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An unforgettable moment of my childhood.

Spending a vacation in amazing land is memorable; I wish those days would come back.

By Kamran Mehmood Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Every year, we anxiously anticipated summer vacation because we were going to visit our grandparents in the lovely city of Kohat. It is known as the city of mountains because there are tremendous mountains around, and people build houses and live happy, healthy lives there. Even in the middle of the summer, the weather was comfortable and pleasant.

So this time we decided to go there as well, and after convincing our parents, we were all overjoyed to hear the news. We couldn't sleep that night since we were too excited to make a plan and discuss the gorgeous valley. Our mother was busy packing. So, finally, that morning arrived, and we were ready to leave; father came with a rented vehicle, and we rushed to sit in it; I chose the window seat so I could view the magnificent scenery along the route; we first arrived in the land of grass known as the Valley of Siab, After an hour of driving, large gigantic mountains filled the road, towering trees touched the sky, and all-around green grass spread, I looked out the car window and my right hand was handshaking with air all the way, and my hair was flying like twigs in the air. Several gardens spread over the valley, and lovely trees greet visitors.

Finally, after one and a half hours of driving, we arrived at our destination; it was morning time in the village because we had left our home early in the morning when the sun had not yet risen; the people of this beautiful village woke up early and left home for chores, and women finished housework early and went to mountains to woods for fires and to take care of fields or gardens.

Our grandparents also had a lovely garden with a variety of fruit trees, including blueberries, apples, guava, and pomegranate.

We spent the entire day there and returned home in the evening; this time, we rested, ate delicious homemade sweet biscuits, and drank pure goat milk before I decided to go to the gardens; my parents insisted that we go all together, but I couldn't wait any longer and went to the gardens with my cousins and sister; however, when I arrived, the garden was in terrible condition; plants were dying, flowers were withering, and pollution was all around as if no one had come here for decades, I felt agitated and returned home to enquire from my grandparents. I began yelling, and my parents were taken aback and said, "What happened, son?" My granny informed me that their gardener had died, and because we are so old that we are unable to care for such a large garden, the condition has worsened.

I realized this and decided to restore the beauty of the garden in these vocations. When I informed my parents about my idea, they were pleased, and we all agreed to give different responsibilities at night. I thought about the garden and its renovation all night.

The very next morning, My sister was allocated to watering the plants, my other cousins were responsible for natural fertilizer which was dunk of animals (cows, buffalo, and goats), and I was assigned to whiting all tree twigs, and my parents were in charge of cleaning all gardens. One worker was contracted to rebuild the water channel so that rainfall could flow freely to all plants.

Our grandparents brought us delicious Samos's at 10 a.m. with hot pure milk tea, which relieved all of our tiredness, restored our energy, and allowed us to resume our duties; at noon, they brought us delicious launch, which was local chicken and soup, which we first ate a large amount of and drank pure fresh well water and took showers in, then we took some rest in the massive tree shadows, where birds were singing and bees were buzzing, so we could enjoy I had the feeling that enormous trees and little plants were all delighted as a result of our efforts, and all the other creatures thanked us. After an hour, we resumed our work and completed it before sunset.

We couldn't believe our eyes since the garden had been transformed into a lush, gleaming paradise, with everything looking gorgeous and faultless.

My grandparents held me in their arms and kissed my forehead, for the first time in my life I felt satisfied, and my parents' eyes lit up with pride for me.

The next day, when I arrived at the gardens, I was greeted by all of the trees, birds, and other creatures, and I was proud of everything. We ate a lot of blue barriers and apples because it was the season for these fruits.

Soon our holidays ended, and the days passed so quickly but I was glad we had restored our farmhouse to its original conditions I couldn't forget these memories, and I still smile when I remember them.

Short Story

About the Creator

Kamran Mehmood

Freelance content writer,Ghost writer| Teacher

Reading and writing are my cognative enhancers.

writing of orginility

Trying to explore world with beautiful words.

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