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Did the historical Jesus exist or was he a Roman hoax?

There are no specific Roman historical records about the life of Jesus. Most information about Jesus and his impact comes from the Christian accounts found in the New Testament of the Bible.

By Ricardo de Moura PereiraPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Did the historical Jesus exist or was he a Roman hoax?
Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

The historical existence of Jesus is widely accepted by most scholars and historians, both religious and secular. Although the life of Jesus is mainly known through the New Testament accounts of the Bible, there are also some references to him in non-Christian sources of the time.

The New Testament Gospels, written around the first century, relate the life, teachings, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. In addition, there are some references to Jesus in writings by Roman and Jewish historians, such as Flavius Josephus and Tacitus. However, it is important to note that there are scholarly debates surrounding certain aspects of Jesus' life and the interpretation of the texts. Some scholars question the historicity of certain events or teachings attributed to Jesus in the gospels, while others defend their authenticity.

Overall, most historians consider Jesus to have been a real historical figure whose influence and impact on the world are undeniable. The idea that he was a "Roman hoax" is not widely accepted in academia. However, as in any historical field, it is always important to approach the subject with a critical eye and examine the available evidence.

Importantly, the figure of Jesus had a significant impact not only on the Christian religion, but also on Western history, culture, and philosophy. His central teaching on love, compassion, and ethics has influenced countless people throughout the centuries.

Although there are different interpretations about the divine nature of Jesus, his existence as a historical figure is widely accepted and supported by historical evidence. Believing that Jesus was a "Roman hoax" contradicts most academic and historical research on the subject.

However, it is important to remember that religion and history are complex fields with diverse perspectives and interpretations. Some people may have different opinions or beliefs based on other sources and interpretations. It is always helpful to examine different points of view and approach the subject with respect and consideration.

The historical origin of Jesus as told by the Romans


There are no specific Roman historical records about the life of Jesus. Most information about Jesus and his impact comes from the Christian accounts found in the New Testament of the Bible. The Gospels, written by followers of Jesus, are the main sources for understanding his life, teachings, and crucifixion.

However, there are some indirect references to Jesus in non-Christian sources of the time. For example, the Roman historian Tacitus mentions Jesus and the followers of Christianity in his work "Annals," written around the beginning of the 2nd century A.D. Tacitus relates the events related to the emperor Nero and the burning of Rome, where he mentions the persecution of the "followers of Christ."

Another reference is made by Flavius Josephus, a 1st century Jewish historian, who mentions Jesus in his book "Jewish Antiquities". However, there is some debate about the authenticity of these references, as it is believed that parts of them may have been added or changed later.

Therefore, it is important to note that the Roman accounts of Jesus are limited and indirect, and most of the information about him is found in the Christian texts. The Roman historical records do not narrate the historical origin of Jesus comprehensively.


About the Creator

Ricardo de Moura Pereira

I love to read writing and watch many documentaries in history, to have more knowledge in all science.

I work with digital marketing, and create articles for newspapers and marketing content.

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