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Angel Of Death

The Tale Of One Shunned

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished about a month ago Updated 30 days ago 3 min read
An AI Creation By The Author

Angel of Death

That is what they call me, the name they know me as

I don't kill people, or harm them, they do that to themselves. I may put them on the patch and give them ideas, but I have never harmed a person or an animal. I am not dangerous.

I have been here forever

Before The Big Bang that supposedly birthed the Universe

Before Life

Before Humans

Before they invented their Gods

I had some input into the Bible, including blaming Eve for the fall and giving men a divine reason to mistreat women, but I never did anything wrong, that was the humans who listened to me.

I never forced them to do anything, I believe that they were not very nice to start off with.

The Bible is a complete fairy story put together by humans to justify their worst traits in the name of their imaginary Deity.

They probably blame me for Cain killing Abel.

If I am near, people become sullen and morose.

I am the reason your mood sinks from joy to morbidity.

When they wrote their holy book I told them that slavery, stoning to death for trivialities was acceptable. Sacrificing your children to an imaginary deity was run-of-the-mill and more than acceptable.

They made Cain slay Abel, which left Adam, Eve and Cain, not the ideal start to the human race, but I suppose that is what you call artistic license.

That wasn't me.

I think "Angel Of Death" is over-the-top nomenclature for me and what I do.

As I have said I have never hurt a thing.

I do promote greed, covetousness and jealousy, because, well, those things make humans far more interesting.

I mean it starts with one person wanting something that someone else has and then that can escalate into full-blown gang fights or even wars with lots and lots of collateral damage.

Sometimes it's just about trying to prove superiority by hurting or frightening others, so they will do what the aggressor thinks they want.

Again I have to emphasise, that these are not my actions, it is just what humans do when I am in their vicinity.

They could actually do things that would be beneficial to all, but that would bore me.

I now have them destroying the very environment that keeps them alive, and they blame others for anything that goes wrong.

They have a new God now, it's called money and all resources are mobilised in pursuit of that.

There is enough in this world to provide everything for all, but that won't happen, because as I pass by I will spread a few deadly sins and people will start to see others to blame for their misfortunes.

I am an Angel of Darkness but not an Angel of Death.

You have to give me some credit.

I encouraged them to let that virulent plague out of the laboratory and nearly wiped out the lot. The blame and idiocy that resulted and is still ongoing from that was a huge surprise, but a few resourceful individuals actually did something to control it, this was no Black Death.

Still, there's more than one way to skin a cat....

It makes me smirk to see these billionaires building shelters against a nuclear disaster. What moron wants to live in an underground shelter for the rest of eternity?

I will take a wander out today and cause even more distrust, blame and hate and the results will drive the earth a little closer to the forthcoming precipice of disaster.

Armageddon and Ragnarok have been ordered.

Yours sincerely


Short StoryHumorHorrorFantasyCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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  • Christy Munson30 days ago

    My subscriptions are overflowing with thought-provoking pieces today! Love that, and loved your story. Totally agree that "money is the new God" but I'm not sure it's just "now" becoming so. But then again, "now" is relative. I love the notion of Death and the AOD as instigator, not necessarily doer. Much to ponder there! Also, quick fyi - spotted a possible typo or else regionalism - yours to fix/not fix as the case may be. "mod" might mean "mode"? Cheers!

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Money is definitely the new God now. Loved your story!

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