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Entertain my Delusions

The Pawn Speaks

By Delusions of Grandeur Published 5 months ago 3 min read
Entertain my Delusions
Photo by Hassan Pasha on Unsplash

‘Tell me, do you see ‘life’ as a sort of game?’

‘What? A game?’

‘Yes, precisely. A chess game.

‘You’re mad.’

‘But you haven’t…’

‘Haven’t what?’

‘Haven’t …even heard me out!’

‘Well, I suppose it’s obvious …I’m quite sure, now, that you rocked that boat of yours just a little hard — a little too hard — the last time you went out for a row. Perhaps, you even leaned over the edge far enough out, that, at the sight of your reflection in the water, Nessie, herself, got scared half to death, and abruptly departed from beneath your boat on the lake, which then produced a sort of tsunami from a simple wave — so massive — down its length, that the entire planet shifted on its axis. Just imagine. And, that’s about the time you capsized. You fell right into that cosmic pond of yours, and tore a hole through space-time. And, now, well, you’re trapped in the torus of a ring galaxy, somewhere. Yes, that’s it. You should get yourself checked out.”

“And you’re telling me that I’m the one who’s mad? Don’t be facetious!”

“Well, I’m rather quite serious. What they’d call you, is, ‘in denial.’ But, go on, then, explain yourself — I suppose I can lend an ear; to hear your train of thought; to connect all the wagons — otherwise, blimey, I’m not sure I can reconcile what you’ve just told me. Life, a chess game. Ha! But, go on, explain yourself. I’d like to make sure you are not in need of... well, strong medication. Do tell me more, though. You mean to say, that you volunteered? That you weren’t persuaded, or coerced, or blackmailed, or even bribed? That you went willingly, and on your own accord?’

‘Yes, I volunteered. That’s it. That's it, exactly. I signed up. I pushed some paper. There were, indeed, some checks along the way.’

Why in the hell’d you go and do such a thing?’

'Well, I suppose, that, I couldn’t resist. You see, Sir. With all due respect, of course; here you are sitting down in this comfort, in that chair, sipping that coffee, going about your day to day, and living in this sort of goodie the two-shoes bubble; this: ‘Go on, and tell me: how do you see ‘life?' monologue.' You scribble here, and scribble there, and you don’t really get it, do you? It’s all, rather, designed and constructed, precisely, so as not. to. rock. the. boat. But, I had had enough, I wanted to get in there — right in the water — on the inside, like a sort of pioneer. You can say, to top off our little bullshit talk today, that I was bored as hell. I signed some papers — yes! — and with lightning speed, I set sail.’

‘For what?

‘Well, how about for a cause? You can say, I committed my person to some cause, that was greater than myself. I was a pawn.’

“A what?

“A pawn is just a piece. A piece in the chess game. And, as a member of the board, it asks questions. But the pawn is the lowest ranking member. A dispensable unit.”

What for?

“Well, you see, the game requires the use of your imagination. It is a game that is dolled out beyond the visible universe. And you, well, clearly, simply wouldn't see it. And, most everyone, here and there, and nearly everywhere, they don’t perceive it, either. Like a Force; maybe even, a calling. There is, thus, a lot more to this world of ours than what you can possibly glimpse from out those great big windows of yours, here, for instance, in your bullshit office. But, just imagine, for a single minute, that I made it all the way — to the far end of the chessboard. Suppose, Sir, that I cleared a path straight on through to the other side, whilst few were paying attention. Too busy with their lives to notice any of the subtle changes — in the pattern of movement — or the gravitational pull. I wasn’t beaten, or captured; yet, I sauntered my way across — with just a few close calls along the way. What would you call it, then? What would you call me? An alien? I reckon I gained a rank or two, though, don't you think so?”


About the Creator

Delusions of Grandeur

Influencing a small group of bright minds with my kind of propaganda.

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