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Bearer of The Death Certificate

It all started one foggy morning when Mrs. Jenkins, the town's oldest resident, passed away peacefully in her sleep

By Jackmiko99Published 29 days ago 2 min read

In the small town of Willow Creek, there was a legend whispered among the locals about the bearer of the death certificate. Nobody knew who this mysterious figure was or where they came from, but whenever someone spotted them, it was said that death was imminent.

It all started one foggy morning when Mrs. Jenkins, the town's oldest resident, passed away peacefully in her sleep. As her family gathered to mourn her loss, a strange man appeared at the doorstep, holding a piece of paper in his hand. He introduced himself simply as the bearer of the death certificate.

At first, Mrs. Jenkins' family was confused. Who was this person, and why did he have a death certificate for their beloved matriarch? But as they looked closer, they realized that the certificate bore Mrs. Jenkins' name and the date of her passing, signed by the town registrar.

Despite their shock, the family accepted the certificate, and the bearer of the death certificate vanished into the mist as quickly as he had appeared. From that day on, whenever someone in Willow Creek was about to die, the bearer would show up with the death certificate in hand.

Some said the bearer was a guardian angel, warning people of their impending fate. Others believed he was a grim reaper, come to collect souls when their time was up. But most folks just saw him as a strange and mysterious figure, part of the town's folklore.

One day, young Timmy Wilson fell ill with a rare disease that had no cure. His parents sat by his bedside, praying for a miracle, but deep down, they knew their time with him was running out. And sure enough, as the sun began to set, there was a knock at the door.

Timmy's parents opened it to find the bearer of the death certificate standing there, solemn and silent. He handed them the certificate, and without a word, he turned and walked away into the darkness. Timmy's parents knew then that their son's time had come.

As the years passed, the bearer of the death certificate continued to make his appearances, always at the moment when someone's life was about to end. Some people feared him, while others welcomed him as a sign that their loved ones would soon be at peace.

But no matter how people felt about him, the bearer of the death certificate remained a constant presence in Willow Creek, a reminder of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. And though his true identity remained a mystery, his role in the town's history was forever etched in the minds of its residents.


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