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A Journey Through Time and Religion

The Consequences of Meddling with History

By aly suhailPublished about a year ago 6 min read
time travelling

I am Cathy, a historian and technology enthusiast. From a young age, I was fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations and religions, and their profound impact on the world. As I grew older, my passion for a history only deepened, and I pursued a degree in ancient history and religious studies.

But I was not content to simply read about the past - I wanted to experience it for myself. That's why I became a technology enthusiast, specializing in cutting-edge time travel technology. It was a risky and controversial field, but I was determined to push the boundaries of what was possible.

My hard work and dedication paid off, and soon I developed a state-of-the-art time machine. With it, I could travel back in time and witness the most important events in history firsthand. I knew that this technology was too powerful to be kept to myself, so I began to use it to teach others about the past.

But my greatest adventure was yet to come. As I delved deeper into the study of ancient religions, I became obsessed with the story of Jesus. The more I learned about him, the more I wanted to meet him and learn from him directly. I knew that this was a risky endeavor, as the historical Jesus had long since passed away. But with my time machine, anything was possible.

My journey took me to the far corners of the world, to remote locations and ancient ruins where Jesus had once walked. I poured over ancient texts and artifacts, piecing together clues to his life and teachings. Finally, I discovered a hidden location where it was rumored that Jesus had spent his final days. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I activated my time machine and set off on the most important journey of my life.

It all started when I was researching ancient texts for my doctoral thesis. As I was reading through some obscure writings, I came across a cryptic reference to a group of followers who had helped Jesus escape the authorities and go into hiding. Intrigued, I began to investigate further.

At first, I hit dead end after dead end. The texts were vague and contradictory, and there was little physical evidence to go on. But I was not deterred. I knew that if I could just find a single clue, it might lead me to the truth.

Finally, after months of intense research and analysis, I uncovered a small piece of information that gave me hope. It was a reference to a specific location in the Middle East, where Jesus was rumored to have spent his final days before disappearing from history.

Using my extensive knowledge of history and cutting-edge technology, I set out on a perilous journey to find this location. I had to navigate through treacherous terrain, avoid hostile forces, and use all my wits to stay alive. But I was driven by my passion for the truth and my desire to meet the historical Jesus.

When I finally arrived at the location, I was surprised to find that it was a remote and inhospitable corner of the Middle East. The terrain was harsh and unforgiving, with scorching heat during the day and freezing temperatures at night. It was clear that this was not a place that many people ventured to.

But as I delved deeper into the area, I began to realize that the situation was even more complicated than I had expected. The followers who had helped Jesus escape the authorities had formed a secretive cult, and they were not eager to let outsiders in. I had to navigate a series of dangerous tests and challenges to prove my worthiness before I was allowed to meet with Jesus.

All the while, I knew that my actions could have profound consequences for the future. If I brought Jesus back to the present day, I would be changing history in ways that were impossible to predict. But I was determined to do whatever it took to learn from this remarkable man and understand his teachings. The journey that followed would test me in ways I never could have imagined, but it would also reveal to me the true power of faith and the human spirit.

When I finally did meet him, it was a moment that I will never forget. I had imagined this meeting for years, but the reality was beyond anything I could have anticipated. Jesus radiated an aura of calm and wisdom that seemed to fill the space around him. His eyes were piercing and compassionate, and I felt like he could see right through me.

We talked for hours, discussing everything from his teachings to the events of his life. He spoke in parables and metaphors, but his words were filled with meaning that resonated deep within me. I could feel myself being transformed by his presence as if a part of me was being reborn.

But even as we talked, I was conflicted about what to do next. I knew that if I brought Jesus back to the world, I would be changing history in ways that could have unforeseeable consequences. Would he be accepted or rejected by the people of our time? Would his message be corrupted or misunderstood? I couldn't predict the future, but I knew that I had a responsibility to consider the potential consequences of my actions.

In the end, after much reflection and discussion with Jesus, I decided to bring him back with me. I was convinced that the world needed his teachings now more than ever and that his message of love and compassion was more relevant than ever before.

The journey back to the present day was not easy. We faced numerous obstacles and dangers, including hostile forces and treacherous terrain. But we were determined to make it back safely, knowing that the fate of the world was at stake.

As we stepped out of the time machine, the first thing I noticed was the strange hue of the sky. It was a surreal shade of purple, and the air felt different, charged with electricity. The people around us were dressed in bizarre, futuristic clothing, and they stared at us with a mix of fear and awe. It was clear that we were no longer in our own time.

As we ventured further into the city, I realized the gravity of my mistake. The world had changed drastically. The religious tensions I had hoped to ease had only been exacerbated. It was clear that the mere presence of Jesus in the future had set off a chain reaction of events, resulting in a dystopian future. I felt the weight of the responsibility for my actions.

But I knew I couldn't give up. I had to make things right. I quickly realized that the only way to restore balance was to erase the memories of those who had learned of Jesus' existence. I needed to return him to his hiding place and make it as if he had never left

The journey to take Jesus back was long and arduous, and I encountered countless obstacles along the way. But with the help of my trusty time machine and my unshakable determination, I managed to undo what I had done and set things right.

As I traveled back to the present day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that everything was back to normal. The journey had taken a toll on me, both physically and mentally, but I knew that I had accomplished something great.

As I stepped out of the time machine, I was immediately struck by how different everything looked. The world was brighter, more vibrant, and more alive than ever before. The air was sweet with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue.

It was as though the world had been reborn, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me. But even as I savored the moment, I knew that I had learned a valuable lesson. The past was a delicate thing, and meddling with it could have serious consequences.

As I reflected on my experience, I realized that I had been incredibly lucky to witness the teachings of one of the greatest religious figures in history. But I also knew that my actions could have led to disaster.

From that moment on, I made a promise to myself never to meddle with the past again. It was a valuable lesson that I would carry with me for the rest of my life, and one that I hoped others would learn from as well.

In the end, I realized that it wasn't just the destination that mattered. It was the journey itself, and the lessons that I had learned along the way. And that was something that no amount of danger or risk could ever take away.

FableShort StoryHistoricalFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

aly suhail

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (3)

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  • Safeera Satharabout a year ago


  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    I wrote a similar piece but didn't publish. Wow, so similar it's weird. I was inviting Jesus back every 10 years. Great read.

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    Wow that was such an interesting way to end it! I liked how you explained the consequences of the choice.

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