise beautifully tailored black door with a golden frame about an inch inside was marked by four little greasy finger marks about shoulder height. Her breathing settled as she focused on the marks. They were slender; definitely a woman’s markings. At first she thought the last person to use this stall simply closed the door with a bit of extra force; perhaps for dramatic effect over an argument. When she stood up to examine them closer, mimicking her own fingers in the direction they were going, she had quickly thrown that idea out of the window. Her wrist was too curved; the angle would be all wrong coming from the outside in such a rush. A sharp twist of her gut came soon after she realised what had granted this fine door such a decoration: passion in a public place! Some lioness and her mate had made their nest and she had marked her territory for good measure. Victoria felt as though she wrecked the sanctity of their passion even though their ownly leaving impression were these four marks.

Victoria still held her hand out, mirroring the marks, and her blood began to boil at her waiting party outside. The image of Angela and her entwined in such a passion that she had to steady herself amidst it all nearly buckled Victoria’s knees entirely. Her mind allowed her to drool over the variety of moans that Angela would make because of her; she could practically hear the desperate and breathy pleads for pleasure. Before she could contain it, a whimper was echoing around her. Much like an old dog waking itself up with its own snoring, Victoria was extracted from her trace by the whimper and her embarrassment grew even more intense. She quickly flushed the toilet to fulfill the illusion, and opened the door. She was ferociously washing her hands as if to wash away the tempting thoughts when the door swung open. In swantered Angela.

“Sorry I took so long, I had to make sure I didn’t look too much of a mes--”

Angela cut her off by pushing her up against the wall beside the sink, and capturing her lips in one confident motion. Victoria could tell how hungry Angela was, and she doubted Pret was the solution. Angela finally broke it off after about a minute.

“Let’s say we go back to my place and give you a real clean up challenge? I bet you’ll be bearing my marks for the world to see after I am done with you.”

Victoria’s lungs couldn’t catch the air they needed to function. Perhaps she had hit her head in the stall and now was living out her own real life pornographic film nevertheless she was excitingly letting Angela pull her into a taxi, willingly being prey to this lioness.

Photo by <a href="">Elise Wilcox</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Short Story

About the Creator

Ruth Ann

A Jersey girl just looking to tell some stories.

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