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Echoes of Eternity

"When Fate Tangles Hearts"

By Moon GhoshPublished 27 days ago 4 min read
Echoes of Eternity
Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

In the quiet town of Willowbrook, wherein reveal the rolling hills and the whispering forests, rests two souls whom fate destined to meet but time served as their curse. This would be the delineation of Isabella and Alexander's romance, an abstractly real journey sired by emotions fit to seed the unwritten pages of the yet-to-be-written future. Despite how their paths are intertwined together, the passing of centuries would however painfully and loudly tear them apart.

Isabella, now burning inside like a flame in the dim town, was able to find a piece of mind and joy in the flux of life outlined as a secret. Her emerald eyes, green as ancient woods barking into thousands to mark the Willowbrook, were the windows to a world where lessons hold hands with dreams in the tiniest, yet most significant, tapestry of hope and longing. The tittering that flowed from her lips was the duet that betrayed the joy that lit her face. The rippling laughter ran down the cobblestone paths like a stream of warm sunlight coming straight from an open heart that was full of love and kindness. Within the caress of the nearby bookstore, during the period that the smell of ink and parchment interspersed with the dream of a future world of desires, Isabella discovered her sanctuary where she got involved in stories that were parallel to the dreams of her own still wild soul.

While Alexander crafted paintings with a stoic style and emotions weaving in, his touch strokes brought out the vivid sceneries. In the gar of his sea green eyes, a stormy sky and a cryptic past got seemingly lost making them look like calm blue waters. He, in particular, liked to spend the time when he was out and about, drawing the beauty of the old town square.

It was when these paths met one autumn day, particularly cold, that Isabella happened upon Alexander Art Show. Drawn by his creation of beautiful things she walked up to him, sparking a conversation that marked the beginning of a deeper relationship. The dialogue concerned art, literature, and the mystery of whatever created a link between the two lovers until the shrinking light reminded them that the whole thing was simply part of their imagination which would vanish at any time.

From day to day, they got closer, their relationship cemented by mutual desires and unarticulated feelings flowing between them. Beatrix may escape from the harsh silence of the power to Alexander’s strong and silent understanding. Surprisingly, Isabella is Alexander’s muse, who finds her inspiration from his ability to communicate without speaking. The hearts of these two people were like one emitting the sound of cosmically two stars in the night sky, meant to come together but hindered by forces outside of their control.

With the coming of winter to Willowbrook, and a blindingly cold white snow draping the trees, Isabella and Alexander both felt a presence and a power that seemed to come from somewhere deep within them, rather than from anything they could explain. A multitude of hidden moments under frostbitten trees and warm hearths were created by these two which was their signature or flower of eternal love. Every stolen kiss would be a proof or bearer of their secret love which remained intact throughout the centuries!

Yet, unchaining their cruelty by fate, the self-lord seemed indiscriminate. Little did the Forerunner know, he was making an oath nigh on millennia-old by uttering a secret from his past, of a life that was no more. And as memories that pulsated in the echoes of forever resurfaced he retreated, fearing that the outcome of going against destiny would end horribly.

Although heartbroken but determined, Isabella plunged into the dusty town’s archives, hoping to uncover the truth amongst the neglected manuscripts and dimmed portraits. The stories of love that had transcended boundaries even of time were rumored to be star-crossed lovers who had defied time, and their love was believed to have been immortalized in the tales that had been passed down from one generation to another.

Isabella now was fully aware of who she was and having absolute faith, she rushed to find Alexander beneath the majestic oak tree where it all started, the very oak she planted eons ago. She witnessed him there, completely entrenched in the world of thoughts and reminiscences, his eyes looking like a mirror of a love that might never be.

Around all the shaking she held a timeworn book to him, the lined site filled with poems of love that overshadowed time. She lived through love stories where partners met by fate and offered each other great sacrifices and irresistible allure beyond the realm of death.

Her conviction has made him angry. As a result all that he was and all that he had led to his death. He wrapped both hands around hers while through another dimension, they were reminding each other of the long trail that they have been following over time. In the blink of an eye, they found each other and this was the proof that time and destiny were not dominating their wills anymore.

The presence of love of these couple was so strong that they became a legend in Willowbrook and their love story was recited under stars by lovers and painted into paintings and poems forever. Isabella and Alexander, that kind of irresistible magic where mismatched characters desperately meet, taught the world that love is a measureless constant.

And as the planet turned its wheel and centuries progressed, his love went beyond bound and flickered in endless eternity, and a sign for those who dared defy the torturous hand of fate.


About the Creator

Moon Ghosh

Content writer and marketer helping entrepreneurs achieve organic growth. Loves reading, eating sweet, and having insightful conversations. Seeking projects that ignite my content creation journey!

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