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A Tale of Betrayal in a Sentient Forest

The Silent Guardians

By Anthony ChanPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Special Thanks to Meha Rekar for Photo on

In a quaint neighborhood nestled on the outskirts of town, there lived a jolly vagrant named Tommy. Despite his homeless status, Tommy was beloved by all who knew him for his cheerful demeanor and willingness to help others.

Tommy's days were spent running errands for the neighborhood residents, from mailing parcels to purchasing groceries. In return, he earned tips to buy food and clothing from the local thrift store. His errand business boomed as the neighborhood depended on him, and Tommy managed to save some money at a local bank with the dream of one day renting a tiny one-room apartment in the area.

But for now, Tommy was content to sleep in his tent after showering daily at the local YMCA before returning to the sentient forest he called home. He felt a deep connection with the trees, believing they watched over him like family and calmed him down every night as he settled into a deep sleep. Luckily, Tommy lived in a warm part of the country, so weather was not a problem for him throughout the year.

One day, Tommy received word from a local neighborhood guy, Joey, that a one-bedroom apartment would soon open nearby. Excited to find this opportunity, Tommy eagerly withdrew $200 from his savings to secure his spot in the apartment.

However, as he returned to the forest to prepare to meet with Joey, tragedy struck. Tommy was ambushed by Joey, who had followed him to the forest intending to steal his deposit money.

Suddenly, Tommy felt a blow to his head and then another blow. His head throbbed with pain as he struggled to stay conscious. Darkness threatened to overtake him, but he fought against it, clinging to the fading light. He tried to run and escape whatever danger lurked in the forest's shadows, but his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive.

Tommy heard a rustling sound through the haze of pain and confusion, like leaves whispering secrets in the wind. The trees, his beloved friends, seemed to murmur in concern, their voices blending into a soothing melody that caressed his troubled mind.

"Tommy," the trees whispered, “stay with us. You are not alone." Hope lurked in the air, but suddenly, Tommy felt another hard blow to his head. At this point, the lights went out for Tommy.

Even with tremendous effort, Tommy could not open his eyes. The trees leaned closer, their branches swaying in a silent dance of empathy and concern.

"What happened?" Tommy managed to croak, his voice barely above a whisper.

"An evil man entered our home," the trees replied, their voices resonating with a deep sadness. "As we sensed danger approaching, we tried to warn you."

Tommy's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. Someone had attacked him and robbed him of his chance at a better life. Anger flared within him as he felt his life was slipping away.

"Can you help me?" he asked the trees, pleading.

"We will do what we can," they replied, their branches reaching out to gently cradle him. Tommy managed to sit up with their support, his head still swimming with pain.

"Thank you," he whispered, with tears of gratitude filling his eyes.

As the night wore on, Tommy drifted in and out of consciousness, his mind filled with visions of the life he had hoped to build in the neighborhood. Tommy’s last words were: “Thank you, my friends," and his voice was filled with gratitude. "I will never forget your kindness."

Sadly, Tommy did not survive the night and never woke up the following morning.

The next day, Joey came back to check on Tommy, and after realizing that he had died, he decided to bury his body deep within the forest to hide the evidence.

Weeks passed, and Tommy remained missing despite the neighborhood's search efforts. Detective McClory, however, refused to give up on the case. With the help of the sentient forest, he eventually discovered Tommy's body, as the trees (using their deep roots) raised his body from beneath the ground!

Joey was nabbed and caught red-handed, as Detective McClory confirmed his fingerprints all over Tommy's body. He was convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of his days in jail for his heinous crime.

Thanks to the sentient forest and Detective McClory's persistence, justice was served. Tommy's life was avenged! Though Tommy was gone, his memory lived on in the hearts of those who had known and loved him.

As the neighborhood slowly healed from the tragedy, they took solace in knowing that nature's loyalty had prevailed, helping to solve the senseless murder of a kind man and locking up Joey behind bars where he belonged.

Short Storyfamily

About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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